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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Come off it Nana is a cesspit that has gotten worse year on year, nothing nice about the place at all, it has become a noisy classless open air slum brothel. If the govt want it to go the same was as SOi Zero, Asoke corner, Suk Square, Clinton Plaza and the other eye sores around there then go it will.

    then, my self-righteous friend, don't go there!

    reminds me of the anti-abortion zealots in the USA where I saw one pro-protester (a woman) with a placard that read

    "don't believe in abortion? FINE don't have one"

    you need to think about adopting this yourself and live and let live

    Ok, how about a deal? Normal folk don't enter Nana or Soi Cowboy. But in return, sex tourists stop shopping for dildos and Viagra on the main drag of Sukhumvit, and stop parading around Terminal 21 with a hooker on their arm?
  2. There are a great number of expats in the country that are not here for sex for money or on the hunt for a mail order bride or someone to clean their houses and wipe their asses as they slowly die in front of their computers.

    There are a great number of expats living in denial. I would actually say 99.99% of male expats I've seen in Thailand came here for exactly that.

    With Naam and SoiBiker seeming to be the only male posters on this forum that seem to be approaching 'normal' relationships with women.

    There are tons of expats having normal relationships with women, but most of them also sneak around on the side. They can get women that they would never have any luck with back home. It is hard for most men to resist such temptation.

    No, it isn't.

    What does seem to be hard is for some people to believe that not everyone acts the same way they do.

  3. There's one just round the corner from Khao San Road - Phra Sumen Fort.

    I didn't know that.

    You mission -- if you choose to accept it -- is to find out more and report back.

    Good luck. This post will self-destruct in five seconds.

    I already know - went there a while ago. You can't go inside, but it's a nice picturesque spot in a chilled out little park on a pleasant spot on the river. There's a bunch of decent little places to eat and drink just downriver on Phra Arthit road, and a funky little bar just a hundred metres or so up Phra Sumen road on the left - look out for the Chang sign.

  4. It's a fascinating concept though. I can't even begin to fathom the levels of self-delusion necessary to enjoy such an arrangement.

    Well, what is it that they say .. don't knock it until you've tried it biggrin.png
    Luckily, I have someone happy to accompany me to dinner or a movie without need for payment.

    excuse me for pointing out the obvious but I'm sure you have 'paid' plenty over the years! unless you live in a completely 'dual income dual pay' family then one of the couple pays! everyone pays in one way or the other and I can assure you that 'paying' for pleasurable company is a lot cheaper in the long run! but reading your posts I know you will defend your position without regard and I understand that but... there are other lifestyles that don't really need your 'I am holier than thou' judgements.. if you are happy enjoy what you have and good luck to you and leave the rest of us freedom loving folk alone.

    As a Thai friend said to me "who wants chicken every night"? I certainly don't

    Nope. That old 'we all pay for it' line is a relic of the days when women were chained to the kitchen sink. Right now my wife actually earns more than me - in the past I've earned more than her, but never by a huge amount. Neither of us is the other's employee.

    I guess I grew up in a different world to some of you - but it's the world we live in now, and even Thailand is moving forwards, not backwards.

  5. It's a fascinating concept though. I can't even begin to fathom the levels of self-delusion necessary to enjoy such an arrangement.

    Well, what is it that they say .. don't knock it until you've tried it biggrin.png
    Luckily, I have someone happy to accompany me to dinner or a movie without need for payment.

    Sure, but you did say you found the concept fascinating. No worries, they do third wheels too, so you haven't missed out yet.

    I do find it fascinating. It's intriguing to discover a group of people doing something you would never dream of doing, and that you can't understand why anyone would want to do.

    Imagine you came across a place where a load of people went out in public with their underwear on their heads. You probably wouldn't do it yourself, but I'm pretty sure you'd be curious why they were doing it.

  6. Seriously? People take sex workers out on dates?


    That's what differentiates Thai hookers from their counterparts in other countries. They offer a full entertainment package, the "girlfriend experience". Without nagging or other undesirable tantrums. Although from what I've heard the industry has moved toward the western 'stick it in and be done within 30mins' business model.
    If you think paying someone to pretend they don't find you distasteful is the same experience as having a girlfriend, you can't have had much luck with women.

