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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. At this point, haven't his family members implicated themselves as accomplices? It seems they would have to be aware of his whereabouts and/or supporting him financially and logistically. Perhaps legal pressure applied to mom would result in a sudden reappearance. 

    I am not certain this is the case, but it sure seems likely.

    "A momma' s boy only wonders as far as his mothers apron strings will allow".

  2. His worth will remain speculation as he continues to hide his tax returns. Unlike every presidential candidate for the last 40 years he lies and says he can't release his tax filings. Donald Trump can not afford any review of his business failings and his fraudulent behavior by the public that a tax filing release would reveal. He is a shuckster and a  blowhard con man. He is a very sad little man. 



  3. Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

    Well said. Ditto plans.

    Great two bitter ones on the way out.

    I wonder if you'd be miserable in any land. Are you over 50 by any chance?

    It has nothing to do with being over 50. That question is just ugly and unjustified age discrimination. It is a bigoted and unfair assessment.

    Their unhappiness may have to do with being miserable wherever they may find themselves, but to assign that to their age is simply wrong headed and ignorant.

  4. The giant Pharma companies will not allow Thailand to buy cheap generic drugs from India and the cost of caring chronic illnesses (HIV, Hepatitis, etc) will skyrocket. It will result in enormous increases to the Thai healthcare budget and fewer patients getting life saving medicines. The TPP will also allow the pharma companies to patent holistic and herbal remedies as well as patent biological meds. It will be hard for the review to paint TPP as good for Thailand, and I would question (but not be terribly surprised by) such a result.

  5. I posted the following response to The Nation's article and it was removed by the editors. a quick search of their other articles shows there are no comments to anything they publish. How can this be?

    Those hailing Thailand's need to enter the TPP are eager and willing to short sell the Thai people and their country, for short-term profit. Those yelling the loudest are the nations richest, who will never be satisfied with enough riches. They want to sell Thailand's sovereignty and judicial independence to stuff more baht into their already bulging pockets. Greed, plain and simple, is what is behind the "us too" chants of those championing joining The Trans Pacific Partnership. The trade pact is a grab-all for the United States and multi-national corporate control of patents and judicial systems. If Thailand falls for this corporate raid they will lose their ability to provide lifesaving drugs in generic forms to their people and will see their natural health remedies patented and sold to them for exorbitant prices. They will find their courts stripped of independence and power... Lost to international courts where Thai citizens and the nation have little to no clout or legal standing. When you hear how important it is for Thailand to join TPP picture Thailand's elite picking your pocket for more. When you hear TPP think "Thailand's People Poorer"!

  6. The TTP hardly seems beneficial to the Thai people. If in doubt look at those powers that are pushing for it, The uber wealthy Thais, just can't get rich enough at the expense of the Thai citizenry.

    The pharmaceutical protections contain loopholes allowing for very minor tweaks to the medication and being granted additional patent extensions on drugs which remain basically the same. The current practice of Thai medical system to provide copycat drugs to save lives (i.e. HIV meds) at reasonable costs will be eliminated by TTP.

    The secrecy and backroom dealing involved with TTP should be enough to make one realize it is not on the up and up. My parents taught me that if you have to hide what you are doing, you probably shouldn't be doing it..

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