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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. 3 hours ago, John Drake said:


    Whatever happens, it is interesting to see how this is being associated with the British. Inevitable that Thais are going to blame them the more that they hear "UK variant" used, although I don't know what else to call it.  Might be unfair, but it's clear that it is going to happen. It's one reason the past two days I've gone out of my way to make sure people know I'm an American, not British. Combine this with all the bad news about the British vaccine having problems along with a British variant, and there could be trouble in the works.

    Casual bigotry in Thailand is unable and unwilling to distinguish American from British or Australian, Russian, Hungarian or Lithuanian before casting judgement

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  2. 13 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    The width / size of the plane is irrelevant if considering how pleasant it is unless someone is claustrophobic in the smaller cabin. It is the seating / size etc that matters and a 737 or A380 makes little difference to most of the seat spacing is the same. 



    Maybe in the section of the aircraft you are accustomed to sitting in, but the product at the pointy end of the plane are vastly different in the smaller aircraft. 

  3. 6 hours ago, smedly said:

    how exactly are they going to do this ?


    although I support their efforts in at least doing something this is a profound failure of government and especially the health minister for not locking down Bangkok and banning interprovincial travel 


    do they not realise that Thailand is about to become a banned travel destination throughout the world - another Africa in the making

    ฿฿฿฿ over-rides prudence or logic

  4. On 4/5/2021 at 6:13 PM, rayw said:


    Really ????  No way !!!   I for one put the Sinovac vaccine right at the top of my list of choices and will personally not touch any of the big western pharma vaccines which I do not trust being mainly all experimental and produced with the target of big profits.  I trust the Sinovac vaccine becuase it is NOT produced for profit but as a duty of care by a good Chinese people's public health service (you know what is so deplorably missing in the USA despite 80% of the folk there wanting such a publicly run free at source health service !!).  It is also importantly traditionally produced using dead virus cells long time tried and tested technology, just like tradional known safe and effective vaccines of old for the terrible diseases like polio and smallpox.  Sure anyone with any modicum of common sense would rather choose such a safe non experimental vaccine like Sinovac (or even the non big corporate pharma Astrazenica or Sputnik V offerings) which is known to be just about 100% effective against death or serious illness from CV19, so good enough for me and should be for most folk. 


    Actually for the future safety of mankind I do hope the mRNA technology does prove to be safe and effective in the long term (lets see effects of it over say 5 or 10 years) but I for one have no intention of being a human guinea pig and rather leave that to brave volunteers, nor importantly do I want to swell the greedy pockets of the big corporate western



    Anyyway thats my two pennyworth and of course leave it for everyone to have a free choice of whatever vaccine they prefer and trust or indeed if they really want then to not have a vaccine at all if they so choose. Informed freedom of choice is what is very important.  


    Once more I repeat just like the effective way they promptly and effectively invoked proper lockdown here, and as they did in China too, with the borders almost immediately closed, the Thai Government have earned my respect for their handling of the Covid 19 crisis though I still feel they have been too slow in getting these good vaccines rolled out to the most vulnerable people and not enough need help given to those poor Thai people who have lost their livlihoods over the lockdown.  I am not too worried personally with the slow vaccine roll out as clearly COVID 19 here is, thanks to effective control, more like a rare disease than a pandemic and thus I feel pretty safe thankfully living here happily in T

    Chinese Sinovac has a 54% efficacy and barely passed  the minimum efficacy set by the World Health Organization. Those are roughly the same odds of winning in  Craps at a casino. 54% hardly seems worth lining up for a shot of the Chinese "gift" to the world you describe. 

  5. With rare exception, that seems to be the case for interacting with Hua Hin's immigration office. My nearly 7 years of visa renewals and 90 day check in, residency certificates and other process has nearly always been handled quickly, professionally and friendly.

    I have, on two occasions, been met with one middle aged female officer, who consistently did not seem to want to be helpful or friendly, but for the rest of the agents, I offer nothing but praise.  

    The overall performance of the main office, the airport and the Bluport branch seem well managed, contrary to the reports i hear from other parts of Thailand. 

    congrats to the leadership

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