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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. 4 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Just tell the media what they need to know.  Khun Prayut and the Junta are doing what is required to keep Thailand and it's economy ticking over. Controlled and orderly to dispel any fraction fighting between parties.  Thailand hasn't been so good for a long time and most thais are aware of this.  While Khun Prayut is at the helm there is no issue with violence and insecurity as there was back when yingluck was trying to run the country ... but without success.

    Image result for pics of hhun prayut


    Ummm,no violence? I recall there were bombings in multiple cities, continued murders in the south and several arrested suspects who ended up dead in their cells. I suspect you are suffering from “magical thinking”

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  2. Without sinking to the level of insults on personal appearances, I think allowing a resignation upon a guilty verdict is far far to generous. Upon being found guilty (which seems unlikely do to the personal connections involved), the General, should face severe punishment and loss of pension. 

    I fear we will never discover the truth in this matter.

  3. Big pharma needs to sell meds, so they now come to Thailand and try to hook a million kids on amphetamines. I spent 30 years on that crap and it left me in terrible shape. Amphetimines in the morning and sleeping pills at night (the Judy Garland Plan) and it was recipe for disaster and more and more drugs made things worse. The problems all disappeared after stopping these awful meds.  It is sad to see the profit hungry pharmaceutical makers trying to ply their crap here. 

  4. On 11/27/2017 at 4:06 PM, sanemax said:

    Most men dont mind looking at females bottoms .

    Most men dont want to see other mens bottoms .

    I would find the act of two females showing their bottoms at a temple to be offensive as well , although I would enjoy looking at them

    Most men think themselves attractive 

    most men think women want to see their penis

    most men think people want to have sex with them

    most men are wrong

  5. 2 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

    Because if you criticize these American Gay men for their behavior  then you are Anti-Gay.  Then one is accused of "Hate Speech".  It is one of the unintended results of Political Correctness.  This kind of behavior would not be tolerated at any American Monument but once again many are hesitant to criticize because of the potential backlash.  

    That is a stretch. There hasn’t seemed to be any hesitation by either Thais or  farang to criticize their behavior. It would seem you are simply attempting to normalize your bigotry

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