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Posts posted by Thaiberius

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Tell us OP, what kind of subjects was he talking about?



    Yes OP, what was the bloke talking about...you could'nt block it all, lets hear it, you write well


    This is one of the more interesting monologues:


    "Farang women they want everything. They want this they want that they don’t care about the man, they don’t know that the man needs to be a man and feels like a man they just want the new kitchen and new clothes and new hair every day.  Soon there will be no men for them they will all come to Thailand and find good wife. Every day there are beautiful women here on every corner you can find a wife and beautiful one even if you just want one night, why not, you can choose here all the time. The thai woman they dont like the Thai man. he hits the woman and does not treat her good and doesnt care about her.  My wife in Thailand she took everythign from me but I am still in love with this one. She is a bad woman with good heart. I build her the new house and now she have that but one day I will go back there and we will ove again becasue I am a good man and i look afer her and teach her about the world and outside Thailand. I take her to the supermarket and show her how to spend the momney to save teh money, what she needs to do, look at how many sticks of 3 in 1 cafe she can have in that bag for 100 baht and maybe instead she can choose that other bag and she will get 38 stick and only 89 baht and thi sis how she can save the moeny and learn about the household and for her future.  My house I painted it white. No other house was painted this white. I drove for 3 hours to buy the white color from the Dulux brand and everyone in the village would ask about the color of the white but no one else had this one and i would not tell anyone about the name of this white.  It was the only special white color of all the village houses. Maybe there was 15 houses with white colored paint but no one had the dulux white and our house was the whitest and number one white house in all the village and even the village north and south and all around we were the number one white and no body knew it was the Dulux and I never tell no body that this whit eis the Dulux.  Every day we clean the house all outside and inside. I would sweep the outside every day with straw broom they make in the village that make all these straw brooms. Every family in these villages make the brooms and they sell on the road or come to the village and sell the brooms they make. I have 3 brooms and each one will sweep different for dirt or the concrete and some are better for the leaf from the tree. My wife would say go and sweep with your broom and I would go and take my broom and i would sweep sweep sweep, sometimes I would put my cigarette in my mouth and still i would sweep. Three brooms i had and I would choose which broom I would sweep with......"

    I'd have told him to sit down, called my partner to say you can't make the meeting and listened to this guy drone all night .................. and paid for his booze. 

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  2. It's Thailand and you are a guest which means you have to abide by their rules with no question. Of course you can rebel occasionally by demanding a proper fine instead of giving a bribe of £4 but in the big picture you are a farang and tolerated because you spend money. If you don't like it then find another job that enables you to spend time in Thailand, learn a trade that is in demand or just moan about it. Thailand is very very different to the west and they aren't going to let us change it. Good luck in your quest but look for the positives instead of the negatives.

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  3. I need one regularly for visa's when working with various companies offshore. I have a small number of fixed penalty fines for being pissed and gobbing off, 3 or 4 I think. There are different categories of CRB you can apply for. I am an Englishman and if I get a CRB done in England then they show up which is undesirable. You can get a lower category of CRB in Scotland which tends to ignore the more minor offences. I don't know the full details but that is an option if you've been a naughty boy and want to keep it quiet. Of course if you are a diddler and have been caught you deserve everything you get.

  4. My days of visiting Phuket are finished regardless of what the military have achieved. Once they've gone all the old scams will be back. In the past few years I've seen things deteriorate rapidly - taxi mafia not just at the airport but within the island, extremely aggressive tuk-tuk and taxi drivers, yes some farangs who have been killed or seriously injured by them may have opened their mouth too much but murder is no remedy. The place is ridiculously expensive. The notorious jetski scam. I was last there in around July last year and there were regular fights on Bangla between farangs/ladyboys/bargirls - a very unpleasant place.

  5. Same as you sir, extra virgin olive oil. I like my oil like I like my women, olive skinned, virgins and covered in oil. Sadly Thailand is devoid of virgins.

    Wasn't rapeseed a few years ago the answer to everything with easy production, minimal environmental impact and omega 3.

  6. I'm 53 and if the girl is legal with a couple of years on top (20 - 35) then I'm interested. I don't give a hoot what other people think. As long as she doesn't vomit or shows signs of physical revulsion of a 53 year old man then I'm happy to have a bit of fun with her. Treat the girls with respect, have a ready smile, never get angry and don't haggle over the price then everything is fine. It really isn't very complicated. 


    Corruption will cease when the social climate allows it. This means when prostitution becomes illegal, farangs can buy land, schoolteachers teach kids in a subject they are familiar with and they stop the merit, lucky, jai dam, fortune tellers nonsense. That's never going to happen so corruption is going to be around for a few more years yet. 

    Prostitution is illegal in Thailand


    Yep, got that wrong. I'll replace it with votes not being bought in their hundreds of thousands. 

  8. Malaysia Airlines has killed 537 people in the past 6 months, how the <deleted> are they not on the bottom of that list ?

    I don't think the second crash was due to Malaysian Airlines. Most people can differentiate between an unexplained event and being blown out of the sky in a war zone.

    One point still being investigated is why the pilots turned towards the danger area and not stayed on the "normal" course. If ATC says go, the pilots still have the final say.

    Good point, I noticed my last flight from Bangkok to CDG a couple of weeks ago on Air France before this tragedy took a route south of the Crimea over the Black Sea.


