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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Obviously my post was a tad bit idealistic and not likely to ever happen. It still isn't a bad idea though. As one poster said Pattaya used to be the place out in the sticks and then grew into what it is now. So in theory if you took some rice fields a short drive out of Pattaya and made the red light zone there you would produce some high value real estate out of pretty much thin air.

    LOL At the guy comparing decent zoning laws to the racism that is apartheid. How delusional do you have to be to come up with such a comment?

    Dress it up as "decent zoning laws" if you want. It's discrimination, just as apartheid was.

    How would you like it if ghettos were created for all the wowsers? Oh I forgot - the USA has gated communities.

    It isn't like that at all. It is no different than creating zoning and putting factories in one location. But sure if you think it is that discriminatory then just shut them all down and be done with it. Your assertions are verging upon lunacy. You will find this already exists at the current locations. I am only suggesting they move them further out as the locations they are at were zoned long ago and could perhaps be updated and everybody could live with it and be happy.

    You really compare this to the ghettoes created in Warsaw?

    It's a hilarious example of just how touchy some of these guys are about any perceived criticism of their chosen lifestyle.

    All I've ever really said is that I don't use prostitutes myself, that many other men also choose not to do so, and that such a visible sex industry is perhaps not in Thailand's best interests. And in return I've been accused of being a religious puritan, a homosexual, a troll, a hen-pecked husband, a jealous repressed prude, and now attacked via the use of a straw man of such ridiculous proportions one expects to find Edward Woodward imprisoned within it.

    Quite remarkable behaviour from grown men, really.

  2. The biggest scam is the massive bait and switch I had perpetuated on me. I was promised a dirty, unpleasant place where the locals would despise me, only tolerate me for my money, and attempt to rip me off at every opportunity.

    But then I got here and discovered a delightful place full of kind, friendly people who go out of their way to be helpful and pleasant to me.

    Who do I complain to about this deception?

  3. Many repliers are implying that Mount Clair red wine is just a mixture of fruit juice, sugar? and .... don't know what else.

    I know on the 5l box it says 'blended and bottled by ...'.

    I want proof of what people claim the blended thingies are.... It does taste like wine to me, not some fruit juice.

    Look, it even says on the box lable '... save every precious drop of your premium wine'.

    See, no spelling errors, and 'premium wine'.

    So..... where's the proof that it's full of chemicals and sugar and fruit juice?

    Read the label. Somewhere it'll be marked as fruit wine or a fruit product of some kind.

    • Like 2
  4. More plant based dippies:


    I like this part:

    Adele disguised the smell of rotting flesh with a mixture of rose petals and salt water. She said: If babies were meant to have their umbilical cords cut at birth wed be born with scissors. It worked beautifully and the umbilical cord eventually fell away to make a perfect belly button."

    Ahhh... years of science, evolution, and progess, knocked on the head because scissors aren't natural.

    That reads like a Daily Mash article.

  5. I think relocation is an interesting idea. It seems like most sex tourists are only interested in girls and beer, so there's no need for them to be at a beach resort or on prime downtown Bangkok real estate. Set up a bar zone for them out in the sticks somewhere where nobody else need go, and let them get on with it.

    WOW, you actually wrote something I agree with, LOL.

    Actually, Pattaya WAS the place out in the sticks back in the 70s when it all started. However, it's popularity with the mongers soon brought the greedies wanting to exploit them with more expensive accomodation etc and the rest is history.
    Pattaya as we know it today was built on the backs of girls on their backs.

    I am also shocked to see any agreement on this subject. However why not do it that way? I guess current day Angeles city is somewhat like this. Nobody goes up there unless you really want to see that scene. During the relocation would give a chance to register and count the numbers properly and make it easier to tax. The tax could theoretically be used to improve the seaside and the places they have vacated. It could also be possible to make sure there are no under age girls or guys if that's what they want to do.

    Tax? Thou jest.
    The girls will never pay tax as it's all off the books except for the miniscule wage they earn in the bar, and the bars probably operate at a loss according to the books.

    Pattaya would become just another crappy concrete town with golf courses and ferries to the islands. The nightlife is what makes Pattaya popular.

