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Posts posted by Thaiberius

  1. not sure why you think it means the expected reactions would ne negative, or become stereotypical

    most people I meet, swear by their thai women, and wouldn't ever consider a western girl again

    I am now one of them

    I agree with you Scarpolo but there are those who have never visited and whose life revolves around Babe TV and a box of Kleenex. I'm sure the following phrases are familiar to some.

    "Bought wife"

    "Just after a passport"

    "Pedo playground"

    Etc, etc.

    All stereotypical nonsense.

  2. Everyone that I know took a pay cut for the privilege to work here. The most common work is probably working as a teacher. And I have never meet or known a teacher in Thailand that have the same salary and benefits as a normal average teacher in my home country

    everyone to their own I guess, but you have to question their motives then for doing what they did ?

    For me personally, if they expected me to take a pay cut for the privilege of coming to Thailand when took the job here, they would have been looking for someone else for the job.

    I guess I have been lucky in my career, I have never been out of a job and if I really wanted "out" of somewhere, typically a few phone calls sorts that out and I move on, there is a lot to be said for the concept of networking and always remember where ever you are in the world and who ever you work with don't ever "p*ss" on people who are working for you/working with, as one day you may be looking for a job and the person interviewing you may be someone you p*ssed on somewhere in a "previous life"....wink.png

    Yes most of them took the large paycut because they like to stay in Thailand. And nothing wrong in doing that for a few years when you are young
    Your points are taken and understood.

    An ex-colleague was so intent on working here he got himself a job on a land rig somewhere up north. He is currently getting about one third the going rate for the job. Whilst the rate is relatively low in the industry it is still many times the rate he could expect working as a teacher or similar. I understand his desire to stay in-country but don't we work to earn money? If doing a rotation of 4/4 in Angola for instance the salary would be much improved and one month out of every two could be spent in the Kingdom. Much as I love being in Thailand there are some things I wouldn't compromise on and these include money for doing a job. Many farang are willing to compromise over money and therefore live in Thailand on not much more than the minimum wage. If you are using the experience as a stepping stone for a more lucrative position in the future then fair enough although I suspect this is not the case in many examples.

  3. Go to police offer them 1000 to 2000 bht to come to ur place they will get him out in 5 mins

    No they won't and offering money in this manner will almost certainly see you having a long stay in the monkeyhouse. There is tea money and there is tea money, there are rules and your idea falls outside the boundaries.
  4. No need to change locks as the OP said he does not have a key, only a security pass for the building.

    Tell him you can't afford the place and you need to get a lodger to help pay. Get a mate to bring some stuff over and both of you can put the squeeze on him. Give him some bus money to get home.

    Don't back down. You are just too soft.

    I am having serious doubts as to whether this is a true situation.

    Surely the building management can void all electronic keys on one particular lock, reset and issue a new key. What do they do when a key is lost? Once they void the key and issue a new one then the malingerer can no longer enter the condo.

    The story about the security guard always being asleep and the unwelcome visitor eating the OP's food and smirking are too inflammatory to be true. My guess is this is all made up, as others have alluded to.

    • Like 1
  5. One should never put oneself in a position where an allegation can be made. This is true wherever you are in the world and especialy Thailand where money motivates, relationships are fickle and corruption is rife. The daughter is nearly a teenager, is sleepimg in the same bed as her mother and a man who isn't her father. I'm not bothered whether this is Thai culture or not, where there is a possibility of an accusation then it's a whole different ball game. This thread has been here a number of days, I certainly hope the OP has come to his senses by now. It'll be too late once the allegation has been made, no way out.

  6. I simply wanted to know how the asking prices usually compare to the actual selling prices in Thailand.

    I would like to know that too. Where I am I know that condos generally sell in a few weeks when they are priced at 25-50% below average asking price. Otherwise they seem to just hang around for years on end. And as far as I'm concerned any property that is correctly priced should sell within a matter of weeks.
    Indeed. In some countries there is public data available on asking vs. selling prices.

    I could always ask some real estate agents but since they work on commission it's not necessarily in their interest to tell the truth regarding that.

    If a property is put on the market for £xk and sells the same day it is clear the asking price is too low. As a guide, put the property on the market for 5 - 10% more than the expected selling price and be prepared to negotiate. Property asking and selling prices bear no resemblance to what is a fair price, they indicate the price upon what a buyer and seller can agree on.
  7. This attitude seems to be very common in today's world. I'm all for getting a reduction on an asking price particularly if I have the money in the bank to put a deposit the same day and close the deal without delay. But nowadays there seems to be no willingness to pay a fair price for a fair property (or whatever). There seems to be a built in mentality....how far down can I screw this person from his asking price...before even going to view the property. I have always been fortunate either buying or selling a property because I live my life by the principle "Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself". Of course, I'm a firm believer in Karma, so for me it's the wise way to live.....sort of "self protection". Anything for a simple life.

    How do you decide the fair price?

