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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. We live just north of the Cambodian border. Went to the temple on top of the "mountain" this morning. Visibity was very poor. At first I thought it was a heavy morning mist, but not improved by 9:30.  As there is a lot of sugar grown near us and black snow is a frequent problem, I guess the mist was really smoke .  Just waiting for some rain to come to clear the air as it looks very unheathy.

  2. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    You couldn't have gotten it more wrong. The EU can revoke the passporting rights of UK financial institutions which would be a huge loss for the UK. Right now, financial services are the biggest source of foreign exchange income in the UK's foreign trade.




    Where did you get this bizarre piece of misinformation from?

    Misinformation 555 and you quote the Guardian, the most pro EU paper in the UK. Then Reuters that "trusty" mouthpiece of the liberal left elite. LOL

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  3. I thought the " deal " meant there was going to be a full set of public consultations as required by the EIA and EHIA which were due to be completed in 3 years. Only after the reports had be assessed would there be a decision taken to go ahead or cancel.  If that was the case then what's this about - maybe someone can't wait and wants to go ahead now. -  brown envelopes at the ready !!!

  4. So the rain-making spraying of clouds with a  chemical dust has't worked, In fact the pollution is getting worse.  Anyone suprised ?    Still, never mind, the rains will come in a couple of months or so and then everyone can worry about polluted floodwater and the rain making wizards can claim success.

  5. I was involved in the mid 1970s in environmental analysis in Central Manchester in England.  The pH of rainfall was regularly down as low as 5.0 and the roadside dust contained dangerous levels of lead. Manchester had very bad air quality in those days even though it was well known for its frequent rainfall.

    This proposed use of rainfall is a simple attempt to transfer the pollution from one media to another.  It doesn't solve the problem and in the longterm may cause even more harm.

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