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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:


       You really need to understand , when something costs twice as much in one establishment than it does in a place a few doors away, then indeed it is expensive (in comparison) , the actual cost is irrelevant to that point .


    Yes. But when there are places that charge twice as much again, then it's not exactly at the pricey end of the range. 

  2. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:


       I gave an example of how much typical rice dishes cost .

    You were trying to show off by stating that your typical rice dish costs twice as much as everyone elses typical rice dishes .


    I'm not trying to show off. Just pointing out that the range of 'typical' rice dishes goes beyond that assumed by some of our more frugal members - and that calling 80 Baht for such a dish 'pricey' is quite amusing. 


    Apparently this has somewhat struck a nerve for some people. 

  3. Just now, transam said:

    You are wrong again....You really must keep up with Thai stuff....Mrs.Trans eats with chop sticks with certain food....Restaurants we frequent give chop sticks, I ask for my tools......Perhaps you spend your time in BK or McD's, but there is a Thai eating culture out there perhaps beyond your boundaries...


    Certain foods, yes. You haven't really paid much attention to which ones, clearly. 

  4. Just now, sanemax said:


       It wasnt a funny joke, nor was it an obvious joke .

    Maybe it would have been funny if we were in a real life situation and you said it in a jokey voice, but it just didnt transmit too well as  written words on a forum


    It wasn't obvious that I was joking?


    You failed to notice I wasn't actually handing you a 100B note?

  5. Just now, sanemax said:


    Maybe its just the poor people who pay 50 Baht for rice dishes that use chopsticks, the 90 Baht places that you frequent and non poor people frequent, are more sophisticated and thus use forks and spoons


    Wow. You have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about that one, don't you?


    Here's 100 baht. Treat yourself to a fancy dinner tonight on me. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:

    what about creating a website ? I know its possible to earn money from websites and blogs etc ,, but not sure if its enough to live/work in Thailand, what about the people/person who created this website ? I'm guessing he or she earns money from  this  


    I'd say for every one person who makes money from a website, there are a large number who do not. The internet certainly doesn't need yet another travel blog. 

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