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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. 5 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

    In the past, Thailand was once in the ranks of economic development, catching up with the four tigers: Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.


    Prayut has been at the helm since 2014 and has failed to create a positive momentum for the country and its people. On the contrary.

    Standstill and regression in all areas:

    - Modernization of the school and education system?

    - Excellence in research?

    - Better health care for all Thais?

    - Set up a pension system?

    - Land reform?

    - Modernization of the authorities?

    - Police reform?

    - Reducing the national debt?

    - Strengthening democracy?

    - Investments in future technologies?

    - Water and sewage security?

    - Road safety?

    - Waste management?

    - Flood prevention?

    - Reduction of corruption?

    - Economic growth?

    - Better distribution of income?

    - Transparency in government spending?

    - and much more.


    Thailand urgently needs fresh blood with future visions in the leadership. If, as a national leader, you cannot give your country new impulses, you should resign for the good of the country.

    He was installed, precisely to prevent any of those improvements from gaining traction 

  2. On 11/11/2022 at 6:39 PM, Etaoin Shrdlu said:

    He is a naturalized Thai. He relinquished his US citizenship in the 1990s. His father worked for the US government and was not wealthy.


    Whatever is actual wealth is, it is self-made. Forbes has him on its list of 50 wealthiest Thais and estimates his wealth at USD1.4 billion.



    Forbes has Trump on that list too. Self made? Nope! Self made up? Maybe


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    “American-Thai billionaire and hotel tycoon Bill Heinecke” ? So much is questionable in this opening sentence.
    Is he Thai, really? Is he American, really? is he a billionaire, doubtful. It is certain his daddy left him well off, with a chain of hotels. Self made man? Not a bit.
    One thing seems consistent about “billionaire” Mr. Heinecke, he seems always to be quite desperate for money. 
    I suppose he is a “billionaire”only on his loan applications, and a “pauper” when it comes to pay his fair share of taxes. 
    it is deplorable for him to suggest dual foreigner pricing and it is laughable that he thinks the Thai government cares what he advises. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Extradition relies on the co-operation of the country he is in, it's out of the control of the RTP and for extradition to even be considered the Thai authorities have to advise the exact address at which he is living in that country.   A Red Notice has been issued by Interpol, it was shown in the media some time ago and the subject has been discussed ad nauseum. 


    Who, if anyone, specifically "aided and abetted his flight from justice" and do you know what constitutes that in this country?   He, apparently, just got on a plane and left the country before he was served with an arrest warrant.

    Extradition would require RTP actually post an active red notice, which as far as I know was never done. 
    Are you on Red Bull’s payroll? Trying your best to turn the repulsive into acceptable?

    do you get a brown envelope too?

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  5. 2 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    There is rule of law in this case and it is being applied, the expiration of the statute of limitations has nothing to do with corruption as it applies to everyone facing the same charges.

    Rule of law would implement an actual effort to extradite the creep. Rule of law would include an actual Interpol red notice (never really happened here for “some reason”), rule of law would indict those aiding and abetting his flight from Justice too. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    Again- try and get it without buying insurance.

    Do you not have health insurance? Are you one of the people who expect a Gofundme appeal to cover medical expenses in an emergency?


    the Thailand Pass basically accepts all health insurance or trip insurance policies issued from any country. It has no requirement that you buy insurance from Thai providers. It just requires you demonstrate responsibility, but showing you are covered.


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  7. 2 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    They'll keep squeezing as much as they can from the cash cow known as Thai Pass as long as possible.

    Not sure why you think it is a cash cow. 
    I have an upcoming 2 week trip stateside and then return to Thailand.
    I just completed the Thailand Pass registration.

    It was very easy and cost absolutely nothing. 
    The approval and QR code arrived within 6 hours. The process accepted my existing health insurance policy without asking for any further documentation. 
    No fees , no tests, no hotel reservations were requested or required. 
    for those risking living or visiting Thailand without any insurance ( the kind we frequently see online seeking donations or “GoFundme” sites to pay their medical expenses) holding them to be responsible may seem overbearing, but really? If they don’t have insurance and can’t afford to get trip insurance, then they aren’t really the “quality” visitors Thailand (or anywhere else) seeks.
    All the hoopla and pearl necklace clutching comments on here seem a bit over dramatic when the Thailand pass was free, easy, and quick. Already having  the QR code will likely expedite the Thai immigration process too. 


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  8. 8 hours ago, Capella said:

    Travel insurance is a very good idea, and may well be here to stay given the number of tourists who get into accidents, but airlines could verify this at check in. 


    Thailand Pass may be easy to get, but it's off-putting to those who have never applied for one, who may think it's more difficult than it actually is. 

    So the problem isn’t the Thailand Pass, it is that people are too lazy and/or stupid.

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  9. 44 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    Unfortunately you are wrong. I know people that won't go to Thailand until the Thailand Pass is scrapped in its entirety. It's also quite a common theme on social media.

    Yet they are able and willing to get a visa. They must have some type of TP phobia. Are they simply too simple minded to figure out the process? Are they just adamant that they won’t come to Thailand unless someone does everything needed for them? 
    as for common threads on social media, well as Confucius said “ you can’t believe everything you read on the web”

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  10. 6 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    When will people learn that it's nothing to do with the breed? It is how they are raised. Whether it's a Rottweiler, Ridgeback, PitBull, Doberman, German Shephard or whatever, they are all capable of inflicting very serious injuries and therefore need to be trained, socialized and not left to roam free in packs causing chaos in the villages.


    Focusing on the breed just reinforces lazy stereotypes and shifts blame from where it should be placed - The Owner.



    Well it is pretty obvious that the owner in this case is a sad sack piece of…

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