    Buying a house is one of the very few times in anybodys life where true supply and demand is experienced. This means you are also entering the market in order to get a fair price for yourself. Any economist will tell you there is no such thing as a "fair price" only the price that is agreed upon by buyer and seller in line with the market forces in play on that day.

  8. The market would not be my main concern, it is the increasing political uncertainty and the almost inevitable effect this will have upon farangs. Tying up capital in Thailand just makes no sense to me.

    What is inevitable about the impact on farangs of the political mess in Bangkok. do you think a new government would tell all foreigners to leave, goodness me.

    At 13% of GDP, tourism represents a necessary component of growth in the Thai economy, that you don't understand that contribution is a shame but it is reality.

    Stop scaremongering.

    I'm not scaremongering. Have a look at the facts. Hardly a month goes by without a rumour or a statement by an official that visa conditions are going to change or may change. I work in the oil and gas industry and therefore travel 7 or 8 times a year on a tourist visa, there are rumours that regular visitors may have that curtailed at the whim of an immigration officer in the absence of an official directive. I remember just a few years ago the visa run rules changed almost overnight and, if I remember correctly, the number of neighbouring country visa runs was reduced with a non-neighbouring country entry required periodically.

    Additionally the Head of State has been ill for some time and the lack of a defined succession is causing concern to some neighbouring countries. Put this alongside the recent statement by the army concerning possible intervention because of the present political unrest. Should the Head of State die with no certain successor in place then there is potential for an extended role of the army. It is generally accepted that some elements of the army are not happy with the number of expats in the Kingdom and would welcome a wholesale review of visa restrictions along with some of the associated businesses.

    You mention tourism is 13% of GDP, I would argue that "adult" tourism would amount to a very small proportion of that overall tourism figure. If the army decide to curtail that side of tourism then undoubtedly a number of expats may decide to leave, increasing housing supply and affecting the price in line with that.

    The points I have outlined above are, individually, relatively minor but taken as a whole they indicate a possible risk to foreign investment. Put alongside this the current red and yellow shirt conflict and the present impotent government with no agreed election date in sight, I'd be very weary of tying up any capital in property for the foreseeable future. I have spoken to many others with the same thoughts as me which doesn't bode well for market confidence. And isn't market confdence every bit as important as availability of funds and a fluid market?

  9. Don't let these wife beaters intimidate you.. i have travelled extensively and i am fortunate to have a martial arts background .. If I see a man hit a woman or abuse her or children .. i give him some of his own medicine..and it doesn't matter where he is from.. Some years ago I had a situation in soho London ..where a Chinese man (in chinatown) pushed his lady friend into a wooden structure outside of a shop being refurbished. He wasn't alone either and as I pushed him up on the wall has mate pulled a knife .. i gave his mate one look and he put the knife away... afterwards I helped the lady up and made sure she didn't require medical attention. My take on this... if you can...and only if you can .. you should always help a person if they cannot defend themselves... There is nothing worse than bullies ..and it doesn't matter where they come from... and as far as his friends on 15 motorbikes come to your front door... he pick up the phone call the cops... then deal with the bullie again amd again until he gets the message !

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I am wondering what martial art it is you do,Origami ,prehaps?
    You really want to know? Or just taking the Mick ?

    Ok from age 9 judo to age 18 then went to the army and did the usual.. then went to Japan and trained for 3 years under Sensei Toru Yamaguchi after which I studied Aikido.. i worked for many years in various security forces and also as personal bodyguard . Any more Questions ?...

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    What do you mean by "various security forces"? What was the "usual" you did in the army? How long were you in the army?
    Classified info !

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Classified or fantasy?

  10. Keep a lookout when putting in your PIN, bear in mind some skimmers use a tiny camera and bluetooth capability. Never leave your cards hanging around in your room for the maid to copy. One area of concern is when credit card payment is made in the hotel for your stay. Try and use an internet booking site if you can and therefore no need to pay at the hotel. I have a Capital One credit card I left out in my room a few months ago. I had no reason whatsoever to suspect the maid of copying it but I decided better to be safe than sorry. I was in Bangkok at the time and rang up to cancel the card, Mastercard asked if I wanted another card sending to my hotel. I said yes and 36 hours later a brand new card turned up in reception. Excellent customer service.

  11. Don't let these wife beaters intimidate you.. i have travelled extensively and i am fortunate to have a martial arts background .. If I see a man hit a woman or abuse her or children .. i give him some of his own medicine..and it doesn't matter where he is from.. Some years ago I had a situation in soho London ..where a Chinese man (in chinatown) pushed his lady friend into a wooden structure outside of a shop being refurbished. He wasn't alone either and as I pushed him up on the wall has mate pulled a knife .. i gave his mate one look and he put the knife away... afterwards I helped the lady up and made sure she didn't require medical attention. My take on this... if you can...and only if you can .. you should always help a person if they cannot defend themselves... There is nothing worse than bullies ..and it doesn't matter where they come from... and as far as his friends on 15 motorbikes come to your front door... he pick up the phone call the cops... then deal with the bullie again amd again until he gets the message !

