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Posts posted by Thaiberius

  1. I love the but gun but Ladies need to be aware that they should always be spraying from front to back as spraying from back to front can cause unwanted partials into their vagina and cause a urinary tract infection, which can then lead to kidney infections. (UTI ) Just saying...

    Guns can always be dangerous :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    UTI's and vaginal infections are very different. Just thought I'd mention it.
  2. Yes, maybe a bit harsh if you're caught once but it's the continual lies over land, property, cars, motorbikes, parties, businesses and just about every aspect of their life if you allow them to. Agree 100% they do dazzle with their looks, sense of fun and wonderful ways but it's not that difficult to see through. A number of years ago in Pattaya I told a girl I'd take her family out for a meal as they were visiting her from Issan somewhere. She wasn't even a girlfriend, just some bargirl I'd known for a week or two. In the end most of the village turned up and I realised I'd been mugged. Their capacity to take advantage knows no shame. She was never hired again.

    ...you mean, ... not by you...

    Of course not by me. That's the point I was making, they will accept charity (read sinsod) from anybody and will make up any story (again, read sinsod) in order to extract money from the farang.
  3. Funny thread, everyone's talking about the opposite of what the OP wants!

    THB/GBP about 54.50

    GBP/THB around 53.70

    The following will let you see the rates from the individual banks in Thailand


    As the OP is talking about leaving for Thailand in a few days I think they merely mixed up the currency. Disregard the bank link as you'll always get a better rate from a moneychanger.
  4. My sympathies about your friend.

    There are numerous Thai money making ponzi, betting, lottery type schemes they get involved in. To the average farang they sound crazy but to a Thai whose head is full of merit and luck nonsense they sound very attractive. I have a Thai friend living in the UK who lost £50k on some scheme where 10 of them got together and leant each other money in a ponzi type scheme. It all ended in tears.

    I doubt you will ever get to the bottom of what really happened with your friend as when the stakes get higher the nastier the people you will encounter. Loyalties, promises, trust and friendships have different meanings in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  5. Whatever category you put yourself in while in Thailand, holidaymaker, investor, bargirl, mamasan, sex tourist, seeking a partner, retiree, bar owner, taxi driver, etc, etc - then you have to realise that Thailand is just a fantasy, a playground of lies. Thai families lie to each other, farang visitors lie to each other, it's very unlikely you will ever go a day without either you, yourself telling a lie or somebody telling you porkies. That's just the way the place is. It doesnt bother me as I never put myself in a situation where this behaviour will ever affect me emotionally, financially or in any other capacity. Trust nobody but enjoy the many delights and beauty this wonderful country offers.

    As for lies a Thai girl has told you then just visit your nearest girlie bar where you will be lied to within 10 minutes of ordering your first drink.
    • Like 2
  6. Yes, maybe a bit harsh if you're caught once but it's the continual lies over land, property, cars, motorbikes, parties, businesses and just about every aspect of their life if you allow them to. Agree 100% they do dazzle with their looks, sense of fun and wonderful ways but it's not that difficult to see through. A number of years ago in Pattaya I told a girl I'd take her family out for a meal as they were visiting her from Issan somewhere. She wasn't even a girlfriend, just some bargirl I'd known for a week or two. In the end most of the village turned up and I realised I'd been mugged. Their capacity to take advantage knows no shame. She was never hired again.

    • Like 1
  7. Some farang are pre-programmed to be ripped off and Thai's sniff them out as soon as they get off the plane. I have absolutely no sympathy for those who getvcaught up in the lies, deception and eventual financial ruin. Let's not beat around the bush, they deserve it. As for the spanner-turner, you have absolutely no one else to blame but yourself and now the lawyers will rip you off. As I said, pre-programmed to be ripped off.

  8. I respect the dowry system, of some reasonable amount relative to your ability to pay, because it is a safety check to see if you are serious and if you can take care of their daughter. I would want the same for my daughter.

    If one is dealing with Thai HiSo or upper middle class, the situation looks to me more like an international standard, no real dowry. If below that class, I would tell the father to insist on a dowry or tell the man to take a hike. He is joining a FAMILY by Thai standards and by all customs and rights, should help the whole group.

    I think in most cases, haggling over dowry poisons later relationships. The woman will never think of you the same and her family will feel her shame and their own. This is not a good way to start a loving relationship.

    If what the man wants is a cute domestic and marries to get that, THAT IS ALL HE WILL GET. An shamed servant is not a wife. A foreigner will never CURE Thailand. Either get with the culture program or get your bride somewhere else. You understand NOTHING about Thai culture's family values and operational functions. Sad.

    There aren't many Thai/Thai weddings where a sinsot is discussed or even expected. A farang is expected to have money so therefore this rarely used custom is reintroduced. As has been mentioned in hundreds of bars and discussion forums the farang is seen as a source of money. Thai girls gave no shame in sleeping with farangscas long as they satisfy their mothers demands. Their very limited knowledge of the world outside Thailand leads them to even consider means of income.

    Anyone ever see a Thai reading a book. Thought so.

  9. You imply she is a doctor and then go on to say this dowry system is a peasant custom. Then you go on to state they want 1 mill sinsot for a doctor? Just as I thought this story couldn't get anymore insane you then go on to say they will refund £10,000 of the sinsot. I doubt you have even even been to Thailand. If the bit about the doctor is true then I can assure you they wouldn't have any time for a farang who can't even come up with a mill baht.

    The "Hollywood" farangs who feel as though they have to quality every statement about their tilac having a degree, big car, is a doctor blah, blah, bore bore, blah are living in la-la land.

    It doesn't matter whether she is a doctor, dentist, bargirl, hotel receptionist or a som tam seller, the bottom line with Thai's is money and how they get that money is immaterial to them as long as there is money. Being unable to rustle up a million baht will do you no good regarding your social standing.

    It sounds to me as though you are ripe for become a another Thai statistic.

    • Like 2
  10. Troll. I cannot beleive that you are unable to distinguish between a ladyboy and girl at such close quarters after several meetings and even kissing.

    You should try the spot the Thai lady boy game I came across on the web one time, if they have had the chop, had the boobies done, took the hormones, I would challenge you to spot the "fake" sometimes it isn't easy to do....

    i can spot 'em every time. check the hands, the feet, the voice, the square jaw, the Adams apple. they are men.

    Spoken with the confidence of a very naive person.

    How about all the ladyboys with feminine hands, dainty feet, the feminine voice, the pixie-like jaw and the swan-like neck. I'm afaid you are ripe for a very nasty shock one day.

  11. Lived in Pattaya for a few months, draining. My favourite place is Hua Hin but it's starting to get expensive. Avoid anywhere on Phuket like the plague. If you want a quiet and simple life just about any small baan in Issan will do. Too many variables, everybody finds a home eventually.

  12. The big trouble is still to come and won't be related to Thaksin, Yingluck, STOP, red/yellow shirt.

    My compliments on the accuracy of your crystal ball, Swami. post-4641-1156694083.gif

    (I suspect the trouble to which you actually refer has not yet occurred but you get credit now for predicting recent events.)

    One doesn't need to be Einstein to figure it out but such talk isn't permitted here.

    As for the OP, I left Bangkok late last week and there are no problems if you stay away from Victory Monument or anywhere there are large gatherings. Bangkok is a big place and it is likely you won't see one soldier or protestor. I'll be back next week with absolutely no worries.

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