    Obviously my post was a tad bit idealistic and not likely to ever happen. It still isn't a bad idea though. As one poster said Pattaya used to be the place out in the sticks and then grew into what it is now. So in theory if you took some rice fields a short drive out of Pattaya and made the red light zone there you would produce some high value real estate out of pretty much thin air.

    LOL At the guy comparing decent zoning laws to the racism that is apartheid. How delusional do you have to be to come up with such a comment?

    He just like to take a shot at me for some reason.

    Sure, it would develop as you say, but at least it wouldn't be a blight on what could otherwise be a major tourist selling point - a decent beach resort close to Bangkok.
  6. Dull people are content to spend their whole lives in one place. The inquisitive set out to experience more of the world.

    Hmmmmm Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind zzzzzzzzz


    Because spending every night in a repetitive quest for booze and hookers is fascinating?

    You answered ur own question congratulations ...Hope for you yet in ur quest

    The age old debate, always causes turbulence between the people who rent hookers and the people who married one and think they're smarter.... :)

    I'm not married to a hooker, dude.

    Dude whats wrong with marrying a hooker?

    Sent from my c64

    Where did I say there was anything wrong with it, dude?

    I'm just not married to one myself. Dude.

  7. Come off it Nana is a cesspit that has gotten worse year on year, nothing nice about the place at all, it has become a noisy classless open air slum brothel. If the govt want it to go the same was as SOi Zero, Asoke corner, Suk Square, Clinton Plaza and the other eye sores around there then go it will.

    On the contrary the refurbishment of Nana Plaza and the reorganisation of the central bars greatly improved the look of the place. Similar to Soi Cowboy, it has managed to reduce the sleaziness and attract regular customers including western couples and curious western women to the open bars. Much to the horror of the hardcore mongers!

    To the contrary, western couples and curious western women have been going into Nana for decades. Back in '96 I enjoyed the spectacle of a western wife stripped to her underwear dancing in Hollwood Royale ( that was a really great gogo aand open every night till well after dawn- shame it came under new management/ name ) while her husband sat in the crowd.

    I also immensly enjoyed seeing single farang women come in determined to be offended and by the time they left being "converted" to enthusiasts. Not to forget those that came looking for a nice young lady for a takeaway.

    The Nana of today, unfortunately, is but a shadow of the great mid 90s, before Purachai wreaked havoc.

    How do you know they were 'determined to be offended?' Sounds like you were just protecting your assumptions onto them.

  8. Come off it Nana is a cesspit that has gotten worse year on year, nothing nice about the place at all, it has become a noisy classless open air slum brothel. If the govt want it to go the same was as SOi Zero, Asoke corner, Suk Square, Clinton Plaza and the other eye sores around there then go it will.

    On the contrary the refurbishment of Nana Plaza and the reorganisation of the central bars greatly improved the look of the place. Similar to Soi Cowboy, it has managed to reduce the sleaziness and attract regular customers including western couples and curious western women to the open bars. Much to the horror of the hardcore mongers!

    Ha. Farang women are like kryptonite to some of these guys it seems.

  9. I wish all those that are so set against the farang scene would go to Walking St and try and "rescue" the women working there instead of railing against it from the anonymity of their armchairs. I reckon they'd be heading home with tails between legs in short order though.

    Even better, go home and rescue the poor and exploited there.

    The sex tourists seem quite keen to 'rescue' them already - then build them a nice house up in Isaan somewhere.

  10. Come off it Nana is a cesspit that has gotten worse year on year, nothing nice about the place at all, it has become a noisy classless open air slum brothel. If the govt want it to go the same was as SOi Zero, Asoke corner, Suk Square, Clinton Plaza and the other eye sores around there then go it will.

    then, my self-righteous friend, don't go there!

    reminds me of the anti-abortion zealots in the USA where I saw one pro-protester (a woman) with a placard that read

    "don't believe in abortion? FINE don't have one"

    you need to think about adopting this yourself and live and let live

    Ok, how about a deal? Normal folk don't enter Nana or Soi Cowboy. But in return, sex tourists stop shopping for dildos and Viagra on the main drag of Sukhumvit, and stop parading around Terminal 21 with a hooker on their arm?

    Normal folk don't enter Nana or Soi Cowboy

    You have come up with many erroneous comments on threads like this, but this one is a classic clap2.gif .

    Try reading my post again. Slower, this time.

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