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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. Russia saved the West? Was this before or after it was Hitler's ally in invading Poland?

    Doesn't change the fact that Russia was mostly responsible for defeating Hitler. As to who was allied with who, it seems Russia first sought an alliance with Britain and France to tried to contain Hitler and their offer was ignored...

    'Stalin 'planned to send a million troops to stop Hitler if Britain and France agreed pact'


  2. Putin's lame excuses for invasion are of same sort Herr Hitler used.

    Pretty shameful to invoke Hitler after Russians suffered so much at the hands of the Nazis. Contrary to Hollywood spellbinding (the wood of the holly tree was traditionally used to make 'magic wands') Russia saved the west in WWII. Show a little gratitude.

    If the still-growing 'Security State' is what is in store for us all, once the Empire rules the world, then you had better wish Russia and China succeed in neutralizing NATO.

  3. What a crock.

    'An activist opposed to both IS and the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is well-known to the British business broadsheet, said he had "verified 100 executions" of foreign IS fighters trying to leave the jihadist group's de facto capital.'

    An 'activist' who is opposed to IS would not last 5 minutes, if he was really 'active'.

    One person's word is not verification of anything.

    100 is a conveniently nice round figure. Easy for the spellbound to take in. Not one 'foreign fighter' is named. He must have verified their identities with a Ouija Board.

    So 'well known' to the newspaper that they provide no supporting information about anything else he has revealed.

    It gets worse... 'In total, between 30 and 50 Britons want to return but fear they face jail, according to researchers at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King's College London, which had been contacted by one of the jihadists speaking on their behalf.'

    Again, no names and how many posters have ever heard of 'the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation'? I'll bet no-one. Why would a sympathetic 'jihadist' call this group and not attempt to contact the security services or the media? He has this bombshell information yet calls a research outfit at a University?

    'According to the British press in October, five Britons, three French, two Germans and two Belgians wanted to return home'

    It's Christmas. They forgot to add... '4 calling birds, 3 French hens and 2 turtle doves'.

    The trouble with all these stories is no hard evidence is ever presented and as such they should be treated with a pinch of salt. Are there really moles inside IS feeding vital information to the world's press or could the source of all this 'atrocity porn' we are being fed, in fact be a PR agency?


    '...the government of Kuwait funded as many as 20 PR, law and lobby firms in its campaign to mobilize US opinion and force against Hussein'


    "Hill & Knowlton ... has assumed a role in world affairs unprecedented for a PR firm. H&K has employed a stunning variety of opinion-forming devices and techniques to help keep US opinion on the side of the Kuwaitis. ... The techniques range from full-scale press conferences showing torture and other abuses by the Iraqis to the distribution of tens of thousands of 'Free Kuwait' T-shirts and bumper stickers at college campuses across the US."

    Buyer beware.

  4. Not saying these countries haven't mistakenly killed children in the past but has there been mass targeting of hundreds of children as we see with IS or the Taliban?

    'UNICEF: Israel deliberately killed 264 Palestinian children in Gaza'


    I'm saying that those people (muslims who live peacefully) are not true muslims.

    Our criminal rulers don't give a monkey's what flavour of religion any of us are partial to. They want our money, our land, our souls and our obedience. Religion can be used for good or ill. It is a tool. Divisions between and within religions can be exploited, using 'divide and rule'. It's the same BS we have had for thousands of years. Money and power. They want it all and they are going to get it.

    That is why I say Islam is a bag of excrement

    Unless it's an asset like in Bosnia, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Chechnya. Have I missed any? Your view is understandable considering the deluge of 'atrocity porn' we are subjected to every time a country, leader or 'ism' is targeted. Some of it may be genuine but personally I think most of it is not. It's Pavlovian Programming 101. Research the Tavistok Institute. Responses like yours are predictable. I don't watch TV any more, to inoculate my mind from the torrent of toxic garbage masquerading as 'news' and 'entertainment'.

    Only a cold heartless person would care more about a stupid cult that seeks world domination by violence against others than about about protecting human lives from violence.

    Ah, yes. Saving people by bombing them. I don't care much about any of it. You can't stay sane if you allow someone else to keep yanking your emotional chain. Think about it. Are you sure you know which 'cult' is seeking world domination? The Caliphate nonsense is farcical.

    Switch off the TV. You'll sleep better.

  5. Who are the suicide bombers?

    Those who cannot afford Predator Drones, Reapers and Kill lists. You know. The 'humanitarian' methods of slaughter beloved by atheists.

    Who flys aeroplanes into tall buildings?

