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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Thanks for the reply. I have an android box (no screen). It is a Beelink Pro box. At home I just connect it thru the hdmi cable to the TV, no problems. I am not at home and only have my Win10 computer, so wanted to connect the android box to the PC used as a monitor only. Doesn't seem like it can be done. I've tried unsuccessfully to load Bluestacks onto my laptop computer. It installs, but won't run...comes up with an error message that says to try and restart the computer to fix the problem. When i do, it comes up with the same problem. So I thought it could be a memory problem, so installed Bluestacks on the free D drive, but still Bluestacks has the same error. My Laptop is pretty crappy basic and maybe the problem is lack of RAM. So back to trying to interface the android box with the windows computer monitor. I can't configure the android box as I haven't got a display. Probably the same if you had an android movie on a thumb drive and plugged it into the WIN laptop, it wouldn't work.
  2. Yep seems Bluestacks is easy, but won't work on my computer in drive c or d. Horrible acer computer.
  3. What's wrong with you people? Two people died there. ????
  4. AND, there's no I in team. (words of wisdom from my grandaughter on her newly acquired marketing qualification).
  5. Don't worry, (what me worry? AEN). The grandkids will be happy even in a 1 m flood as your AboveGroundPool will still be above high water mark. ????
  6. Thanks. Downloaded Bluestacks but couldn't get it to start, kept coming up with a start error and advised to try and restart the computer. Thought problem may have been due to memory so downloaded Bluestacks onto D drive but still app won't start. Put in 'TooHard' basket.
  7. Hi and thanks. My computer is a 2 in 1 laptop not a PC. I have tried to feed the android box cable to the HDMI and the USB C but doesn't seem to work.
  8. I have a Win10 computer with: mini HDMI female, USB C type female, and USB A female connectors. I have a Beelink Pro androide box with HDMI and USB A type female connectors. I wanted to use the computer as a monitor only and connect the android box to the computer, but I can't do this. To me, there doesn't seem to be a way with cables to do this. Is there? I haven"t tried connecting the android USB A to the computer USB A as they don't seem to make USB A male to male cables any more. I realise the operating systems are different, so it seems like I can't get my android box to talk to the computer video card. Previously I have tried to download an android emulator on windows C drive but always comes up with a start error. Tried to download to a free D drive but same problem. What I'm trying to do is feed internet via ADSL into the RG45 android box then watch it on the computer monitor.
  9. Correction...no plaque causing narrowing.
  10. Well i am fairly certain the cardiologist was talking about plaque that doesn't cause narrowing of the artery but bulges outward from the outside of the artery wall. So why would he say the scans so for are inconclusive and that if there is now plaque causing narrowing then no stent. Anyway will see. I have definitely been wrong before....once in 1965. ????
  11. Hi Sheryl, yes I am having an Antingham on the 8th of next month. So this was what I have done: 1. I requested a calcium score test to check on plaque in my heart arteries. The test showed plaque build up mainly in one artery. Did a stress test on a treadmill and they found an extra heart beat for about 5 mins. on recovery. Saw cardiologist and he said we are sitting on the fence as not sure the plaque is blocking the artery or on the outside growing out. He said if the plaque is on the inside he will insert a stent. So that is where I'm up to. I'll ask him more on the 8th and report back. It seems strange to me, that on the treadmill, raising my heart rate to (85% max or what ever it was they wanted), would increase my blood flow, and if I had a blockage i thought i should have felt it then, not on recovery. Anyway I'm not a dr. And don't know. ???? Will soon but...
  12. Ok, lets say I have plaque in the artery. Some plaque can grow to block the artery and some can grow out from the artery therefore not narrowing or blocking it. Is this correct?
  13. One of the only references I've found. Would be nice if this was the same for me, but having an extra beat for a short while after a stress test but not during it is a worry. Strange (to me that is) I can walk up hills and flights of stairs with no trouble while I'm doing it. 'What does it mean when plaque is outside the artery? a_lake Sep 23, 2011 I just had a cardiac catheterization done. No major blockage, so no stent, just a catheterization. The Dr. said there was plaque buildup on the outside of the artery, which causes it to bulge out, rather than the typical plaque buildup narrowing the artery. Just had this done three days ago, and of course I was kind of fuzzy when he was explaining this.'
  14. I thought I understood him correctly, but could be wrong. He showed me 2 models of plaque build up. 1 was the standard model of plaque build up inside the wall of the artery, the other model was plaque build up on the wall of the artery but not inside the artery but outside the artery. One requires a stent if deemed necessary, the other not. One model showed the plaque blocking the artery, the other model showed the plaque on the outside of the wall bulging out and therefore not blocking the artery.
  15. Well sorry to differ from your opinion, but I had a Calcium score test and was 445 so recommended to a cardiologist. Did CT scan before and after treadmill. All fine while exercising but after exercise recovering I developed an extra beat for a time. So going for an angiogram, but the specialist said we can't tell exactly with me as a boarder line case if the plaque is inside or outside the coronary arterial wall. Also showed me a model of plaque inside and outside of artery. Said if it's inside then you may need a stent. First time I've heard of plaque outside the artery wall and only one reference i can find where it said no stent but quarterization, so thought I'd ask here. ????
  16. Evidently plaque can build up on the inside and the outside of the coronary arteries. If you have plaque build up on the outside of the artery only, what is the treatment?
  17. www.ppfence.com . That's the Cowboy mob mentioned before. I knew I'd remember it sooner or later. ????
  18. Hi try this mob. Tried to google them but no results, so not sure they are still going. They have/had all sorts of farm gear. I bought a heap of star pickets from them.
  19. Also if you're making up Dutch Buckets, Robert at Aquaponics Thailand sells them all made up. He's also got the hydroton that goes in the Dutch Buckets.
  20. Those blind massagers can't hear your screams either.
  21. I don't think that's right. If you were to use Kirchoff's Law and draw up all the potential current loops for the current to get back to the transformer of an O/C neutral, if the only ground rod in the moo baan has a path of least resistance, then there would be a high current flow. The current has to try and get back to the transformer somehow, any way. Me thinks.
  22. Well I suppose I was lucky and all went well. I am not an electrician and I know your fears.
  23. Ok, sorry I misread your post. I suppose the next step is to take the cover of as suggested (post pic back here) and ask someone how to do it. I did it and I'm still alive. While you're waiting there could be a pinned thread that has a diagram of the wiring setup.
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