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I am wondering what martial art it is you do,Origami ,prehaps?
    You really want to know? Or just taking the Mick ?

    Ok from age 9 judo to age 18 then went to the army and did the usual.. then went to Japan and trained for 3 years under Sensei Toru Yamaguchi after which I studied Aikido.. i worked for many years in various security forces and also as personal bodyguard . Any more Questions ?...

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    What do you mean by "various security forces"? What was the "usual" you did in the army? How long were you in the army?
    • Like 1
  12. Be careful the cuckoo in the nest isn't instigating another fraud using your address and therefore possibly involving you. Not exactly the same but I had an outwardly respectable tenant in a property I have a few years back who was responsible for fraudulently obtaining a large amount of money with the intention of returning to his home country. The police stopped him getting away with the money but also dragged me in for questioning as an absentee landlord. Not a pleasant experience. It is remarkably easy to clone somebodys identity using just the most basic of documentation. If he has access to your personal papers when you are out, beware.

    • Like 1
  13. Go to the police explain the situation I am sure for a 1,000 baht the policeman will come around and chase him for you it is that easy, as soon as the guy is in your apartment call the policeman a few of my mates have used this tactic to get out of a sticky situation good luck

    Total rubbish.

    This is a civil matter as the OP first invited or permitted the guy to stay at his home.

    Your opinions of the Thai police is a misconception and visiting the police offering to bribe them to break the law and illegally evict this guy without going via the proper legal process will land the OP in a lot of trouble, perhaps even doing jail time.

    The OP first allowed this guy to stay at his home and this is now 100% his problem. He must either devise some ways of getting him out peacefully or have to deal with the consequences.

    Agreed, Kopite is in fantasy land believing everything he/she reads on these forums. If you turn up at your local police station clutching a nice crispy 1,000 baht note expecting to hire somebody with a uniform as your own private policeman will more than likely land you in hot water up to your neck. I don't think Kopite or any "mates" have ever done this and to even suggest it is irresponsible.
    • Like 1
  14. The point still remains that by working in Thailand, for the majority, you won't accumulate wealth. You will certainly earn enough to live in the Kingdom but even if we double the figures mentioned here from 30k to 60k baht it still isn't very much and certainly not a sum to make you wealthy. Earning money outside SE Asia is a better means of creating wealth or moving here once your wealth is adequate.

    For example if you are earning 60k baht a month in Thailand then you have 4x the minimum wage but how will that fund a western pension or produce enough to guarantee an income once you retire?

    No! That is not the Point! That is a known fact that everyone here already knows, and not one poster here said otherwise. It is only YOU who says it is the Point!

    The Point is, and the poster knowing you are not accumulating wealth by doing so, "Why do so many farang here work for peanuts". There has been many good answers and reasons given by many poster here including my favorite, which being the high cost of peanuts here. Also life is not all about earning money al the time. Some people are adventurous and are willing to give up a few years of there life to try something new, which doesn't always have a monetary gain.

    But this has all been said already so now I think the Real Point here is you do not read any of these good post and explanations, as you don't care to learn anything from long time Farangs. But instead choose to just go on and on with your dribble, and in the process make yourself look more foolish. The one sure thing I know is that nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head to come here and work here for peanuts, and since it is their life then.....Up-to-you!

    Calm down you angry little man.

    The main point that I am getting across in my post and contrary to your rather inarticulate way of putting it, there are many who don't realise the concept of earning wealth in Thailand. Many think because the cost of living is cheap they can become wealthy by owning a bar or a small hotel or any number of other small businesses. The fact is they can't. Why do you think there are so many who choose to end it all by joining the jumpers club? It's because a good proportion of these people don't realise until its too late that once you make the move to Thailand, cut all ties, sell property and sink your savings into a Thailand-based business these is absolutely no way back toyour old life. These is no way of rebuilding your past affluence. There are some people who realise this but I will guarantee youthat the bright lights, sense of adventure, challenges that Thailand offers blind many to the pitfalls.

    But of course you knew that didn't you Mr GB?

  15. It should be very simple to get the electronic key voided and reprogrammed.

    I don't really know what the pomplem is with the OP - letting the guy stay there, considering moving out, offering the guy money, letting him eat his food. No wonder the guy is smirking at him. The term mug springs to mind but it's not too late. You don't say how old you are, is there a medical or physical reason why you can't evict him? Do as any self respecting man would do in his own home, kick him out!

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  16. Likely you are responsible for his hospital expenses.

    Yes, it sounds like a shakedown but it is normal here that, since you caused the need for a hospital visit, you pay.

    Strange your wife is not very supportive of you.

    Pay expenses and have no more to do with each other.

    Maybe wifey knows the OP is prone to this sort of behaviour.
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