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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Until you've done some research into what torrents are, how they work, and the risks involved, I wouldn't recommend you click on any of them.

    This forum is probably not the best place to do this research, especially if you're talking about downloading copyrighted materials.

  2. We'll be seeing a lot more disappointed brexit voters as the gulf between what they actually voted for and what they thought they were voting for becomes apparent.

  3. Another false statement from biker-boy!

    Just watch it all unfold before your myopic eye. They will be gagging for it because they know their economies will to rat sh1t without us.

    What makes you think it's false?
    Because you wrote it!

    So can you show anything that contradicts what I say? Because right now your response looks pretty childish.

    You really need to get out more.

    Maybe you and Guesthouse could get a room.

    So, you have nothing more than childish comments to offer.

    Like I said, if you think I'm wrong, show us why.

    You clearly can't.

  4. The brexit vote meant brexit. Despite what large numbers of aging racists seem to think, it wasn't a referendum on stopping brown people entering the country.

  5. EU countries are certainly not queuing up to sign trade agreements with the UK, as it's illegal for them to do so under EU law - despite this forming David Davis's main plan for post-brexit UK.

    Another false statement from biker-boy!

    Just watch it all unfold before your myopic eye. They will be gagging for it because they know their economies will to rat sh1t without us.

    What makes you think it's false?
    Because you wrote it!

    So can you show anything that contradicts what I say? Because right now your response looks pretty childish.

  6. ^ Yes, I'm sure Germany has no contingency plans for selling us cars, engineering products, etc when we exit the EU rolleyes.gif .

    Well, they won't be making any individual trade deals with us, because the EU forbids it.

    The EU will do what Germany wants it to do wink.png .

    Perhaps, yes. But we won't be cutting a separate trade deal with Germany alone.

  7. If you think I'm wrong, go ahead and find something that proves you right.

    I don't need to - it is your comment and your case to prove.

    Sleep on this:-

    That Brexit apocalypse? It just isnt happening Planning to leave the EU isnt destroying our economy; a hysterical policy response just might


    You keep telling me I'm wrong, but so far you have nothing to back up these accusations.

  8. Over 10 years it is OK?

    Yes - the next 10 years especially.

    Anyone who has been here awhile is happy at 50 or better..... exceptional temporary swings can happen at any time.

    I am happy............. are you Joe ?

    Yes for Thailand, no for Brexit.

    Very sincerely I think it was a deal lose / lose.

    As convinced European I cannot understand why the British are deliberately excluded from this globally beneficial union in which they had a very advantageous position.

    And as said before I wish a similar Norwegian status. It will enable the UK to retain most of its benefits without participating in EU decisions which will ultimately suit to all.

    As far as I can tell, it was mostly a protest vote against the 21st century.

  9. Thanks for all the advice, when I am next in an IT shop will have a look at the mini sd card and the thumb drive.


    You just need to clean the crap off to free up some space.

    See above.

    Have you seen how little storage he's working with here? Just a tidy up is not going to solve the issue. I'm amazed they sell a computer with such meagre storage.

  10. EU countries are certainly not queuing up to sign trade agreements with the UK, as it's illegal for them to do so under EU law - despite this forming David Davis's main plan for post-brexit UK.

    Another false statement from biker-boy!

    Just watch it all unfold before your myopic eye. They will be gagging for it because they know their economies will to rat sh1t without us.

    What makes you think it's false?

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