    Saudi Arabians. How's that invasion of Saudi Arabia going? How many public beheadings were there this month? Aren't you pleased one of the worst fundamentalist extremist nations is our friend?

    Who mows down little school kids?

    The list is long. Israelis, Americans, Brits, French, Congolese, Ukrainians, Libyans, ISIS (the same rent-a-terrorists, with a new brand name)... every death of the innocent is a tragedy but don't be so easily seduced by what you see on TV. This is small beer. Sanctions in Iraq killed 500,000 children and it was 'worth it'. Gotta love those atheists and their weapons of mass destruction.

    You were saying about getting a grip?

    • Like 1
  6. How about releasing the history Americans are never told, of how North Korea developed as a 'Garrison State' mostly due to the holocaust from the air carried out by U.S. bombers and fighter planes against North Korean cities during the Korean War. American planes dropped tens of thousands of bombs and many hundreds of tons of napalm on cities in North Korea. Three million North Koreans died during this conflict, and 18 out of its 22 largest cities were 50 percent to 100 percent obliterated.

    No wonder they are paranoid.

    • Like 1
  7. ...what is happening in Russia is about basic human rights, that everyone is entitled to. I don't see how anyone can make excuses for what is happening there.

    Russia is a collectivist society. The rights of the individual are secondary to the rights of the collective. Trying to understand the Russian mindset and the arguments they are using is legitimate. Violent reactions from some members who demand only one point of view, is repression and the real 'hatred' on here.

    In 1993 homosexuality was decriminalized, in Russia. It takes time for attitudes to change. Having blocked informational access to children, I don't see how any change in attitude is now possible. Russia is going in the opposite direction, with attitudes against LGBT people increasing. It's a difficult situation as this piece explains... http://www.globalequality.org/newsroom/latest-news/1-in-the-news/186-the-facts-on-lgbt-rights-in-russia

    Skinhead gangs and 'boot boys' and 'suede heads' were pretty active in my town in my youth. I spent most of my teenage years trying to avoid them. 'Gay-bashing' existed but so did 'granny-bashing', bashing you at football grounds, bashing you for walking on the same side of the street and bashing you just for the love of violence. My youth was mostly about survival and the police weren't interested, so I have every sympathy. In fact, not feeling safe from violence is one of the reasons I left the UK. Today, feral youths from sink-estates are an unfortunate fact of life, where no-one feels safe.

  8. In the case of Russia, however, it appears that the gov't does not provide basic protection for a group of its citizens.

    At least the Police aren't clubbing them like they did the Occupy movement. There is some justice... http://www.livescience.com/43273-why-russia-is-anti-gay.html

    'On Feb. 3, a court in eastern Russia sentenced three men to between nine and 12 years in prison each for the beating and stabbing death of a man they believed to be gay'

    A possible explanation of our Russian poster's views...

    '...acceptance has not come easily. One reason, Mikhailova said, is the popular tendency to conflate erroneously homosexuality with pedophilia and rape.

    "For a long period of time Russian men and Russian women who were kept in prisons were subjugated and sexually assaulted in order to keep them complacent," she said. Men who were raped were known as "roosters," a term that is still one of the "most painful words" to call a man in Russia, Mikhailova said.

    With rape and homosexuality equated, it's easy for leaders to insult gay people unapologetically.

  9. If someone below the age of consent is suborned into sexual activity then the person who did it should be prosecuted regardless of their gender or orientation.

    That was not the question. The Russian law is designed to protect under-18s from promotion of 'non-traditional' lifestyles in the belief that minors can be 'pushed' in that direction. Do you agree with this premise? Is the question now clear enough for you or should I write it in crayon?

    Oh please. Stop making this stuff up. This may be what you think being gay is like. It's not.

    I am not making stuff up and stop making assumptions. I know what being gay is like having observed my own offspring and his friends for 20 years. His being beaten, his desire for legitimacy (through a civil union), his heavy use of drugs (including Amyl Nitrite), his diagnosis of HIV, his 'camp' persona. You don't get more 'gay' than a camp hairdresser. A week after his Civil Union he discovered his 'husband' was having sex with multiple partners he met via the internet. Heterosexual couples also have their problems but his life has certainly been a roller-coaster.

    We have confided in each other and I have researched the health aspects for him (the 'Swiss Study' is crap, btw) I have never condemned him and always supported him, despite my own reservations. Which, if you can keep your shirt on, are largely based around disappointment. No grandchildren being the principle one. It is also difficult to relate to a lifestyle I have no exposure to. Gay bars are not my scene. I am most certainly prejudiced. Against overly 'camp' gays. Seeing them as being largely responsible for attracting my son into the scene. Their 'promotion' of the lifestyle, in my opinion, was a factor in his transformation from dating women to dating men. So, yes I am supportive of the Russian government's stance and resentful of these gay 'stars', the media elevate.