    Doesn't this apply to just about every farang you meet on Sukhumvit? If he becomes particularly boring I generally say something along the lines of "I don't mean to cause you offence but I've come out for a quiet drink and to relax. You are stopping me do this. Could you please move to another table." They generally do but if they are persistent I just get up and sit somewhere else. I make a point of avoiding farangs no matter where I am in Thailand - Just boring, self-obsessed people.  

    Another Thai -wanabee?

    Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike


    I wouldn't say that. I like to keep myself to myself and if some boorish farang invades my space then I tell them. As for finding farangs to be boring and self-obsessed, I don't need to be in Thailand to realise this. I have no interest in what sort of car (or motorbike) someone rides, not interested in how much their house is worth since they bought it 5 years ago, not interested in the bar they intend to buy, not interested in what role they had in the army and the list goes on. I've never been able to do small talk. I just clam up when I realise I've got one sitting next to me. I also have the problem of initially coming across as being interested in what they have to say by giving them a smile and engage in eye contact. It's called manners. The boorish then take this behaviour from me as being a green light for them to confide all their nonsense thoughts to me. 


    Just my way of living life.


    That's some bike you've got there .............................

  10. Unless the parents live in Baan Nowhere could you meet on neutral ground such as a very nice hotel restaurant? Get the old man some quality whisky, ask your missus what her mother would like and treat them to a wonderful night. If you then feel confident with them then you can turn up at their abode at least having some idea of what they are about.

  11. I wouldn't fly any flag in Thailand as I can only see it as being inflammatory. Don't forget, most Thai's are fiercely nationalistic. I'm in the UK at the moment refurbishing my property for letting out again. I wouldn't be very happy if the stars and stripes, Polish flag or Kosovan flag appeared in the street. It's a pride thing with me. If I decided to put one up myself it would be the Cross of St George and certainly not the Union Jack.

    Just noticed, my jackboots need a good polish.
  12. My sympathies about your friend.

    There are numerous Thai money making ponzi, betting, lottery type schemes they get involved in. To the average farang they sound crazy but to a Thai whose head is full of merit and luck nonsense they sound very attractive. I have a Thai friend living in the UK who lost £50k on some scheme where 10 of them got together and leant each other money in a ponzi type scheme. It all ended in tears.

    I doubt you will ever get to the bottom of what really happened with your friend as when the stakes get higher the nastier the people you will encounter. Loyalties, promises, trust and friendships have different meanings in Thailand.

    A Thai-Chinese relative (by marriage) in Hat Yai (a very Chinese town) was involved in a scheme similar to this, it wasn't a scam, but rather was described to me as a common co-operative savings/lending/venture-capital scheme. Perhaps other posters, more familiar with the culture than I, might know whether it's actually common practice here ?

    Ten friends/relatives put in a small capital-sum, the total sum was then available to borrow/use every month, and each would bid the interest they were willing to pay for it. Whoever bid the most, got the use of the money, and repaid the capital plus interest at the end of the month, ready for the next round. Their savings thus generated the best achievable rate-of-return, for nine of them, and an informal-loan for the tenth.

    But I agree that, should the successful borrower ever default, then the other nine would lose out. Chinese/Asian notions of face, and loss-of-reputation amongst their friends & business-contacts in the town, were considered the main deterrent against default.

    But acquiring a farang/foreign son-in-law opened-up other sources-of-finance, so I don't believe my mother-in-law participates these days, then again how would I ever know, what family didn't wish to tell me ? whistling.gif

    Yes, sounds very similar if not the same. A touch of ponzi with unrealistic interest rates thrown in. My friend is thinking of entering into a similar arrangement again. I just don't know how they can expect it to be a successful venture. Your comment about losing face rung a bell as I was told the full amount was held by some big cheese and participants had to answer to him. I've also heard some young Thai mothers talking about doing the same in the UK. Not up to me but I just know it will all end in tears.
  13. Doesn't this apply to just about every farang you meet on Sukhumvit? If he becomes particularly boring I generally say something along the lines of "I don't mean to cause you offence but I've come out for a quiet drink and to relax. You are stopping me do this. Could you please move to another table." They generally do but if they are persistent I just get up and sit somewhere else. I make a point of avoiding farangs no matter where I am in Thailand - Just boring, self-obsessed people.  

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    Wise business travellers make their own bookings, or at least nominate their own flights. Getting someone else to do it can have you at a meeting as soon as you step off the aeroplane. A big no no in my book, unless of course your business trips are actually jollies.

    I've been doing this line of work 20 years and spent millions of miles in the air. I know what i'm doing when i sign my contract thanks


    Same as you, been offshore 30 years but trusting any HR department to book flights is a nightmare. I always insist on doing it myself then claim it back That applies with all the drilling companies I've worked for along with operators. Remember being left stranded in Luanda airport all night because the HR department hadn't understood the next day thing (after midnight). This was before mobile phones were common and Luanda was a lot more dodgy then than now. Always do it yourself then you know it's done properly. The problem with the oil and gas is that many people earn good money on very little knowledge or skill, go to any drill rig to see that. This permeates into the HR office where you have to deal with girls who think the world is flat and the most important thing in the world is what time her boyfriend is going to pick her up after work.

  15. Malaysia Airlines has killed 537 people in the past 6 months, how the <deleted> are they not on the bottom of that list ?

    I don't think the second crash was due to Malaysian Airlines. Most people can differentiate between an unexplained event and being blown out of the sky in a war zone.

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