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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. You misunderstand. 


    My photos and 'stuff' are stored on another drive. The photo library I refer to is the locally stored one that merely contains preview files and thumbnails - the actual full-res images and RAW file are elsewhere. I also keep my projects on another drive - apart from the ones I'm currently working on. 


    I don't care how long is takes me to make a system image, because I have no intention of making one. My backups happen automatically, in the background, with a minimum transfer of data. I wouldn't waste my time making images of my whole drive every week. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


    Lord knows what you've got that takes up 150 GB! Have you had a look recently at your folder sizes? shock1.gif


    Ask me again about the images after you see the ransomware pop-up. rolleyes.gif



    Software, mostly - plus various associated files, projects I'm currently working on, my photo library, that sort of thing. People use their computers with all kinds of media these days, and it can use up a lot of storage. 


    You're doing a full image of your hard drive as a backup precaution? That's a serious waste of time and space. You need to learn about incremental backups. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    FB people are not your friends. Real friends phone each other, email each other and actually meet up on occasions. Many people have made FB a substitute for the real thing, a fake virtual world of just names, pictures and anomalies.


    I agree with some posters that FB is good for keeping track of people that may live long distances or associating again with relatives and friends past, but making social media as a main part of social activities and friendships is warped. It reminds me of the Woody Allen film, Sleeper, when in the future people no longer have sex, they use a machine called a orgasmatron instead.  


    My Facebook friends are my friends. I don't just add any old random people. They're people I know in real life. People I meet up with. We even use Facebook to arrange to meet up. 


    If you've added a whole bunch of people that you don't give a toss about, then you probably won't enjoy reading about them.  But that's a problem you've created. Facebook is as good or as bad as the people you use it to communicate with. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


    I don't store any of my files on the system drive - all files go on other drive(s), either internal (5 * 2TB SATA3 in the desktop) or external USB drives for the laptop and netbook.


    My system images are < 25GB, so I can do them every week in about 10 minutes.


    If you have a huge system drive, making images takes hours so you are dissuaded from doing it.



    I keep most of my files elsewhere too, but I still have over 150GB of stuff on my laptop drive. 120 is way too little to recommend these days. 


    Why would I want to do weekly images of my drive?

  5. 22 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


    I did that once. The first day I got Linux running, I wanted to add mouse trails to my mouse pointer so I could see immediately where the mouse icon is on a wide screen - something that is trivial to do in Windows. So I Googled it, found a techy Linux forum, joined up, posted the question on how to do it and was told to enter a weird command into terminal to download something that could be configured to do the job.


    Easy-peasy you would think. So I asked how to get "Terminal" running to enter the command and the first response I got was "If you need to ask how to run Terminal, are you sure Linux is the operating system for you?".  Arrogant s-o-b.


    And by the way, all the stuff that was recommended to do the job didn't do it.


    The day Linux is used on more than 10% of PC's I might take another look. Today, it's share is about 2 or 3%. 


    Thing is, it's kind of easier to just type a command into terminal than it is to poke around in a complicated system of windows and menus. You just need to get over the fact that it's a bit weird at first. If you're not prepared to make a step like that, then using a different OS probably isn't for you.

  6. 1 minute ago, YeahSiam said:


    Dreadful advice.

    Life is about more than a pension.You're advising the guy to choose his profession on the basis of their pension provision.

    I can't think of much worse than toiling away in a job with little more to look forward to than coming to Thailand (or whatever the retirement destination for old boys who can't get women any more will be in 40 years' time) when old and possibly infirm.

    Spending your youth dreaming of when you can put your feet up and slowly wither away sounds like the definition of waste.

    I'm not saying he should come here and party it up because "you only live once" but I am saying that life is a journey, not a destination.

    IMO, he should learn a futureproof skill that can be useful in any country and go from there


    Yep. But slaving away in a job for life and deferring any enjoyment until you have one foot in the grave is all some of these guys know. Life is for living, not planning for retirement. 

  7. 1 minute ago, lemonjelly said:

    Ahh yes, thai grannies that iron creases into your shirt yokes and put a gloss finish on man made materials with red hot irons after giving the collar a good shredding with a brush that'd be more at home in a workshop...... I know em.


    Never had any problem with them myself. Mind you, I tend not to wear my sunday best when I'm on holiday - and who wears man-made fabrics in a hot sweaty country like this? 

  8. On 01/10/2016 at 10:32 PM, possum1931 said:

    Maybe, but his wife probably has white female friends who might be interested in the OP.


    I'm not sure they would, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.


    Most of our single female friends tend to go to the more upscale places around Phrom Phong, Thong Lor or Ekamai. You'll find them at brunch spots during weekend daytimes, too. They also often spend the weekends down at the beach at Koh Chang or Koh Samet. Like most younger people these days though, they're more about hooking up via social media, so an old-fashioned chat up technique may not get you that far. Be aware that these are smart, independent women with plenty of spare cash, and despite what some might think, they get plenty of attention so they're not exactly desperate to meet a guy. You'll need to bring something to the game.

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  9. 1 hour ago, lemonjelly said:

    I'm a cheap Charlie when it comes to laundry in hotels, I always do my own in the shower, even in expensive hotels (1,000 baht a night in my impoverished case)... just an old habit I guess. It's kinda stupid I know; I'll spend 30 minutes  faffing around with my laundry in the shower to save 100 baht, then go and blow  more than that on a coffee and snack without thinking twice. I would like to inform readers that no chopsticks were harmed in this post.


    Hotels generally charge silly money for laundry. I usually just go find one of those little laundry places run by a couple of grannies instead, though.

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