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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. And for these reasons, ARJUNDAWN, perhaps Christians will declare war (Crusades) and give Muslims a choice of Christianity or death as they do to others? This religion seems to be debated just as the right to own a pit bull dog. The dog kills uncontrollably and must be euthanized so one might believe if this religion is not peaceful or tolerant, kills uncontrollably and insists on world domination the ultimate thought pushes others to annihilate this religion? Tough spot to be in for sure.

    Well, as someone quite familiar with war, I never advocate violence, even where that seems to be the only option- I just avoid commenting on it. The christians could never again muster such forces as they did in the 11th century to finally respond to 400 years of islamic jihad and conquest and rape and slavery and torture and death all along the periphery of the Holy Roman Empire, and then penetrating deeply- Spain for example. Europe finally responded but self loathing revisionists in the west later painted a very vacant picture of why these wars were started. Perhaps the excesses of christians repulsed us so much as a post enlightenment civilization (and the absence of any real muslim knowledge after the failure at Vienna-a relative Ottoman dark age) that we began re writing history as christian aggressors, clearly forgetting how it all started. It should be noted that in the late 1600s Vienna was under siege as Islamic jihad again penetrated deep into Europe. Christians did not invite them, nor did they precipitate this, but this defeat of the aggressors is still to this day a rallying cry for remembrance, September 11th. They cannot be negotiated with. They seek nothing less than everything!

    I have no use for any religion of today but I have always thought it was a stretch, indeed an error in reason, to declare islam a religion; perhaps there was no choice. It is a religion with most of the trappings, but it is so much more; I think it clearly deserves the title of both, religion and not, depending on which state of behavior is being acted out. Its sharia is ideology, no different than fascism, vacant, oppressive, and coercive. This why the Grand Mufti and Adolf Hitler got a long, with Hitler praising the muslims for their death embracing views and jew hatred.

    It is simply dishonest to overlook that the koran is the greatest hate speech in the history of the world. It is not just cloaked divine mandate for aggression but it is practical mayhem that demands emulation and obedience. One could create a computer program, feed it the parameters of hate speech from Mein Kampf and any number of radical black militant theology speeches, Nation of Islam speeches, Anjem Choudary of UK, Hamas leaders, Qawadari from Qatar, and a thesaurus related to hate concepts and have the computer self learn what constitutes hate speech. Then run the Koran and Hadith through the baseline now established by known repugnant language. I am very confident that the software would rate these text as ghastly. How humans, contrary to overwhelming evidence, argue to the contrary reflects an intellectual bankruptcy on the speaker.

    Christians do not possess the power in a fractured post reformation state to address this issue. This issue has to be addressed in a way that frankly evades me.

    I, too, am familiar with war and its effects on soldiers and their families and as a result, want no part of it. All those salivating for war are the usual keyboard chicken-hawks, who just love to send others sons to fight. They sit there masturbating as they ask you... 'Did you ever kill anyone?' 'What was it like?' Wide-eyed and clueless. Enchanted by the fireworks on CNN. They should either pick up a rifle or shut up.

    It's disingenuous to pick on Islam when all 3 religions have 'the greatest hate speech' within their 'holy' books. The Old Testament incites violence and hate speech. The Babylonian Talmud is pure ***** evil.

  2. I can't see this getting any better and it'll certainly get worse with the silence from the Muslim community.

    Silence from the media, perhaps. Muslim leaders have condemned the atrocity.

    There is so little real terror in the U.S. the FBI have to fabricate it. What has been the result? An immense and terrifying 'Security State', complete with militarized Police goons and SWAT teams breaking down doors without a warrant. 'Combating Terror with Terror'. Nice campaign slogan, that.

    Now it's Europe's turn. Be careful what you wish for.

  3. When was the last time any extreme Christians killed 133 children in a school, or forced a teenage girl to suicide bomb a busy market?.

    Would you like to have a guess what percentage of suicide bombers over the last 30 years have been Muslim?

    Would you like to bet me all of your life savings whether Muslim extremists OR Christian extremists murder dozens of innocent civilians all over the world tomorrow?

    I always find it annoying when apologists try to excuse the blame by saying things like "yeah, well Christians had the crusades" like it somehow justifies the barbaric acts that are happening against us today. Extreme Muslims are our modern day Nazis and they are already waging a war on us, but it's not an issue because you think that there are a couple of extreme Buddists and extreme Hindus out there also.

    Your viewpoint reflects the anti-Muslim diet you have been fed, just as an anti-Saddam, anti-Noriega, anti-Russia, anti-Gadaffi, anti-Milosevic, anti-Assad, anti-thenexttargetedcountry diet would do the same.

    There is nothing noble in murdering people but please explain how a suicide bomber giving up his life, blowing up people, compares to a predator drone operator, with a crucifix round his neck? One sacrifices himself for his cause. The other sits behind a joystick, safely tucked away from any response.

    The media are sparing you the body count at the hands of so-called 'Christians' or atheists.

    Personally, I try to resist the media telling me who I am supposed to hate and who I am supposed to kill.

