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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. Seriously? It would appear that the junta is simply trying to delay (yet again) and avoid any criticism by tying the delay to the coronation events  (implying any criticism is subject to lese majesty).

    5years in power was insufficient to bring happiness, perhaps they need just one more month to make Thailand happy and corruption free. It seems doubtful, if they have had over a year to plan an election and still can’t even organize that.

    It all seems farcical. 

    How any reasonable Thai person, can find any of this acceptable, is beyond my imagination. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 10/10/2018 at 5:55 PM, nontabury said:

    Are you a fairly young farang man,married to a Thai.And now you have discovered that she previously had a number of sexual encounters with much older farang men. Or are you one of those young farang men who are married to a rather plump farang wife, and wish you were not.

    Lol, I am neither of the above. I am not young, nor do I have or want a wife. I am just constantly surprised by the comments of many of the farang posters here who are so quick to judge others while living in nonconventional relationships. Glasshouses with piles of stones.

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  3. 1 hour ago, mfd101 said:

    No not satirical, just stereotypical.


    And the reason stereotypes exist? because they have a foundation in truth.

    Like the stereotypical men that the rest of the world’s women won’t consider marrying, who then come to Thailand to find a wife?  I hear of this stereotype all the time, but find in reality, each couple has their own reasons for wedding. Just like these two men. Stereotypes do not have a foundation in truth. They have a foundation in ignorance, bias and bigotry. 

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  4. On 6/9/2018 at 1:21 AM, Voodoochile said:

    If you actually beleive in "human rights" (i mean in the way that it is sold to us by the different governments of the world) you are either very naïve or living in à fairy tale "human rights" "liberty" "equality" all these terms Would apply to an ideal utopique world but definately do not exist in todays world. 


    555 "human rights".....that was funny


    On 6/9/2018 at 1:21 AM, Voodoochile said:

    If you actually beleive in "human rights" (i mean in the way that it is sold to us by the different governments of the world) you are either very naïve or living in à fairy tale "human rights" "liberty" "equality" all these terms Would apply to an ideal utopique world but definately do not exist in todays world. 


    555 "human rights".....that was funny

    If you don’t believe in human rights you are cynical and callous person. You still deserve human rights... just not much trust or attention 

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