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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. I think the westerners would mostly still end up with westerners.

    Despite the impression the obviously slanted sample here would give, Thai women are not universally accepted as paragons of feminine beauty.

    Yet again ur arrogance boils to the top ....as i assume u are a brit ...please feel free to post your picture..bet ur not a paragon of male beauty. Hate to say it, but you are just another white Anglo Saxon male (aka, seen as bald headed, lager drinking, tattooed lout, wants to have a fight, in the usual (old) ENGLAND football shirt walking around town ...(yea I know ...good job BTW ..last time you won a major competition was 1966, hence that gold star above the three lions. The Beatles were still together right ? A small island with huge grandeur of years past....catch up to 20 century

    Good lord, what a weird reaction. I'm not slagging off Thai women by saying they're not universally considered the world's most attractive. What a bizarre interpretation of my post. Why so touchy?

    By the way, I have a full head of hair, no tattoos, wouldn't be seen dead in a football shirt, and I think the UK is a bit of a dump.

  2. "What do you see as being a weird practices in other cultures, not only Thai."

    Shouting that 'God Is Great' (Allahu Akhbar) then trying to kill and injure as many people as possible. Now that is wierd.

    Ascribing the acts of a few extremists to an entire culture. Now that really is weird.

  3. I wouldn't get too smug about it until it actually happens.

    Funny to see so many people saying 'it must be happening, because a politician said so!', though. Because politicians are always trustworthy.

    You're confusing 'smug' with 'reality'

    "I wouldn't get too reality about it..."

    No, that doesn't really work, does it?

  4. To elaborate, I know plenty of people here in relationships with Thai women who don't talk this kind of rubbish. I'm not trying to tar them with the same brush.

    you implied only poor little asian women would accept the wests loser men, the same racist attitude spouted by western women, who simply refuse to accept that some men for a variety of reasons might prefer asian females

    Nope. I'm implying that those who can't handle the idea of entering to a relationship with a woman as their equal find it easier to pay for it instead - and Thailand has a lot of women prepared to take on the job.

    What's racist is the way western women are being described here.

  5. I have never bought a bottle under $300 USD, and I have bought thousands.

    Sometimes I fly to the vineyard.....

    Please, it is your body, only put in the best!!!!

    So was thinking you must not really drink much wine, until reading that you claim to have bought "thousands". WOW! So now just doing a bit of simple math...

    Let's just very conservatively assume that by " thousands", you only mean 2000...not 3000 or 4000 bottles, but merely 2000. Also then very conservatively assuming that EVERY one of those bottles cost only $300 and not a penny more. OK now let's see...

    Hmmmm...2000 bottles x $300 = (wow wait...let me get my calculator just to be sure).

    Yep = $600,000

    Damn! Substantially more than half-a-million USD on wine alone!

    That is one helluva impressive claim. Suppose you must have your own fleet of aircraft that fly ya to those vineyards too.

    Must be nice to be you! Just sayin'...

    ; - )

    Dude, you're taking a troll seriously.

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  6. @Puwa if you spent less time nonsensical ranting, and more time on things that really matter, you could join our Church and be a productive member of a team trying to make Chiang Mai a safer place.

    I don't think religion ever made anywhere a safer place.

    Stop kidding yourself - nobody wants your religion here. You're not doing God's work, you're just wasting your energy on a futile endeavour. Go home and carry on with your life rather than trying to spread your foolishness around the world.

  7. Foreigners often get a bad name for going to Thailand and being labeled as sex tourists, but the Thai official in the article says the industry caters mostly to Thai men.

    When someone asks me why I live in Thailand, I have a great reply. I am a student of ancient architecture and design. I am especially interested in the Sukhothai portico designs, and travel the region studying them.

    Man, does this shut them up, in a hurry!

    Why don't you tell them the truth?

    Because most of them come from western countries, where they are completely under the spell of a feminist doctrine of emasculation. If I were to tell them the truth, they could not handle it. Well, my wife and I think Thailand is really bad. All the women there are sex slaves. And the ones who are not slaves are submissive. Not like us. We are powerful. We own our men. We control them. Nobody gets over on us.

    So, by telling this lovely little story about ancient archaeology, it bypasses all of the nonsense. It cuts them off at the pass. It eliminates the drivel. They literally do not know what to say. I just do not need to hear their prudish, judgmental, ignorant opinions of Thailand.

    Yes, they're absolutely full of prejudices, and it's completely useless to talk about Thailand. Farang women are ultimate bigots.

    In the west, they have alot of power. They have nearly full sway over their men. They are accustomed to being in full control, and like the near emperors they are, they are not accustomed to having their power questioned, nor threatened. Here, most Western women walk around like zombies. Their boyfriends and husbands are eyeing every woman who walks by, because they are dazzled by women who are comfortable with the dignity and elegance within femininity. The guys start coming to the realization that for the most part, they are living with a man, who sort of looks like a woman. Most of their own women do not have a nanogram of femininity in their entire being. So, the whole experience is totally disconcerting to both of them. All the gals can come up with is that the women here are wallflowers, they have no will of their own, they are hypnotized into being totally obedient to their men, they are totally submissive, and most of them are whores. Why else would Asian women be so comfortable being so feminine? Dressing sexy. Walking like women walk. Using their feminine wiles. Not very creative on the part of Western women. Not very soulful. And for the most part, very racist. A very sad commentary on most women in the west.

    This is especially true of the US, the UK, and Australia. They are by far the worst offenders. I am not sure about the rest of Europe.

    Complete rubbish. I know a bunch of women here from the UK and the USA, and that in no way describes them or their relationships.

    You sound like a scared little boy who ran away from the West and it's frighteningly empowered women who weren't interested in you, and is desperately trying to make up a narrative to fit the situation that paints as less of a loser.

    How many western women do you actually know in Thailand?

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