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Posts posted by Thaiberius

  1. Ha ha yes, lying is just part of the rich cultural tapestry of Thailand as is infidelity and outrageous jealousy. Dump her or at least stop sending money if you are doing so.

    Nail on the head.

    My mate Bob asked me why his Thai bird always answered the phone in the bathroom.

  2. Will always bring back wonderful memories for you. Thanks for posting sir.

    I visited the Twin Towers just a few months before the terrorist attacks. I've searched high and low for the pictures I took and have no idea where they have gone. Even though the pictures were taken using a pre-digital camera. I now make sure I back up everything twice, in the cloud and on an external hard drive. Some pictures are just priceless.

  3. As a rough guess I'd say 25% of guys in this forum send money to a girl or ladyboy in order to make their lives a little easier. It has always happened and always will do. I have been tempted to send money on occasion but come to my senses when I remember there are probably another half a dozen being asked the same question at the same time as me.

    The most honest and bizarre request I ever got was from a girl who worked at Morning Night on Soi 4, Nana in Bangkok. It was a significant amount. I received a call in the UK saying she was going to lose her job because a customer had reported her to the mamasan for stealing money from his room. She gibbered on for ages saying she would lose her job unless the money was paid back. She asked to borrow noney from me and I said no but did ask her to be honest and tell me if she did steal it. Without a second thought she replied she had stolen the money.

    She lost her job and got a job on Soi Cowboy. Some six months later she returned to her old job at Morning Night. Only in Thailand.

  4. Didn't see any soldiers on Sukhumvit Road yesterday morning at 0530 from Asoke to to the Expressway as I made my way to the airport, no troop lorries, no APC's and no mobile gun carriers. The last time the army were out in force they had armoured vehicles at the major road junctions, entry and exit points to the expressway and a heavy presence at the airport. Didnt see any at the airport either. Worryingly my friend called and told me he had seen a heavy army presence surrounding the red shirt excampment close to the Monument. I hope an assault isn't on the cards.

    Was out on Sukhumvit Soi 22 on Tuesday and a TV news crew were doing a piece on the lack of farangs which has been quite noticeable since the Martial Law announcent. They asked if they could ask me some questions. I replied of course, the questions were along the lines of did I feel threatened, did I know if any farangs were avoiding Thailand, would it stop me visiting in future. I replied it would not stop me from returning unless the situation deteriorated with the army and civilians sustaining casualties.

    In fact as I'm writing this I've heard on the radio Yingluck has been invited to attend meetings in order to find a way forward. I'm surprised she isn't already in Dubai with her brothrt

  5. Anyone have Xanax and Diazapam together? Tried Xanax yesterday and didn't really feel anything compared to Diazapam.

    Just be careful when thinking it isn't working don't be tempted to take more to get the desired effect. I did it once and got totally monged and incapable of speech. Thankfully it wore off before I got to Heathrow. Must have been awake for 20 minutes of a 12 hour flight. Just remember kids, just say no.
  6. Anyone have Xanax and Diazapam together? Tried Xanax yesterday and didn't really feel anything compared to Diazapam.

    Sounds like overkill to me, you'd never sleep that night after a daylight flight.

    On the other hand, I must have been to the 50% of BKK farmacies that won't sell Diazepam.

    I dont now any Pharmacys anywhere that will sell Diazepam anymore !!

    Bought 50 diazepam and 50 xanax on Sukhumvit yesterday. Even ofered me a benzo I'd not heard of before that he claimed worked the same as ambien but I declined.
  7. No soldiers on Sukhumvit Road.

    Not a coup, "yet". But it's coming.whistling.gif

    During the 2006 coup, all was normal. Tourists at first stayed away, particularly the Asian tourists, but after a few weeks, all was normal and very peaceful.

    Yes, remember that one, occasional young soldiers stationed randomly, armoured vehicles at road intersections but no real inconvenience.
  8. There have been quite a few reports of this in different parts of Thailand.

    Yes, there have been. Never let your card leave your sight! Only use bank ATM's, not 7-11, bars, etc. Check for skimmers, cameras and shoulder surfers! TIT

    This can be a problem world wide, not just a TIT problem.... coffee1.gif

    Actually, you're wrong. It rarely happens in many other countries. It's a Thailand problem. coffee1.gif

    Not sure if this is true; but I heard that the problem with some of the banks is they are still using pirated un-updated versions of Windows XP and scammers have found a way to hack.

    No, not true.

  9. The jetski scam on Phuket, for all the promises to tackle it is still going. The scam in Pattaya will continue for a while yet. In the early days of the volunteer police they were involved in the entrapment of foreigners (yabaa in cigarette packets) - a leopard never changes its spots. No time for them at all. As a matter of interest, anyone know what happened to Howard?

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