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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. Your first post on this issue claimed that LGBT people were not normal or engaged in normal activity.
    My first post did nothing of the kind.

    This is not a feeling. This is an assertion based on ignorance.
    There is no ignorance in observing the exaggerated movements of ladyboys and finding them 'not normal'. It is a clearly a learned behaviour.

    I am not a gay activist. I am not a gay rights activist. But I object to groups of people being attacked with slurs based on ignorance. It is hate speech and I call it out as such.
    Flailing at windmills. You are far too serious for your own good.

    You want information? That is reasonable. But you don't think it better not to insult the people who you want that information from?
    I do not want any information from you.

    You continue to use words and phrases inappropriately. You use words and phrases that are associated with activities of pedophiles in the context of LGBT issues. You use the word 'choose'. All this points to your agenda. Stop using those words and stope perpetuating these tactics and maybe people, including me, will talk to you.
    I will sign up for re-education camp, if you stop using the word 'Gay'.
  2. The topic here is about Russian persecution of their gay people which is a fact. More specifically the VIOLENCE against gay people there and the lack of interest from the authorities in prosecuting the anti-gay violent criminals. That's it.

    Not so. The BBC also mentioned the underlying cause of this 'persecution'. The new law designed to protect minors. What did the Russian Constitutional Court have to say about it?

    '.. The Constitutional Court said that the law was aimed at saving a child from the information impact, which could push him to nonconventional sexual relationships, which in their turn prevent from building a family, as it is traditionally understood in Russia.

    The court also ruled that the ban on propagandizing non-conventional sexual relationships is not a ban or censure of homosexuality itself.'

    'The court said it has dismissed Alekseevs arguments that his actions were not propaganda, but were aimed at spreading objective information, which cannot inflict harm to health, moral or spiritual development of minors. Alekseevs claim was contradicted by the materials in the case, the court said.

    (one wonders what those materials were?)

    'The practices of some European countries, which are connected with the deformation of traditional values of family and marriage, cant be an example for us.

    What is wrong with this? One of my biggest regrets, as a parent, is that my son will not have children. Aren't my feelings about this normal and natural, rather than being indicative of a 'hater'? If most parents feel this way, as they appear to do in Russia, then it is perfectly reasonable to not expose children to alternatives, when they are at a vulnerable stage. The practice of 'grooming' does exist and should not be allowed. If a minor left alone would choose a conventional lifestyle, isn't it a form of corruption to seduce him or her into making a different choice? I choose the word 'seduce' deliberately. Education should be done, without promoting the lifestyle. I totally agree with acceptance and tolerance but not promotion.

    As for violence, when I was in Russia I learned very quickly to avoid the Police, since they were corrupt and indifferent. No matter what the crime. It's a myth the Police are there to 'protect and serve' the public.

    Sure Russian voices are welcome. But if people Russian or otherwise post hateful filth equating gay people with pedo crimes or bald face LIES that gay people aren't facing severe persecution there now, they are going to get pushback and they bloody well deserve it.

    I have had to defend my son against ignorance, so I'm not disagreeing. However, I don't think you get anywhere combating ignorance with violent language, from either standpoint. You only harden stances.

    I would have liked to canvas him about the basis for his opinion. Is it a religious thing, a 'phobia', or is he just leaping on a bandwagon?

    No foreign power is going to invade Russia over their treatment of gays even if they gassed all their gays.

    Now who is equating? There is no mention of 'gassing' in relation to this issue.

    But that doesn't stop the rest of the world learning about what is happening there and expressing strong criticism.

    Those who control the media decide which issues should be prominent. Like the Pussy Riot circus, the involvement of Human Rights Watch is political and part of the demonization of Putin. If the media had published some of the disgusting images of the anarchic 'Pussy Riot' members publicly having sex in Museums and so on, they would have received little sympathy but that did not suit the agenda. We see what they want us to see.
  3. I wish this disgusting and disturbing thread could expire into the cess pit where it belongs.

    There you go again with your bizarre exaggerations. Your personal angst that most Russians are averse to homosexual promotion to minors is no reason for you to shut down the topic. You seem to be only posting now to jump on anyone who doesn't share your enthusiasm for the gay agenda. When you bandy around false accusations, you don't engender sympathy for your cause. You create resentment. The opposite of what you should want. All you are left with is force.

