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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. On Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 6:25 PM, Formaleins said:

    Christmas is almost upon us, everyone likes to get a present! 


    Most problems I have has is mail coming from the West, small packages etc. coming from China and the East, very little problem.


    Also, send it by DHL and you are asking for trouble, you will probably get your package but it will probably cost you twice the value of the goods.

    Not only will you get stung by customs using DHL , but any packing around fragile goods will be removed resulting in breakages.  Furthermore small items within the package may disappear.

  2. Changing the crops farmers grow sounds a good idea, but is there a market for these different crops ?  Our local markets seem full of fruits and veg, so what can small farms diversify to ?      There is a hard reality coming to Thailand, small farms cannot make a profit.  Europe went through that pain during the industrial revolution, but at least there were jobs in the new factories and mills. Unfortunately Thailand has already exhausted that option.

  3. 3 hours ago, Estrada said:

    I helped write the Bangkok Solid Waste Master Plan in 1999. The figures should be shown as tonnes per day not tons/day (tons means short tons which is 907.19kg), we worked in metric tonnes and kgs/person/day. The figures are suspect, 20 years ago the figures for collection of garbage(wet waste) and rubbish(trash) Bangkok was  11,000tonnes per day. The above news story indicates that 11,500tonnes per day are generated. The problem is that there is more waste generated than the BMA can deal with and that tends to be fly tipped on any available waste land and not collected by the BMA. This builds up. There are less recyclables collectors these days so bins get overfull. The above story fails to point out that most of the rubbish found in the street during the floods are due to the waste bins floating and being knocked over due to flood waters. Also the ground floor of buildings being flooded and materials floating out which block also the drains. The drainage and flood prevention schemes need to prevent flooding occurring in the first place. Much of the flood prevention and waste disposal schemes still have to be completed.

    That is the problem.  They have a plan but no one capable of making theF plan work - in nearly 20 years.  Not only Thailand but in many developing countries. 

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