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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Just now, sanemax said:



      That is the second time that you have mentioned that and I havent even stated or even suggested that there are not wealthy Thais in Thailand .

       Anyway, we are talking about "typical" prices , you seem to be just trying to portray yourself as someone who is quite rich and goes to expensive places to eat.......................rice dishes :)


    Not at all. Unless you think paying a couple of quid for a meal is expensive. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:


       The typical price for Special fried rice is 40-60 Baht for Thai places

    60-80 Baht in felang places and anything more than that and you will expect the waiters to be wearing suits


    I know what a plate of fried rice costs in the cheapest places. But there are plenty of places that charge more - and not necessarily 'felang' places either. 


    Incidentally - 'Special fried rice'? Isn't that the dish you get in 'chinese' takeaways in the UK where they throw in everything they can scrape out of the back of the fridge?

  3. 2 minutes ago, KevT said:


    Maybe. It was a 3-year degree (diploma) though, with a school solely for college degrees, not just an exam (although maybe that's not what you meant of what A levels were).


    Thanks a lot for the open university suggestion. Do you know if that that would be accepted to get a teacher's license in Thailand for sure?


    So is it a degree or a diploma?

  4. 5 minutes ago, upside said:


    I can see you have a long way to reach grand master troll. 


    Keep working on it young padawan.


    A troll isn't just someone you happen to disagree with. 


    I don't troll. I just state my opinions. If you don't like them, feel free to disagree. 


    Or, you know, just drag a thread way off-topic with pointless personal attacks. Which kind of is trolling, now that I come to think of it. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, upside said:


    Forum popularity is built on a real world loneliness. 


    Don't confuse the two. 


    Not at all. I have plenty of friends in real life. That's why I don't feel the need to try and make any here. Well, that and the fact that most posters here aren't exactly the kind of people I want to be friends with. 


    I have a social life in the real world. I come here to point and laugh, mostly. 

  6. 17 hours ago, KevT said:

    Say for countries where the educational system isn't the same or the naming is different as the US, is there a way to contact the Ministry of Education or somewhere else in Thailand to have the degree be recognized as on par or the same as a university degree?


    Why would they do that, when the qualification isn't a university degree equivalent?

  7. 1 hour ago, balo said:

    I don't think OP describes a Cheap Charlie, first of all he went to a 'pricey restaurant' so no wonder he brought his own water. How much is fried rice in a pricey restaurant ? I would guess 80 baht . A real Cheap Charlie would never pay for overpriced Thai food. I know I wouldn't. 40 baht would be a normal price in most Thai places.  I even pay for water if it's 10 baht and not 50......


    You think 80 baht for a dish constitutes 'pricey'?


    Sometimes I wonder if this place is just a well-constructed parody site. 

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