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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. However, if you put meat in them, freeze them, and then defrost them, something leaks out. A miracle according to you, but I am not confident in your explanation.

    Why do you assume something leaks out? It's far more probable that there are traces of myoglobin on the outside of the bag which dissolve in the condensation that forms on the outside of the bag, giving the pinkish liquid.

    That's exactly what I was going to suggest. The obvious explanation.

  2. FLEX123,

    I hear your concerns, and the first thing that came into my mind is. Freelance service. As you said, she doesn't seem to have a relationship, no hidden phonecall conversations and so on. That we can rule out. But problem is, do you know where exactly she is all the time, and do you believe her? All she needs, is to be away for 1-2 hours max with a customer just to provide this service, and the price ranges from 5,000 to 20~30k+.

    What you need to do now, is pop up randomly at places where she said she would be, and if she's not there, you know why. I'm sorry to say this, but I highly suspect this. Don't ever fall for any of her excuses saying where she is until you actually have evidence by yourself. If she's away from you and a video chat seems unavailable, be worried, very worried.

    Also, she has a second phone you don't know about. Or a separate line/wechat account that doesn't need a phone, but could be accessed by the computer where she receives time and location, and she just shows up there.

    Best of luck either way, better to find out the truth sooner and deal with it while you are still young.

    Our maybe, you know, she's just not a hooker?

    Some of you guys have spent too long in the bars if you think any woman in Thailand with money must have earned it on her back.

  3. What does "unpleasant individuals" mean? Las Vegas probably attracts some unpleasant individuals as well, as does the porno industry worldwide.

    Let's not beat about the bush; the scum that that industry can attract, Thai and farang, to THAILAND -- we're still on TV, no? Most are harmless and come here for a bit of fun, but you have to admit that there are certain jaded mongerers that this country could do without.

    Anyway, I don't think it's realistic. The sex industry has ongoing here for generations (way before Vietnam War) and it'd just make the people resentful and drive it underground. They might make it less visible, but a complete cessation would see a massive drop in the tourist dollar. It wouldn't really bother me either way, then I guess it's one of Thailand's unique selling points and having a choice is always a plus.

    Would it make that much of a dent, though? Tourism is only a small part of Thailand's economy, and sex tourism only a small part of that. Plus perhaps a cleaning up of some resorts might attract other tourists.

  4. Let me understand this .... So a guy gets groped by some bar fly and he gets upset and shouts and gives the bar she is working at the finger. Then after he has been violated he gets punched and falls over some motorbikes.....

    Why did the bar fly grab the guys butt ? If you say it was a joke then they should have looked at the middle finger as a joke too and laughed instead of punching him.

    No reason to get violent unless you need to protect yourself. I see two problems, one is the bar girl grabs the guy and then he gets punched. And why are you judging the way the guy dresses ?

    The bouncer, or whatever he was, came from the back of the bar to attack the guy on the sidewalk, because he was "mouthy", and somehow the keyboard warriors on this forum seem to find that was justified.

    Justified? Maybe not. Inevitable? Yes.

    Silly old fool should have known better.

  5. There's been a few posts recently suggesting that the government would like to dismantle the sex industry. Obviously it's debatable whether they could ever achieve this - out if they seriously intend to. But just for a moment, let's imagine that they do. How would you react? What do you think this would mean for Thailand?

    Personally, I'd welcome the removal of much of the industry. It's a stain on the country's image, and attracts some pretty unpleasant individuals. I don't think a complete eradication is practical, or even desirable, but I think Thailand would be a better place without such a visible sex trade.

  6. Rule one - Don't be a dick.

    As for those commenting about a younger guy hitting an older one- you don't get carte blanche to be a dick just because you're old.

    You don't get any medals for sucker punching one either, not like the old guy went in swinging.
    It's not a sucker punch when you're fronting up to the whole bar.

    He was outside the bar, shouting, not threatening anyone with physical harm. If you think sucker punching an old guy for doing that is necessary, it says a lot about you.

    It's not a sucker punch if you were the one who incited it. Age is irrelevant - grey hair doesn't earn you the right to be a dick and avoid the consequences.

  7. Is it true that most Thais believe that foreigners come here because LOS is amazing?

    Only the uneducated ones. Even those with a moderate education wonder why we'd rather be here than in a first world country they all aspire to visit/migrate to.

    They're all desperate to visit or migrate to a "1st world" country?

    Is it any wonder Thaivisa is as ridiculed as it is?

    Agree, that does show a tremendous amount of ignorance. Mr. Dags has been hanging out with way too many bargirls.

    Normal people stay in their own countries, misfits (and the extremely poor) want to live in other countries.

    Nope. Normal people come here too. They just avoid the losers, same as they'd avoid their company back home.

  8. Rule one - Don't be a dick.

    As for those commenting about a younger guy hitting an older one- you don't get carte blanche to be a dick just because you're old.

    You don't get any medals for sucker punching one either, not like the old guy went in swinging.

    It's not a sucker punch when you're fronting up to the whole bar.

  9. Does not look like Thailand to me. Looks more like an European city canal. Potted plants and all. Give me the real Thailand any day. Most of these changes here come back to haunt them.

    Any European city would have installed a handrail.

    You've clearly never been to Amsterdam. Or Venice. Or London.

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