    I don't really care for your opinion on the matter. As far as I am concerned, being a homosexual is a harder road than not, as Russian gays are experiencing. Last time I checked same sex couples can't have children. Perhaps you know better? Instead of giving me the 'airy wave', do a search on all of the points I made and you will find ample support.

  10. You keep using words like 'minor' and 'youngster'. Are you talking about people who are above the age of consent or not?

    You can't be serious.

    You also keep using the words 'natural' and 'normal'. In what sense are you using them? To a gay person sex with a member of the same sex is natural.

    Why don't you read my posts properly before asking your questions? I was specific about those minors who, in the absence of any 'promotion', would not adopt a 'non-traditional' lifestyle. i.e. those who are either seduced or groomed.

    whole post seems to assume that being straight is somehow 'better' than being gay. The only truth in that is that you're much less likely to have the crap beaten out of you for being straight.

    Nonsense. You won't be having children, you can't get married in most countries, you spend most of your life desperate for acceptance, you may need to take poppers to enable anal intercourse and you are apparently at higher risk of contracting AIDS... http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/sexandrelationships/analsex.htm

    Apart from that I agree with you.

    As for having the crap beaten out of me, my youth was a war zone because thugs can always find a reason to attack you. Homosexuals are at risk but don't let's pretend they have a monopoly on being assaulted.

  11. There are lots of alternatives for the younger kids though, Disney Jr, Nick Jr. and Treehouse (Canadian). And the deaths in the old Disney movies are always shown moralistically with the appropriate grieving and sadness.

    Whereas Japanese and other Asian films are just pure gratuitous mayhem where there is no distinction between good and evil. Even the heroes are possessed by dark forces, Asian cartoons are banned in my house, but we have plenty of DVD's that are educational and no one dies at all.

    Not just deaths in movies. Also the hyper-sexualization of the young and all the subliminal messages. Disney is one of the worst offenders...

    This clip is unfortunately titled but the content is revealing...


  12. Ladyboys do all they can (sometimes to the point of removing their genitalia which is pretty extreme by any standards) to be women. This automatically reduces their attractiveness to gay men who, as I said, are attracted other men. Why is a ladyboy who does this assumed to be gay?

    I don't assume this, nor have I ever met anyone who does.

    Coming back to the law that has triggered these 'homophobic' attacks. The law is aimed at 'non-traditional' relations. Ladyboys are clearly non-traditional.

    Here is the statement again.. 'Alekseevs arguments that his actions were not propaganda, but were aimed at spreading objective information, which cannot inflict harm to health, moral or spiritual development of minors. Alekseevs claim was contradicted by the materials in the case, the court said.'

    Perhaps to Alekseev the material was 'education' and to the court 'propaganda'. I don't know. However, it does beggar a fundamental question, which thus far, the forum 'lobby' has avoided answering, preferring personal attacks. Is it possible to 'push' a minor towards a behaviour they would not adopt, in the absence of promotion? In other words, can youngsters be 'groomed' or seduced into choosing a non-traditional lifestyle? Common sense should tell you that if a youngster was responding to 'natural' and 'normal' imperatives, there would be no need for 'grooming'. The fact that grooming does occur, shows that some youngsters CAN be swayed.

    If you agree, shouldn't the LGBT community exercise restraint and NOT target the young? And if they refuse, doesn't the State have a responsibility to protect impressionable youngsters?

    The usual modus operandi of the U.S. media is to accuse other (targeted) nations of doing what YOU are doing. Violence against the LGBT community also occurs in the U.S. I had to search for it since the media are too busy Russia-bashing to properly inform the public. This link mentions the problem...

    'Deceptive Gender Benders, Sexual Predators, and Homicidal Homos: The Ongoing Criminalization of LGBTQ People in the U.S.'


    'violence against gay men, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people is part and parcel of the U.S. criminal legal system which perpetually profiles, prosecutes and punishes LGBTQ people, particularly LGBTQ people of color.

    'Moguls talk will look at how queer and trans people are categorized and dehumanized by popular stereotypes and how this demonization directly leads to violence against them in the criminal legal system and U.S. society as whole. Mogul will also interrogate the limits of anti-discrimination laws, both locally and on the federal level, in addressing this systemic violence.'

    It's not just Russia, then.

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