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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. There probably won't be any restrictions on freedom of movement - you're kidding yourself if you think we'll get that concession. We barely have a leg to stand on in these negotiations, and we'll be lucky to get much at all - no matter how tough and British you think we should be.

  2. Why do most people bitch about the, No money spending Chinese ?? They book tours, they book hotels maybe booked from over seas, but the money must come here.. I see them with trollies full of food at the supermarkets and the same with woman buying beauty products at a pharmacy, and most I see at the malls have a bag or two full of things they have bought... It is just the bars that miss out, that is why they are so slow these days as most don't drink much or even at all, and of course the bar girls get sweet bugger all customers from Chinese guys, as most have a very attractive woman with them, and they are so cute and feminine... and much better looking than most bar girls ..... I have had some Chinese and Korean girlfriends and they sure know how to please a guy in bed, will do anything and everything a bar girl will do, and most times a lot more !!!!

    I think mostly because they think anyone Asian is beneath the mighty European. And they're deluded enough to think that farangs are considered better tourists somehow.

  3. You wouldn't find the equivalent constituency among Western women and it would be likely therefore to find the Western women would find Thai men more attractive. As amusing as that would be to watch, I don't think it's likely to happen, but the reality is (or seems to me to be) that Western women are likely to be repulsed from prostitution addicts.

    Ah. That's because the western women go to Ghana or Caribbean islands. They want to get schlonged, to paraphrase the next champion of the free world. You need the right tools for that and they don't grow here.

    But the addiction to Thai prostitutes by western men is interesting. Why is that? What is it, or was it, that drew the hordes to the ends of the world? I know why it's on decline, because the Thai scene is becoming more westernized, the generic trend in globalization. But let's look into the glory days. What made Thailand the brothel of the world? Why do men step in an aeroplane, suffer 10+ hours on rock hard economy seats, to get to an underdeveloped country just to get laid?

    That's easy. Back in the real world, one has to bribe women with gifts, restaurants etc etc etc on the chance that one MIGHT get lucky, and even then it's probably pretty boring. Other than that it's down to the pub and spend loads buying women drinks on the chance of having a quick shag behind a dumpster or in a car, or, if exceptional, a one night stand.

    In LOS, one gets a guaranteed shag for the same amount ( or less ), and can even keep them for as long as desired; go to the beach, or whatever. Then, if the temp GF gets a bit stroppy, trade them in for another, and all in the comfort of a nice hotel room, at a fraction of the price of an hotel back home.

    One must remember that sex is the number one genetic driver of all animals after eating.

    I know why it's on decline, because the Thai scene is becoming more westernized

    If you mean because it's getting too expensive, you are right. Hotels in Pattaya are pricing themselves out of the monger market.

    People who actually like women tend to enjoy the dating part of the process.

    If you don't like having to pay for everything on dates, try going on dates after 1990. Women have their own money now.

  4. Free from EU laws and regulation

    Free from the EU free movement of people

    Free from having to pay for tge EU

    These three simple Brexit promises are nowhere in sight and all other Brexit promises have been proven as lies.

    I'm not sure anybody ever suggested we'd be completely free from EU regulations. If we want to continue to trade with the EU we'll have to provide goods which meet EU standards. However, we will be freed from petty regulations such as banning fish and chips from being sold in newspaper, and even banning chippies from selling "fish and chips" - the EU mandates that the fish must be described by species.

    We'll also be able to use incandescent light bulbs again, we'll be allowed to compost tea bags at will, and we'll be allowed to use powerful vacuum cleaners.

    Wow. You guys really did see the voting booth as some kind of time machine, didn't you?

    You won't be eating fish and chips out of newsprint again any time soon.

  5. Koun Tommy ,

    Madam May , states she is not going to push any red button this year ,, if ever .??

    Monsieur Hollande . will demand the UK are thrown out of the EU ...

    I see no advantage for the EU to a hasty departure.

    It is clear that faced with the reality the leaving leaders gradually abandon every campaign promise.

    So we are moving slowly but surely towards the Norwegian model with exactly the same contribution, the same duties and also the same business benefits than others.

    But without taking part in decisions.

    May need time to convince Brexiters these realities. Its partners in UE are well aware. So there is a kind of role play between the accomplices responsible enabling she to save time.

    The appointment of BJ smile.png Is there to calm the leaving supporters. But himself has already hinted that an identical status to Norway would be the least bad.

    And I'll bet big here as the ultimate challenge for any discussions will to retain the UK's huge privelege managing the bulk of transactions at City.

    When we understand the 'But without taking part in the decisions' as - without any control over the decisions, it is clear that the best deal Brexit can deliver is exactly the EU the Brexit campaign said we need to escape;

    Brexit means Brexit, but apart from the assertion that a word means itself, there is little if any clear statement on what the political, social and trade aims of Brexit are - what the UK's relationship with the EU will be, and as you point out, a waiting game is being played.

    Meanwhile the leaders of the two most powerful nations in the EU (Germany and France) have both stated that the UK shall not be given tariff free access to the EU without accepting the EU regulations on the free movement of people.

    This is where the crunch is going to come when the tariff free access meets free movement of labour. If the EU puts up tariff barriers then we would do the same and then stop the free movement of labour seems the logical outcome. I am sure the HMG will have also noticed that this where the crunch is going to come and will have a look at what agreements have been made with other trading nations regarding tariffs and labour movements.

    And then the French decide they're not going to let us maintain a border crossing on their territory at Calais, and we end up with the refugee camps in Dover instead.

    Because that's what the voters wanted, right?

  6. Fortunately, most Brexiteers are smarter than the Remoaners believed.

    Most will buy anything of any importance before price rises and later, will simply not buy if the price is uncompetitive/unattractive. Similarly, many ensured that they had sufficient Baht in Thailand (@52 GBP/THB) to weather the pant-wetting reaction from whores in the markets). Retailers have learned in the past that Brits will simply not buy if the price is too high. It won't be long before the Euro goes to rat sh1t so there will soon be some bargains to be had.

    I don't see Brexiteers worrying too much about future prices. If they do rise they could simply cash in some of their investment gains from the FTSE's outstanding performance.

    How does that work with food? You must have a hell of a big freezer.

  7. Who the hell gets a tuktuk in phrom phong?

    If it happened in phrom phong, we can draw the conclusion that the tuk tuk was taken from another location.....

    I've never seen a Tuktuk scouting for passengers anywhere remotely near phrom phong. They must have picked it up, say, about a 250 baht ride away...

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