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Posts posted by Thaiberius

  1. Don't let these wife beaters intimidate you.. i have travelled extensively and i am fortunate to have a martial arts background .. If I see a man hit a woman or abuse her or children .. i give him some of his own medicine..and it doesn't matter where he is from.. Some years ago I had a situation in soho London ..where a Chinese man (in chinatown) pushed his lady friend into a wooden structure outside of a shop being refurbished. He wasn't alone either and as I pushed him up on the wall has mate pulled a knife .. i gave his mate one look and he put the knife away... afterwards I helped the lady up and made sure she didn't require medical attention. My take on this... if you can...and only if you can .. you should always help a person if they cannot defend themselves... There is nothing worse than bullies ..and it doesn't matter where they come from... and as far as his friends on 15 motorbikes come to your front door... he pick up the phone call the cops... then deal with the bullie again amd again until he gets the message !

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You knob.. You are going to go to a strangers house in thialand and stick your nose in... A spinning roundhouse in slow motion wont do shit to a gun. Might work being a hero in London but not here.

    I love this bit " i am fortunate to have a martial arts background". Haha does this mean you can use chop sticks or have you watched Bruce Lee?

    Sent from my c64

    A legend in ones own lunchtime methinks. Pull the other one.
  2. If you dont want to intervene yourself,get your gf to do the dirty work.Ask about her situation and if she wants to leave but is financially tied to the abuser,offer her some money to go home or relocate.If she comes back,it is her problem.Maybe suggest a "brother"comes around and solves the problem,this is the Thai way.These women are mentally abused also,and often make excuses for the abuser.The abuse will not stop until she leaves or one of them is dead.

    This approach is inviting big trouble.
  3. Twenty years ago I went into rehab twice which is great for easing you off alcohol and filling your head full of nonsense but does not cure the root of the problem. I gave AA a go but found them to be totally useless. I soon came to the conclusion the only person able to help me was me. My drinking habits were out of control, two bottles of vodka a day plus beer and wine. However, I was never a nasty or abusive drunk. It took me a couple of years and even now I work at it but now I can control the drinking. Of course I still binge occasionally but it never goes on for days on end.

    The OP should gain some insight into why he drinks and then use this knowledge in order to control it. This can be a long and at times painful process as some unpleasant home truths have to be confronted but it can be done.

    My best wishes for confronting the problem and as for the violence, cut that out today. In my eyes a violent drunk is just the same as a pedophile, somebody who bullies the weakest and causes irreparable harm to those close to him.

  4. All the Thai people i know seem to earn around 9,000 to 10,000 baht a month. and all seem to be quite happy with there lives.If you are single and live on your own ( like myself ) then you CAN live on 8,000 to 10,000 a month and have a fantastic lifestyle but as long as you don't need to " booze it up " every day


    I'm sorry but how on earth can you have a "fantastic lifestyle" on £200 per month? Yes, you may have frugal means and simple tastes but you do not have a fantastic lifestyle. I would much rather never see Thailand again than live on that. Additionally, what about your future? How can you save? How can you invest? How can you pay for medical treatment? I don't see how your quality of life can be very good living on an income that is the Thai minimum wage and that minimum wage is designed just to keep you barely above the poverty line.
    • Like 1
  5. Stay well out of it. I can talk from personal experience. I used to live in a Bangkok condo and one day I was waiting for the lift in the foyer, as it arrived and the doors opened I saw a Thai man crouched over a Thai female raining punches on her. I acted instinctively and stepped forward to try and stop him. In what seemed like a split second he produced a gun and pointed it straight at my head. I immediately backed off.

    Never introduce western values to a Thai on Thai dispute.

    OP is worried and it has nothing to do with western values. It are his own values. Do you think that present western values are much different in OP's story than the assumed thai's values ? If OP is really worried let him call his gf anonymusly to the police if it doesnt stop, with a cock and bull story. Others in the condo must hear the noises as well.

    A clear conscience is worth something.

    You will gain no prizes for becoming involved. The likelihood is both parties will turn against you as a farang for getting involved. By all means report the incidents anonymously but don't visibly impose your western values upon them, they don't need or want them. As for the poster advocating violence against the male, there will only be one winner and it won't be the farang.
    • Like 1
  6. I always group my eating experiences into one of four categories when in Thailand;

    1. Street cafe - £

    2. Thai shophouse - ££

    3. Thai restaurant catering for farang - £££

    3. Farang style - ££££

    If anything is not to my liking then I go elsewhere. For example if the food or presentaion is lacking and short of my expectations or the price is creeping up. I don't complain but just move on. There is probably more choice in Thailand than in any other country in the world, why put up with a bad deal?

    • Like 2
  7. I am one hell of a lucky guy, as my wife is normally tight on spending. She earns far more than me, today she took me out and bought me two very nice rugby shirts. I would never spend that much on myself. Yes she is Thai and 23 years younger than yours truly. I sure did pick a one in a million girl.