  4. Interesting take arjunadawn. Much of the Christian support stems from 'Zio-Priests', scumbag televangelists like Hagee (who is in bed with Adelson and the Zionist Organization of America) and the Scofield Bible trotting out poppycock about rapture and Armageddon. American Christianity is represented by Jeezus carrying an M-16. Another captured and corrupted institution.

    Coming back to the topic... Do a search for 'abbas traitor' and you'll see where this fraud is coming from. I suspect this latest charade is doomed to failure and designed to try and give him some legitimacy.

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  5. All you have done is post an irrelevant diversion from the topic.

    They have access to WHO documents in western Europe and aren't as stupid, hateful, and BACKWARDS as Russia is in this regard.

    If you're suggesting Russia wouldn't have done this if the WHO was different, maybe you'd like to sell us a bridge cheap as well.

    You do let your imagination run away with you. If you can get beyond maligning me with manufactured crimes, here's the tract which the Guardian found relevant even if you did not...

    'Transsexuals and transvestites are also on the list, which is drawn from the World Health Organisation’s list of “gender identity disorders” and “disorders of sexual preference.”

    As to whether a 'disorder' of this kind is an impediment to safe driving, it is bizarre to think so and I can only think the Russians are sticking their fingers up at the NGOs and TV agitators, frothing at the mouth. Either that or the legislators have cut and paste the WHO list of disorders into their draft, without thinking it through. Whatever. In practice, I doubt there will be any enforcement.

  6. I find your answer sleazy and disingenuous as if you don't even want to acknowledge the Islamic Jihadist inspired antisemitic murders at the grocery which the march was ALSO about. That was big a part of Netanyahu's role in the march, it was not only about free press (something that the democracy in Israel also values as do the French), it was also about Islamic Jihadists murdering Jews in Europe just for being Jews.

    Speaking of antisemitism to suggest that it would be hard to find humanitarians among the millions of Jews in Israel is a good example of that flavor of hate speech rhetoric. So I can be offended by your offensive POV, but no, that does not justify murder.

    And there it is. The anti-semitic smear so beloved by Hasbara trolls. Didn't take you long. I was referring to Israel's leaders. His presence is an offence to decency. As was your reply. When it comes to being disingenuous you don't get more 'sleazy' than trying to deflect criticism of a 'war criminal' leader, onto Jewish victimhood.

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  7. There's an interesting snippet in the Guardian piece, which the howling mob fail to mention. The WHO classifies transgender people as mentally ill. Here's another article on this... http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2011/09/29/european-parliament-calls-for-end-of-classifying-transgender-people-as-mentally-ill/

    Since the Russian legislation seems to have taken its lead from the WHO list of mental diseases, which is STILL extant, then perhaps some fire needs to be directed at the WHO.

  8. I guess you did answer the question. No problem with civilian French Jews being able to shop without getting murdered, eh?

    The topic is about World leaders joining the march. I was talking about Netenyahu, who, so soon after presiding over the butchery of 2000 Palestinians, has the affront to hijack this incident to pretend he cares about human life. Your attempt to justify his presence is shameful. Let Israel send a true humanitarian, if such a person exists.

    As to your question. NO innocents deserve to lose their lives

  9. Hello and thanks for a nice try, but... could you please join the rest of us in the XXIst century, dude ? Because if you do even a very basic research, you will find out that no one can 'discourage people from being gay' simply because being gay IS NOT A CHOICE.

    Homophobic laws, habits and customs can throw gay people into hiding, which is what happened in most of human history, but they cannot and will never be able to change their NATURE. Most clergies of most faiths don't like that truth and spend a lot of energy denying it, but then they created the churches, they didn't create human beings unless I'm very ill-informed.

    How many times does that need to be said, including to people like you who are obviously rather kind and tolerant, but still believe that being gay is a choice ?

    Also, do you really have to heavily point out that this 'Russian Gay guy' told you and your gf ? OK, ok, you're not gay, fine. By making this extra point you do make it obvious, however, that homophobia is alive and well in a territory that goes way beyond Russia. If it wasn't doing well, a straight man defending gay rights wouldn't feel the urge to hastily talk about his gf so people won't think he's one 'of the family'.

    What an unpleasant and condescending attack. 'Dude'.

    You read so much into his post, it smacks of 'heterophobia'. 'Heavily' pointing and not one 'of the family'. Sheer invention. You toss out 'homophobia' and 'homophobic', an offensive and ugly smear, with only your imagination as evidence. Perhaps it is YOU who needs to keep up... try using 'sexual preference' instead. THEN you might achieve a more civilized dialogue... http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/prej_defn.html

    The 'being gay is not a choice' viewpoint is too simplistic. It may be for some but there is a percentage of youngsters who are susceptible to 'grooming'. If this was not so, the term and practice would not exist.

  10. Moslem extremist fanatics who have been conditioned and brainwashed by religious fanatics who hide behind religion.

    We, too, are conditioned and brainwashed by psychopatic kleptokrats hiding behind 'freedom and democracy' or 'humanitarian bombing'.

    You didn't dig deep enough in answering the question. No matter.

    Instead of performing in this latest circus, to wage more war and take away what is left of our freedoms, our leaders should be 'draining the swamp'. This article offers some common sense solutions... http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/01/paris-terror-attack-isis-result-911-cover.html

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