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Posts posted by Thaiberius

  1. It is because in western society we brought up not show out ! Apart from the U.S that is. I am a great believer in , if you accomplish something then why not be proud of it .. The jealousy derives from people who deep down are just jelouse , plain and simple . I think in a Buddhist society it is more being accepting of where one is and tomorrow is always another day. I visited a village in Laos . One village had some ramshackle huts as living accommodation and other family's had kind of top of the range rose wood tinted window 3 bedroom affairs . I asked the guide if the other people in the village were jelouse of the one or two sets who had this luxury ? He said without pause , no not at all.. Unfortunately in our western negative , I want. I want , throw away society We harbour unhealthy feelings of , why does he/she have and I don't ! Clearly there are a small percentage of people on this earth who fall into money and everything it brings , is this wrong ?? Who is anyone to say , he/ she should not be able to self congratulate without people becomeing jelouse!! It's a sad world sometimes ;-)

    Reject materialism and ones life becomes a lot simpler.
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  2. I can only talk about the UK but having read what Mr Snowden has to say I think the UK is fairly representative of a number of western nations. The concept of free speech is something that is hèld dear by westerners and taken as a human right. However if we stop for a minute and think about it the advent of the internet has chipped away at free speech such that I feel we no longer have this basic human right. To test this concept go on Facebook or Twitter and make a controversial comment about Islam or UKIP and see how long it is before the bill come knocking on your door. Yes, free speech is dead and buried.

    No, No. You can't compare your lack of free speech on a public website including this one, to your rights to speak out against your government in public, or to just generally speak your mind in public.

    Brits in particular are having to watch what they say in public for fear of getting in trouble. So who owns the country? The people or the government? It should be the people and the government should answer to them; not the other way around.

    It's slipping away, frogs in a pot.

    You are right, speaking ones mind in public is fraught with risk depending upon what you are saying. Having said that, if you are a member of a minority it seems sometimes you can say as you like with impunity. England no longer belongs to the English, of that I am certain.
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  3. I can only talk about the UK but having read what Mr Snowden has to say I think the UK is fairly representative of a number of western nations. The concept of free speech is something that is hèld dear by westerners and taken as a human right. However if we stop for a minute and think about it the advent of the internet has chipped away at free speech such that I feel we no longer have this basic human right. To test this concept go on Facebook or Twitter and make a controversial comment about Islam or UKIP and see how long it is before the bill come knocking on your door. Yes, free speech is dead and buried.

  4. Why do farangs invest money in Thailand by buying property and land? I can understand if the desire is to provide security for their wife and/or children but otherwise I can see no advantages.

    By tying up up capital in the present precarious political situation there is no guarantee of appreciation in value or even any guarantee over security of the investment.

    Whilst the political uncertainty is real along with the statement by the army today saying they may intervene if political violence continues, there are more uncertain times ahead. Once the line of succesion is brought to the forefront and a decision is made there will be more uncertainty and most likely an intervention by the military.

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  5. check price in US and compare with Thailand price on internet.

    Not the point Susan, how can you establish authenticity on the internet? Assume you are buying a copy.

    If you are buying from a shop like Big Camera . co. th or even powerbuy .co. th - they won't be fake.

    I wouldn't take that as gospel.
  6. A few years back I had a small bar in Pattaya. It really opened my eyes as to how petty and vindictive farangs can be. Other farang businessmen seemed to get a kick out of badmouthing others, running to the police and generally causing trouble for other farangs. I kept myself very much to myself and didn't join any of the different factions. In the end it just wasn't worth the hassle for the meagre rewards. Many of the bar owners are existing on pretty poor earnings and resent anybody who makes a comparable success of their business. The bar wasn't my main source of income, my intention was to have a good time but it soon became clear that unless you joined up with the bitter farangs you would be treated as an outsider.

    I stay in touch with a few of the good guys but the majority of others I met just aren't worth it. I think part of the reason for the hate is they feel trapped after the dream isn't what they thought it would be and there is no way out for them.

  7. he has some worthwhile advice in other videos

    1) do not fall in love in Pattaya

    2) don't go home with a soapy (very bad advice)

    3) don't send money to girls in Thaland (very good advice)

    4) wear a cloth diaper in your belt between your ass and your neck, so you dont walk around Bangkok looking like you pisse-d in your pants, because, you sweat more than normal people

    I thought that was eathshaking

    Saw a guy in Bangkok yesterday who had clearly followed through. He appeared to be completely oblivious to the state of his pants.

    Back on topic, save money by not leaving a tip everytime somebody as much as looks at you. Since I first came here years ago the growth in tipping has been remarkable.

  8. I'm a keen amateur photographer and have bought many lens filters from stalls in Thailand and never had any problems. However I avoid buying things like detachable lenses such as macro, zoom etc. The reason being I am sceptical over the authenticity of these goods. My scepticism also extends to tablets, laptops, cameras, telephones - in fact any branded electronic goods.

  9. I remember seeing the documentary. Got the impression he had psychological issues and was being taken for a ride. Having said this I also thought he was an honest and open man. Thankfully he came home empty-handed from Thailand, any girl marrying him will have had her hands full. Best wishes to him if he is ill.

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