    I don't mean any offence but your girl is a couple of decades younger than you and I wish you well but as she is Thai and relatively young her earnings are likely to be relatively low. You then say she earns more than you. She buys you presents but how long is this likely to go on for? Each to their own but my pride just wouldn't allow me to accept gifts from her and I'd be doing my darnedest to find myself a job where I could contribute more financially to the relationship.
  8. If they ask for money, that will be the last time I see them. Sure, I take them out for a nice dinner, to a movie and whatever but I don't like the paid girlfriend crap.


    You've finally admitted that this the reason you're going through women like water here. They're asking you for money, you're refusing and you're getting sidelined. laugh.png

    You thought that in Thailand, every zero could be a hero. Every short, bald social misfit could live the dream. Well clearly you were right but your trouble is you can't just enjoy it like any normal guy; you have to try to evoke envy because that's what you felt back home when all the guys with a personality got the girls you wanted so badly and that is where and how you snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    I don't get your point.

    Mr Whereustay dumps girls when they ask for cash.

    Surely he's doing the right thing.

    Why stay with a greedy bitch when she's only in it for the cash? Surely it's better just to nail 'em and forget 'em.

    How tall is this guy, btw?

    Ok well allow me to explain the point.

    Mr. Whereustay in a long-running thread earlier this year cordially announced that he was done with the kind of girls that have to be compensated after a night or nights of passion. You can check it out out here


    He maintained he was graduating to non-paid company who "dated him because they liked him". He claims to have been going through them like a hot knife through butter since but it's only now he's admitted why.

    He can't find a woman who wants to be with him for who he is because there's nothing behind mask. Just another wannabe alpha male who couldn't cut it in the West.

    OK. I read the thread you linked to.

    So this guy's a little guy. He's a zero. He couldn't get it on with girls back home. He's come here and discovered women and sex.

    But is he really so different from other "second-rate men" here on this forum?

    My take is that he's going through a learning phase. He's doing things he's never done before. He's a bit overwhelmed by it all; he's a bit loud; he's a bit of a prat. And he wants to talk about it.

    In due course he'll move on and work out what's what.

    Hopefully he won't lose his money or end up marrying some peasant he can't even communicate with.

    Agreed, the guy doesn't appear to have much life experience but the way he words his posts gives the impression he desperately wants to be accepted but doesn't have the underlying strength of character to cut the mustard. He's going through the learning phase most of us go through and are still going through but is only scratching the surface. Good luck to him and I hope he doesn't repeat his immaturity with a Thai bouncer or a seasoned Thai go-go girl who won't have the patience shown here.

  9. If they ask for money, that will be the last time I see them. Sure, I take them out for a nice dinner, to a movie and whatever but I don't like the paid girlfriend crap.


    You've finally admitted that this the reason you're going through women like water here. They're asking you for money, you're refusing and you're getting sidelined. laugh.png

    You thought that in Thailand, every zero could be a hero. Every short, bald social misfit could live the dream. Well clearly you were right but your trouble is you can't just enjoy it like any normal guy; you have to try to evoke envy because that's what you felt back home when all the guys with a personality got the girls you wanted so badly and that is where and how you snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    I don't get your point.

    Mr Whereustay dumps girls when they ask for cash.

    Surely he's doing the right thing.

    Why stay with a greedy bitch when she's only in it for the cash? Surely it's better just to nail 'em and forget 'em.

    How tall is this guy, btw?

    Ok well allow me to explain the point.

    Mr. Whereustay in a long-running thread earlier this year cordially announced that he was done with the kind of girls that have to be compensated after a night or nights of passion. You can check it out out here


    He maintained he was graduating to non-paid company who "dated him because they liked him". He claims to have been going through them like a hot knife through butter since but it's only now he's admitted why.

    He can't find a woman who wants to be with him for who he is because there's nothing behind mask. Just another wannabe alpha male who couldn't cut it in the West.

    OK. I read the thread you linked to.

    So this guy's a little guy. He's a zero. He couldn't get it on with girls back home. He's come here and discovered women and sex.

    But is he really so different from other "second-rate men" here on this forum?

    My take is that he's going through a learning phase. He's doing things he's never done before. He's a bit overwhelmed by it all; he's a bit loud; he's a bit of a prat. And he wants to talk about it.

    In due course he'll move on and work out what's what.

    Hopefully he won't lose his money or end up marrying some peasant he can't even communicate with.

    Agreed, the guy doesn't appear to have much life experience but the way he words his posts gives the impression he desperately wants to be accepted but doesn't have the underlying strength of character to cut the mustard. He's going through the learning phase most of us go through and are still going through but is only scratching the surface. Good luck to him and I hope he doesn't repeat his immaturity with a Thai bouncer or a seasoned Thai go-go girl who won't have the patience shown here.

