Not sure if they are the same injections, but (before I had my total knee replacement), I had these injections of, dr said the red part on the head, of the rooster's cone.
Started off from specialist in Australia then in Bangkok Bumrangrad. Seemed to work for a while.
I replied before about anti-inflamatory drugs but didn't give much details.
I had a work related back accident when I was 45 years old now nearly 77 and have had 5 back operations in this time.
Drs put me on anti-inflammatries, valium, muscle relaxants, pain killers, massage, stretching machine, everything.
I eventually went cold turkey and gave most pills up but still kept the anti-inflammatries and sometimes slow release pain killers.
Gave those up long time ago, but my stomach is very sensative (from the anti-inflams).
Also pain killers cause constipation, so unless you take laxatives you strain your bowel that can produce pockets that can get infected, called Diverticular Disease.
Now I don't take any Dr medicine.
So long term it's best to try and stop antinflams. pain killers and all that <deleted> Drs prescribe. ????