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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Just now, Bob9 said:

    Obviously the Dems were holding on to this, with the plan to release it when some bad news about Hillary came to light, or just before the election. That Wikileaks did not 'leak' and maybe actually have nothing, and that Trump was starting to win in the polls, means they jumped and released this now. Maybe too early?


    Trump will take a hit but with nearly a month to go, he can recover, starting in the next debate. Has crooked Hillary got the timing wrong - I certainly hope so.  The next debate will be very 'entertaining' indeed - all viewing records will be broken.


    I am still wondering - what has wikileaks got on Hillary??  Will they release it when she has no time to recover? Maybe just before the last debate?




    Trump was starting to win in the polls?


    Er, no. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


    HRC is too savvy to bring it up.  She doesn't need to.  Trump is crapping in his own pants and holding them up for all to see.  HRC will sit back and let The Divider keep soiling himself.  Most of her campaign ads are select video clips of Trump and Pence.  No commentary needed.  They do it to themselves.




    She doesn't have to bring it up - the next debate is a town hall, after all, so the public can bring it up for her. 

  3. Just now, Mekong Thunder said:

    I've heard NOTHING about any policies of Hillary's,just ad-hominem attacks on Donald Trump.Say what you like but 'Let's build a wall' and 'Let's stop a certain type of immigration' are massive vote winners across the World today and ever the showman Trump knows this only too well!
    Anyone who thinks Hillary's childish,elitist,finger-wagging tripe is winning her this election please tell me what colour the moons are on your planet?
    That's before anyone talks about the missing 33,000 classified emails or her husband's Bubba's famous misogyny and outright sexual assaults on many an intern,do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do just doesn't cut it anymore in the modern World I'm afraid!


    You don't read a lot, do you?

  4. 1 minute ago, stander said:

    Sunday's debate between Trump and Bill’s enabler will be interesting. Trump knows a lot about Hillary's past.


    I think he'll be too busy defending his to talk about hers. This debate could be the final nail in his campaign's coffin. Even a resounding win probably wouldn't save him now, and the chances of that are slim. Likely he'll embarrass himself further, possibly even have a public meltdown. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    When you can genetically modify male fetuses to strip-out the gene for synthesizing testosterone you'll have succeeded. Most mothers instinctively know not to tamp-down on their son's natural proclivity to agression and dominance as they want them to be alpha males who succeed in the world; very few of them want their boys to be the one on the schoolyard playground playing hopscotch with the girls.


    Real men treat women with courtesy and respect.


    I have to chuckle at talk of 'alpha males' from someone with your user name. Alpha males don't have to move somewhere to buy cheap sex. 

  6. Just now, CaptHaddock said:


    I have noticed among the psychopaths with whom I have had to work over the years, that they are convinced that everyone is a psychopath as well and merely faking empathy and honesty.  It's pretty stunning when you get to see it up close.


    Just as ageing sex pests are convinced that the rest of us share their tendencies, but are faking our attitudes to women. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Men in lust have little control, and in a society which allows young women to get blind, out of control, drunk it is not surprising so many young women wake up in a stranger's bed ( if they didn't do it behind a dumpster ).

    Have you not seen any of those tv shows about young people from the UK that go to Spain to bonk their brains out? I gather that is what the US Spring break is about too.


    It's not the Victorian era any more LOL.


    You might not be able to control yourself, but most of us can. 

  8. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Every parent should bring up daughters to defend themselves against unwanted sexual advances. A swift knee to the goolies usually works. Or, they can use the Japanese method of sticking a hat pin in their hand. I really like that one, but not many western women wear hats anymore.


    Every parent should bring up their sons to not make unwanted sexual advances. Which is exactly why this sort of comment is so abhorrent. 

  9. 1 minute ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    I'm glad you've found a safe space at the Pattaya Women's Expat Club...but I think what he means is you should try to get out and socialize with men more. That way you might know what they really think and say.


    None of the men I know talk like that. 


    I'm sure you'll just attempt to belittle them or claim that they're hiding their true nature, rather than admit that guys like you and the Donald are dinosaurs in a world that's moved on. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


    Yeah, this is a prime time for him to pull a disappearing act and leave the GOP holding the bag. He was never one of them anyway, and he might just pick up his marbles and go home. He never gave a sh!t about any of this anyway.


    I'm not sure his ego will allow him to quit. I think he might just publicly implode, though. 



  11. Just now, stander said:

    Trump supporters don’t care about rhetoric, inflammatory statements, or prior controversy.  They will not lose an ounce of sleep choosing good policy over inflammatory comments from 10+ years ago.


    Trump supporters won't win him the election, though. He needs to win over people outside of his base, and that looks increasingly unlikely with each new scandal.

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