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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Is there something missing ?


    Section 27. All persons are equal before the law, and shall have rights and liberties and be protected equally under the law.

    Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

    Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of differences in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical or health condition, personal status, economic and social standing, religious belief, education, or political view which is not contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, or on any other grounds shall not be permitted. Unless not Thai.


    Actually there is wiggle room - Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of differences in Nationality is not mentioned. 

    Ummm? That is pretty much covered by “origin”.

  2. His declarations have become muted to me. The administration keeps saying they are ordering imported vaccines, but the only mRNA vaccines coming into the Kingdom seem to be donated. The orders never seem to be completed. The purchases are announced (over and over and over again) but the ink never seems to make it to paper and the funds never seem to leave the bank.
    It was many many months before the Moderna contract for private hospitals was completed (if it actually has been) adding months of long, unnecessary and dangerously risky delays. the private hospitals were begging for the imported vaccines since November 2020.
    It is like an old auntie who keeps putting items in her online shopping cart, but never completes the transaction and waits endlessly at the front gate for her packages that aren’t arriving. 
     A more effective and reliable path may be to route the purchases through the same channels that completed the submarine contracts. 

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