    I don't think the tourists much care about taste while on their two week millionaire spending spree on the other side of the world. A rented girlfriend for a few days at a time was pretty much the gold standard a decade or so ago. Many ended up marrying their temps. It's more rare these days.

    It's a fascinating concept though. I can't even begin to fathom the levels of self-delusion necessary to enjoy such an arrangement.

  7. Seriously? People take sex workers out on dates?


    That's what differentiates Thai hookers from their counterparts in other countries. They offer a full entertainment package, the "girlfriend experience". Without nagging or other undesirable tantrums. Although from what I've heard the industry has moved toward the western 'stick it in and be done within 30mins' business model.

    If you think paying someone to pretend they don't find you distasteful is the same experience as having a girlfriend, you can't have had much luck with women.

  8. 'We want Thailand to be about quality tourism. We want the sex industry gone, Ms Kobkarn told Reuters.' She does realise most of the customers are not tourists, does she?

    By definition I believe she is referring to the tourist sex industry.

    How about just making bar fines illegal?

    But some barfine a girl/boy and take them out to dinner or to a movie. Why should that be illegal? The beauty of the barfine is that what happens after they leave the bar is completely down to the two individuals concerned and nobody else's business.

    Seriously? People take sex workers out on dates?


    Again,you don't indulge....so how would you know?

    What some do would be called a date back in the west.........true......no?

    I don't know - that's why I'm expressing surprise.

    I've never heard of anyone hiring a prostitute to take to a movie in the West, though.

  9. Western ingredients tend to be rather poor quality here. Overpriced, too.

    Better to eat Thai food.

    I like Thai food but they do tend to generally have the same 5 or 6 dishes, unless you like real Isaan food. Most of the better restaurants are either Shabu, hotpot or buffet. I make all of my own Western food. Bread, ham, bacon. Beetroot, pickles, chutney. Pies, cakes, cookies. Spring rolls. Preserved fruit. Do my own mince, pasta. Freezers chockers. I've never eaten so well in my life! I even cook most of our Thai stuff...curries, satays, bbq pork and chicken. Even got beef sussed now. Marinate it in papaya juice for 4 hours at room temp and tender as. Not same flavour as Aussie beef but pretty damn good

    5 or 6 dishes!

    You clearly don't know much about Thai food.

  10. 'We want Thailand to be about quality tourism. We want the sex industry gone, Ms Kobkarn told Reuters.' She does realise most of the customers are not tourists, does she?

    By definition I believe she is referring to the tourist sex industry.

    How about just making bar fines illegal?

    But some barfine a girl/boy and take them out to dinner or to a movie. Why should that be illegal? The beauty of the barfine is that what happens after they leave the bar is completely down to the two individuals concerned and nobody else's business.

    Seriously? People take sex workers out on dates?


  11. Nothings going anywhere - trust me! its just words coming from an empowered female...

    In reality the majority of Thai women even those that work in banks, seven elevens or in offices - are and always will be, by the default in Thai society.... Prostitutes,,

    Its just the way they think....are, and always will be...

    The easy way out with the most fun will always trump hard work and thinking.

    And lets not forget who supports the Thai men? and the endless families up north....

    It would cause Thailand to go into a massive recession...

    What a load of offensive trash.

  12. Every time some jaded expat comes out with the cliched, sarcastic 'right, because people come here for the temples and the culture' response, it makes me smile. You're just showing yourself up for what you really are. Because yes, people do, as well as for the scenery, the food, the people, the fun activities, and the many other things that people love this country for. The fact that you can't find anything to like about it beyond cheap sex says more about you than it does about Thailand - and the fact that you remain in a place you so disdain in order to have sex with people who only tolerate you for your money is bordering on tragic.

    There are many falangs who come here and form long-term relationships with Thai women, some of whom they meet in the sex industry. Why? Because they are fed up with the ball-busting bitches many Western women have become. Thai women appreciate men who are good providers, and are not abusive like many Thai men are.

    You make me smile also. For a guy who by his own admission is happily married to a Western woman, and has zero experience concerning sex with Thai women, you do pontificate with considerable frequency on a subject you know nothing about. As does the good Minister. Perhaps you should consider a career in politics.

    You've it clear before that you have a chip on your shoulder about farang women, so I'd expect you to judge me for marrying one.

    Once again, this says more about you than anything else.

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