  10. The point still remains that by working in Thailand, for the majority, you won't accumulate wealth. You will certainly earn enough to live in the Kingdom but even if we double the figures mentioned here from 30k to 60k baht it still isn't very much and certainly not a sum to make you wealthy. Earning money outside SE Asia is a better means of creating wealth or moving here once your wealth is adequate.

    For example if you are earning 60k baht a month in Thailand then you have 4x the minimum wage but how will that fund a western pension or produce enough to guarantee an income once you retire?

    • Like 1
  11. I'm a keen amateur photographer and have bought many lens filters from stalls in Thailand and never had any problems. However I avoid buying things like detachable lenses such as macro, zoom etc. The reason being I am sceptical over the authenticity of these goods. My scepticism also extends to tablets, laptops, cameras, telephones - in fact any branded electronic goods.

    There are lots of fake filters knocking about in Thailand mainly Hoya and Cokin, even lots of fakes on amazon uk and ebay, to look at you wouldn't notice until you put it side by side with a genuine one and notice the coatings are inferior to the genuine. Not having a dig just beware.

    I take onboard what you say Mr Worx, I think it's highly likely the ones I have are not authentic but they do a decent job. I've used them for longer exposures in time lapse. I have drawn a distinction between electronic goods and filters purely because of the price. I'd much rather risk a few £££'s on a filter than hundreds on camera hardware or even a tablet, laptop etc. I know it's an extreme example but when you see an iphone shop which looks identical to a legit iphone shop even down to the display cabinets and know it is not the real thing then scepticism does creep in. For this reason I'd only ever buy electronic goods from a western retailer or off Amazon.
  12. The funny thing for me is all of the posters here that clearly know nothing about Thai culture or the people.

    Thais will unlikely tell someone that they are doing something wrong. They will just judge and criticize in Thai to all those that can here. In all of my years here, I have rarely ever heard a Thai refuse service or comment on when tourists do things that are innapropriate.

    That being said, I typically ignore when tourists or even long stay foreigners say or do things that are not appropriate. However, going topless in public in a resturaunt is something that I would address. When people say mind or your own business. Well, in fact it is my business. If I am in there eating as well, it is my right to inform others when they are being blatantly rude.

    Same goes if people are being too affectionate, swearing, talking about sex loudly.

    I am always with my daughter and I don't want her looking at people without their clothes on. I would try to be as polite and unthreatening as I could.

    Just becuase someone is here on their holiday doesn't give them the right not to respect others around them.

    Seems like many leave their manners and common sense at the airport.

    As soon as somebody starts taking the moral high ground regarding Thai culture I switch off. It's like saying every American, Brit or Aussie thinks alike. One thing is for certain, like 99.9% of farangs, the poster knows very little about Thai culture confirmed by the very fact they have made a nonsensical statement.
  13. In my years here I have always minded my own business, and have never said a thing. I do live and let live. More of the story why I posted: I have been a regular customer in this very nice restaurant for two years now. I was sitting there again minding my own business. The Thai woman owner is very sweet and would never say anything to offend anyone. She knows I'm a respectful gentleman. But she did look over at me when she stood in front of those shirtless guys, with her Thai eyes - like she wanted to say, "You're the elder here - can't you monitor your own people?"

    I mostly have Thai friends, not many farang friends at all. In Pattaya the Thai's would tell me how much they don't like the Russians. In Chiang Mai they tell me how much they don't like the Chinese. But they have never told me how much they don't like the Aussies, Brits and Americans - I think because they unconsciously lump me with them, and don't want to offend me. I appreciate CivilWars , Dave's and Makkam's remarks. Thanks.

    I have an extremely high opinion and respect for the Thai people. Most the time they're more tolerant than I am. I'm not a person who fights or pushes my opinion. I love going shirtless, I'm open-minded, liberated and FREE! but I live here, I'm still a visitor in this land, and I wai to their customs. How do these obnoxious tourist know they are in essence saying f u to the Thai people if nobody says a bloody thing?

    Self-righteous bore, give it a rest.
  14. By the time you have paid for work permit , visa and annual renewals, Its not worth working in Thailand. But its the same in all third world countries.

    speak for yourself, I am about 30% up in Thailand on what I would be earning for the same job in farangland, after tax,

    Further working in some 3rd world countries can net you some very serious money...many times farangland salaries for the same job

    so stop talking rubbish...

    Doing what job? I'm an engineer in the oil and gas industry. Working in West Africa or the Middle East there is a premium paid on top of my earnings but in Thailand the money is pisspoor. I've never seen any job in Thailand that pays "serious money" unless your interpretation of "serious money" and my interpretation are vastly different.
  15. Thailand is not a place for creating wealth. Of course there are exceptions but for the vast majority of people it is not possible to accumulate the same wealth as you would elsewhere. Many retire to Thailand after accumulating wealth elsewhere and many more choose to live in Thailand but earn money elsewhere. For the vast majority of those who live and work in Thailand earnings are mediocre compared to what is available in other countries. For me Thailand is the best place in the world to live but as for accumulating wealth I choose to earn money elsewhere.

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