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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. I can and do. ????
  2. I think it could have all been done in 1 day but this arrangement was organised by the Dr and hospital, so it suited me. The hospital/medical/chemist actual cost for Thursday/Friday was B20000. So the B40000 was the hospitals rough estimation. Dr removed one small polyp from the stomach and confirmed Diverticula in the Sigmoid and Ascending colons. He said I could have been losing a cup of blood when the pockets in the colon became infected, so that's probably why I felt off some times. I can't remember exactly what he said, but more fibre in the diet seemed to be the answer. I see him in a couple of weeks. Thanks again Sheryl.
  3. Follow up report. Thursday travelled to KKU and had: blood test, Covid test, X-ray and EKG. For next day had to report to 4th floor of AHC (After Hours Clinic) at 0830. Stayed at KKU hotel and had a small meal at the KKU hotel. 0300 started the 4 liters of water and medicine to clear the insides. Had the procedures, no problems and all very professional and supportive. Dr Phisan visited later with wife and explained the findings. Allowed out after 2 hours of recovery, walked to carpark and wifey drove home. Overall a good experience. If you have to go for an Endoscopy and/or colonascopy and live near KKU I would recommend the AHC and Dr Phisan. ????
  4. Well organised store room. Love to know how they get duty free orders from China.
  5. Looks like he's on the same diet that Marlon Brando was on ...WW&S.
  6. Is it the same two girls behind the satellite dish?
  7. Mine was during a cricket match and hit on the pad with a fast bowl. Couldn't run after that and got a runner. After the game and I cooled down was when it really hurt, so off to the dr. and broken knee diagnosis, then leg in plaster for 6 weeks.
  8. I was thinking a broken Pattelar. That's what I had with a broken knee. Me and the Nordic Walking sticks this morning. ????
  9. I broke a knee years ago and it took a while to heal, but it did and I got back to jogging. Now (much later) I do about 5 km Nordic Walking nearly everyday. Takes some of the pressure off my back and other knee scar tissue problems. There are videos on Nordic Walking if you search. Because you use walking poles, by changing the height of the poles or where the poles hit the ground, you can change the muscle target group and stride length. Because you use your arms, upper body and lower body, you are supposed to burn twice as many calories as normal walking. There's also Aquaaerobics. Helps if you have a pool or your area pool has classes. There are hour sessions on YouTube channels and many free. You can do HIIT Aqua and buy some water dumbells and a flotation belt for the deep end. I find that 45 min Advanced Aqua with dumbells makes me sweat and gives a great workout. Another thing you may check is that you don't have too much scar tissue growing around the knee. You would probably not have this with a broken knee. A good physio knows how to break this down.
  10. What is a power 'frequency converter' and why do they put them in aircons, refrigerators etc.? Do you mean an inverter?
  11. What did the nut say to the screw? "No! Not without a washer you don't."
  12. Had been having bowel and stomach habits changing. Sheryl recommended Associate Professor Dr Phisan at Khon Kean University Hospital (KKU), After Hours Clinic. Saw Dr Phisan last week and booked in for a Covid/EKG/Blood test Thursday and Endoscopy and Colonoscopy on Friday. Cost for medicine and all tests B 40000. KKU After Hours Clinic is a beautiful new modern facility and part of Khon Kean University Hospital. Initially que up to get a dr. visit number (Thai/Farang ID card is accepted and actually works in their computer system). Vital signs checked, then wait for Dr, about 1300 hr. I already had results of a complete blood test and stomach cancer check, which were all in spec. Saw Dr. Phisan, checked me over and made my scope appointment and chemist gave medicine. There is a large area to sit while you wait, food trucks and parking near the hospital with a shuttle bus connection. KKU also has a new hotel close by for around B 900/night (connected by shuttle bus). Ideal for us living 2.5 hours from the hospital. So plan A is to drive to the hotel Thursday, shuttle to the hospital and do the hospital tests, then Friday have the proceedure and Wifey drive home.
  13. In Thailand. How do I watch the Swans win from a non-pay site? Have VPN.
  14. Now that has to be The Worst Joke Ever. ????
  15. For around 3m3 it's easier to get a cement truck. Good preperation, truck in, job finished. I'd go for a strong mix and reo, just incase you want to put heavier weight on it in the future. Doing it with a mixer is good fun but takes a while. (Also probably going to have more animal footprints on it). ????
  16. Is it the 2 nude girls having sex behind the satellite dish?
  17. I think you're right. Took me all nite just looking at that pic...and now I'm right too. ????
  18. Dare I say it ....Cheap Charlie. ????
  19. I'm not sure about that. Bought a Pattaya house for B 1.4 m long time ago, now can easily get B3.4 but hangging out for B5.2m.
  20. Boo Hoo i don't get it. ????
  21. B 500 for 2 hr oil massage. ????
  22. Yes, twas a wee bit difficult to express an appreciation for those deranged folkes who post the jokes. ????
  23. I think those dredges off the beach area are a permanent fixture. Just give them a good coat of paint, maybe yellow and pink stripes or purple/green stripes. When the sand washes out, suck it up and pipe it back to the beach. No problems. Before the rain the sandy beach looked great.
  24. He'd really be galloping to the toilet. 'Excuse me, please pass the horse.'
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