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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. It's not a suprise that all the junta supporters are quiet about this.  Never mind how he got the watch and ring, he never declared them as assests, which by his own admission he's had for some time.  Now if General PM wants to win over the public he should sack the little fat liar - a dishonourable discharge with loss of pension. That action would shoot the PM's credibility through the roof.  Will it happen - 55555 ?

  2. 32 minutes ago, hansnl said:

    Those kind of boxes, sir, are built to withstand the ravages of time, sir.

    And who says they were there a long time, and not replanted there by the "owner" in a move to switch places regularly of contraband?

    No, of course not, planted last week by the government to blame those poor angelic redshirts, who never did anything with fire, firearms, explosives etc, etc.

    But the strap around one of the tin boxes looks like its fairly new, so not subject to the "ravages of time".  

  3. Only 22% of factories reported their discharges.  That is a shockingly low number.  There should be a big push for ALL factories to undergo ISO 14001 certification.  Yeah, I know, this is Thailand and even if the did some/most would attempt to bribe the inspectors/auditors.  The current government, love or hate them, has got powers most governments do not have and could easily enforce controls  -  if they so desired !!!!!

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  4. The largest source of error in environmental chemical analysis is the sampling.  The laboratory errors in labs certified to the ISO standard are within reason, but if samples are taken in used milk (or whatever) containers then there is the potential for significant errors in analyses such as BOD.  If there was a proper EIA before the mine commenced operation then the background concentration of "pollutants" would be known.  Without those figures any case against the mine owners will fail in an international court.  Oh I just wish Thailand would get its act together and do things to international standards instead of "Thainess".

  5. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

     The eve of Rememberance Day? Doesn't "eve" mean the day before? Not 5 days out. And you really think your comment is in keeping with the somber spirit of Remembrance Day:? Let me remind you of what you wrote: "The German Army as a peace maker in Europe -  well that would certainly make a change !!!" 

    You can festoon yourself with as many poppies as you like - they won't obscure the nasty tone of your comment.

    I humbly suggest you check your dictionary as "eve" can mean a period before.  As for my "nasty tone", let me tell you that both my grandfathers fought in WW1 and my uncle was in WW2 from 1939 to 1945 and I will wear my one poppy with pride. 

  6. 4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Another  poster who's still suffering from PTSD incurred during WW2. 

    On the eve of Rememberance Day I find your remark either ironic or callous, not sure which.  The Prussian Generals planned WW1 long before they actually invaded Belgium. Towards the close of WW2 "der seig wird unser sein" was a rallying call for the Nazi troops.  .The phrase " Lest we forget" needs to be recalled just now as tensions rise in Europe. As for PTSD  -  well they bombed our chippie didn't they!

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