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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. 1 hour ago, drenddy said:

    They discharged my sister in law, not fully recovered, with a  bunch of tablets...Thailand is indeed a 3rd world country.They should stop looking down on countries such India, for example...

    Most Thais I know desire to remain blissfully oblivious to any concept other than Thailand being the center of universe. 

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  2. His declarations have become muted to me. The administration keeps saying they are ordering imported vaccines, but the only mRNA vaccines coming into the Kingdom seem to be donated. The orders never seem to be completed. The purchases are announced (over and over and over again) but the ink never seems to make it to paper and the funds never seem to leave the bank.
    It was many many months before the Moderna contract for private hospitals was completed (if it actually has been) adding months of long, unnecessary and dangerously risky delays. the private hospitals were begging for the imported vaccines since November 2020.
    It is like an old auntie who keeps putting items in her online shopping cart, but never completes the transaction and waits endlessly at the front gate for her packages that aren’t arriving. 
     A more effective and reliable path may be to route the purchases through the same channels that completed the submarine contracts. 

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  3. 20 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Giving your child money (if they did that, you think he hasn't got his own money?), is not "assisting him so that he may not be arrested".    I can "reason" [sic] that because that's not what it is in that context.  If he was working for a company that was paying him a salary while he was "away" do you really think that the company could be charged with aiding and abetting?  It'd be exactly the same thing.

    If the company is aware that they are employing a fugitive, absolutely they are aiding and abetting a fugitive.not only by paying them, but by not disclosing the fugitive’s whereabouts. 

    what part of “by any means” is ambiguous to you? 
    by any means has no footnotes saying except allowance by mom and dad or except funds paid by a company to their fugitive employee. 
    knowing the location of a fugitive and not disclosing that information  to authorities is aiding and abetting. 
    withholding information from authorities  is aiding and abetting 
    Providing lodging or money or assistance of any kind to a person who is known to be a fugitive is aiding and abetting.

    “by any means” is unambiguous and clear.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    That's just your opinion.   What I posted wasn't my opinion, it is fact, morals do not come into it although reasoning does, hence my reasoned reply.   Giving a child money is not "assisting him so that he may not be arrested" in the context that your translated Thai law section obviously means.

    The law reads “or by assisting him by any means so that he may not be arrested”. 
    how you can reason that sending money to your fugitive child so they may continue to remain a fugitive is anything other than assisting “BY ANY MEANS” is far from any interpretation of that statement. 
    “oh I didn’t offer any assistance, except paying for their expenses”, does not hold up to any reasonable persons understanding of “by any means”. 

    To clarify 

    the definition of “By any Means” is literally; in any way 

    any way at all. 
    there is no ambiguity in either the law or the definition. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    It helps if you actually read your own links!


    "Section 189. Aiding and Abetting

    Whoever assists another person who commits or is alleged of having committed an offence which is not a petty offence so that such person may not be punished by giving him lodging, by hiding, or by assisting him by any means so that he may not be arrested, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or fined not exceeding four thousand Baht, or both".


    Providing their son with money (if they are doing that) is not "giving him lodging, hiding him, or assisting him so that he may not be arrested".
    Move along, indeed.

    If you believe providing your fugitive adult child money is not providing aid in avoiding their apprehension, then you lack reasoning or morals or both.move along take your children with you

    • Haha 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    How would anyone know that and what makes you think that there is an offence under Thai law of "aiding and abetting a fugitive" that his family could be charged with?    Providing their son with money sure isn't an offence even if they are doing that.

    It is a criminal offence in Thailand. Move along



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