    I would like to hear a Russian point of view on this topic. The unreasonable attacks on his post, only exposes what most people understand. Positive voices are welcomed. Dissenting voices are attacked.

    Why not sort out your own dysfunctional country before attacking others? Take up a cause everyone can rally around, like the Predator-droning of the innocent. The loss of everyone's civil liberties. The clubbing of Occupy and other protesters, like baby seals. Your own murderous, unaccountable, militarized Police force.

    • Like 1
  4. WCIOM is a Russian polling organization. According to their polling results, Russian attitudes towards homosexuality have hardened over recent years.


    'The overwhelming majority of Russians support the ban on gay propaganda (88%, in 2012 86%). Only 7% of Russians opposes this ban.'

    'Over the recent years the share of those who oppose same-sex marriage has increased: from 59% in 2005 to 86% currently. At the same time, the share of those who believe that same-sex couples can marry has dramatically decreased (from 14 to 4%). The number of those who partly agree or partly disagree with this statement has also decreased (from 17 to 6%).'

    It would be nice to have an explanation that doesn't include the words 'homophobic' and 'haters'.

  5. I love it. Who knew there were people like you in the world? This is jaw-droopingly insane. It is fantastic. So fantastic that there can be no hope of adequately responding.

    So fantastic most of Russia, who haven't been subjected to decades of conditioning, agree with him.

    You hate gays.
    Your post is littered with the word 'hate'. Such language undermines your cause and marks you out as an extremist. Try not to judge everyone so harshly. I don't believe he hates gays, nor do most reasonable people. I do object to those who force their lifestyle on others, target the vulnerable or are overly 'camp'. Such behaviour is not 'natural' but contrived. By all means seek acceptance. But militant homosexuals and political subversives won't let up until every youngster is converted. Then their troubled souls can rest. Yes, there is hatred. From 'heterophobic' agitators reeking of intolerance.

    quote] You try and say the 'n' word anywhere and you will be made dead. I hear it all the time in music videos. Do you have an example of someone who has been made 'dead'?

    The LGBT community now control words and control their meaning and definition. You have no power over this.
    Power and control. Well done for confirming his point. Force is used to achieve conformity. If a cause was righteous, force would not be necessary.

    quote]Your claim to be in the majority is false. The figures for support for marriage equality and by inference gay and lesbian rights will increase globally. Tell that to the Russians. When you smear dissent as 'hate speech', polls are meaningless.

    I was trying to defend equality and human rights against hate speech but seeing what you write shows me that very few people would ever take you seriously. There is no need to recognise your existence any further.
    You are a troubled man.
  6. Doesn't say nothing, really.

    A double negative is a positive.

    Unless one is bent on connecting imaginary dots on imaginary lines.

    Your lack of imagination is noted.

    Chicago political 'mob' + FED board member = the epitome of 'banker gangster'. Put her in the White House with all the other 'Israeli-firsters' and you get today's 'unbreakable bond', one of the man causes of the U.S loss of prestige around the world.

  7. Now, under the Obama gains, and people aged 55-75 have their coffers reloaded and can quit their old jobs, spend time with family, relax, enjoy hobbies.

    Right on. He's still the Messiah. 46 people fall into this category. Tens of millions on food stamps, tens of millions of jobs shipped off to China and tens of millions of immigrant cheap labour. The rest are employed in the Security State clubbing protesters like baby seals.
  8. "...a brilliant strategist and thinker who practically runs both wings of the White House and who did as much or more than anyone to put the Obamas there.

    Entire article here: http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/Felsenthal-Files/January-2014/The-Mysteries-and-Realities-of-Valerie-Jarrett-Mystery-Woman-of-the-White-House/

    '...chairman of the board of the Chicago Stock Exchange; a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago'

    Says it all, really.

    Connecting the dots... http://blogs.forward.com/the-shmooze/135922/presidential-aide-valerie-jarrett-discloses-her-je/

  9. Rahm Emmanuel is not "ex-IDF".

    He served as a volunteer but never mind, he has enough form to render the point still valid. This son of an Irgun terrorist, according to his Wiki blurb... 'is known for his "take-no-prisoners style" that has earned him the nickname "Rahmbo."

    I am pretty sure that if one checks Obama's advisers, staff and people getting to whisper in his ear there are bound to be representatives related to many potential interest groups.

    Who only got to whisper in his ear if approved by his Chief of Staff... Emmanuel.

    Wonder which adviser suggested Obama's 'Kill-list'?

  10. Wow, you and I are dead smack at 50% agreement! For TV posters I would say that is a great success rate! Congrats to us!
    Orwell didn't event the "demon" he just demonstrated the extremes of how despots create the very demons we are rallied to defeat- (dehumanization). I am appalled that this government which consumed so much of my life is so utterly abhorrent to me in... in nearly every single thing my government now touches.
    You said it. The extent of the lies is truly astonishing. I used to be shocked by each new revelation. Now I am more detached. Switching off the TV banishes all the bleached-toothed 'experts' and their farcical memes. Likewise Hollywood's corrupt output.

    quote]Israel is not remotely in the same class as islamic jihadists.

    If that were the case the jihadists would be besieging their mortal enemy Israel instead of Syria. I see a regional Shia/Sunni conflict before any attack on Israel. Research the 1982 'Yinon Plan'. What you see today is the plan being implemented.

    All the trillions on earth will never defeat islamic jihad. It can only be defeated by killing every single jihadist! Period!
    The Mujahideen were jihadists. We armed and trained them and their offspring are thriving and doing the Empire's bidding. In Bosnia, Chechnya, Libya, Syria, Iraq and anywhere regime change is desired. I don't see any ambition by these Islamists to invade the U.S. My feeling is you lance the boil by getting foreigners out of Muslim lands and leave them alone.
    You are incorrect that as payees "they" will do the paymaster's bidding... always. Wrong. This is the dangerous error of the western left. Islam will roll right over them when ready.
    I don't consider myself 'left', 'right' or any of these silly labels and it seems to me that right now, Islam is the one under threat, from us rolling right over them. I have yet to see any Islamic army invade Bradford or Barnsley, unless it's through mass immigration and out-breeding. Iran is a fundamentalist theocracy, yet hasn't invaded anyone for hundreds of years.

    Give most groups ascendancy and they will try and impose their customs and systems upon everyone else.

    What we witness now is another massive, open, transfer of US wealth into the hands of a new caliphate.
    I had never heard of a Caliphate until recently. That should tell you it's just another fearmongering 'psy-op'.
  11. I applaud the US Government for finally openly funding terrorism.

    Not sure about finally. Aid to Israel is pretty open and surely qualifies.

    To pay for that thing which, if realized, seeks your annihilation is the height of stupidity.

    It does look that way and Libya shows they can't always be contained but I doubt an 'asset' would seek to annihilate its primary sponsor and paymaster. Could it even do that with no Air Force, no Navy, no nukes? Who are ISIS anyway? They came out of nowhere, with shiny new U.S. weaponry, leading some to conclude they are just the same band of fundamentalist bandits, given a Made-for-TV make-over.
  12. Keyboard warriors are ever willing to support henious crimes and the false claims used to justify them. Our own troops and civilians, at risk of capture, now have to face retaliation from an Islamic world enraged. I don't think torture is designed to elicit information at all. Like Operation Phoenix in Vietnam, torture is part of terrorizing the local population.

  13. Poor man. I have some sympathy for him, having just been defrauded myself. That is the second time and both times, not by Thais but FOREIGNERS. I should have known better and made every mistake there was to make, due to trusting the fraudster as a friend. I look back at my mistakes and can't believe I was so naive. If it was only me, I would almost certainly have to write off the loss. However, others are involved.

    Not a good idea to scam a Thai because when they come for you, they hunt you down in packs and revenge is brutal.


    Well how can we avoid all this. Forget the Quoran and religion. This is about male power. This is about the Muslim's desire to control women. I am convinced that the way to undermine the whole movement is through women's power. Obviously, given how powerfully Muslim men control their women, it's easier said than done. But I think as women find their collective strength and face down these men then they can slowly erode their power. It's OK for the US/whoever to try and bomb them out of existence : but that's a tough call. Alongside these military actions the west should be undermining islam through their women and encouraging the empowerment of women.

    Yes. We need to empower more women like Madeline Albright, Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano.

    This article is just another marketing piece in the re-branding of 'Al Qaeda' which was getting tired. Now it's 'ISIS', which has Islamic in the name. Same outfit just with better PR.

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