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Posts posted by Thaiberius

  1. My first choice was the health and safety route. A few friends are already on that path internationally but its £7k for initial courses alone.

    Where as with the open university I have a fully funded degree but I need to choose which one in the next few weeks and I am worried I might make the wrong choice.

    Stressed about this.

    You have done the basic research and already know what jobs you can't do in Thailand right? Regardless of your qualifications and experience right? If yes, then read on.
    You have the option of paying for courses that may get you pretty rapid and comparatively well paid work in the oil patch ANYWHERE.
    Once in the oil patch anywhere, there's a good chance of a decent rotation that allows you to take regular breaks in Thailand.

    You seriously think he'll get a job "anywhere" on the patch rapidly?

    I think you're very mistakes considering most of the world use locals or cheap Asian labour for HSE bods

    Are you a compulsive speed reader or what Franky? If you took time to read the previous sentence, "...paying for courses that may get you pretty rapid and comparatively well paid work..."
    I didn't seriously say anything like what you are inferring by your selective reading and editing. By totally omitting my second statement which was actually the crux of my comparison, ie. "...taking a free course that is very unlikely to get you rapid and comparatively well paid work..."
    If he pays good money for appropriate training and certification now, he has a BETTER CHANCE of getting what he seeks versus doing a free course that has dead-end street written all over it.

    I've been doing it 30 years. No need to do any courses apart from the basics that everybody has to to do. Any other courses you do at your own financial risk.
  2. I work offshore but do other stuff with Amazon and other sites that manage themselves. The initial work is outsourced once the language barrier is overcome. Nothing wrong with outsourcing while in Thailand. Yes, I've heard all the work visa arguments but nobody can find out even if they wanted to.

    Instead of moaning about the system, use it to your advantage.

    In business never get angry, get profitable. This is something one or two haven't had things their way - toys out of prams etc - Hardly Branson's. Easy.

  3. This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

    The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

    I know, but the fact is that Thai economy is doing worse than planned and expected. Wonder why???

    As you are obviously myopic, the entire world is in an economic recession... Take your head out of your pattootie and realize that Thailand owes you nothing, not even the time of day... If you don't like the rules for opening and running a business in Thailand, take it up with the junta... I'm sure you will be received with a warm welcome...

    I know Thailand owes me nothing... Thats also why I am moving my company. But I still reserve the right to my opinion, that chasing away foreign investment is not a smart thing to do for Thailand. I am allowed to have my own opinion... am I not? :-)

    Actually you aren't. You misunderstand, Thailand is nothing like the west. If it is decided you can't have an opinion then that's what will happen until you learn your opinion is wrong.

  4. If possible without getting yourself bitten, from the back, grab the dog's hind legs and lift. Once they are off the ground, he will lose all confidence in his ability to do anything further.

    Problems could be the other dogs then taking advantage of the situation.

    We were always taught at the GSD club to grab the tail and pull lifting the rear end off the ground and as they let go to swing them around in a circle so they can't bite you, This should be only tried if there are 2 people, one for each tail to separate them. (as long as they both have tails) As was also said, the legs will also work. It is too dangerous if there is only one person.

    If you don't know what you are doing, better to leave them, Throwing water over them or squirting them with a hose also may work, but usually not possible to find a hose nearby.

    You should NEVER pull or lift any dog by the tail. The tail is attached to the spine and these actions can cause serious spinal or neurological damage.

    Also, German Shepherds are prome to a hereditery disease called DM (Degenerative Myelopethy) or sometimes known as DMGS (DM German Shepherd) which is an auto immune disease of the neurological system. This is a horrible disease without cure that leads to full paralysis sad.png

    I do know if you pick up a guinea pig by the tail it's eyes fall out.

    Seriously, in 25 years of attending Dog Classes often 2 times a week at the GSDCV , I did see quite a few fights, they were always separated by pulling the tails, with no one being bitten and no injuries to the dogs. I am sure if someone's dog was injured by it's tail being pulled I would have heard about it. If they hadn't have been separated, the injuries the dogs would have sustained would have been very severe.

    As it was a training school, there were many people that brought their dogs along as they couldn't control them. My two Shepherds had a bad habit of wanting to chase other dogs when running free at the park, but the best command I ever taught them was the drop command. They could be heading full speed towards another dog, and if I yelled out drop, they would both go straight down. Drop is a very submissive command. If I tried to call them in the same situation, they wouldn't hear me.

    One of my bitches was in the demo team and we would often take 5 or 6 German Shepherds to elderly peoples homes. Almost all the elderly were thrilled at the sight of them and their eyes would all light up and bring much joy to them. If they were attack dogs, I am sure it would be outlawed in the nanny state.

    German Shepherds have many hereditary diseases, the most common in the club would have been Hip Dysplasia. I suppose the point about the Degenerative Myelopethy is that you wouldn't want to pull a dogs tail if it had that. The same goes for HD. But in a fight you do to the best of your ability to stop them fighting. The GSDCV has a program to eradicate this nasty hereditary disease, by only breeding dogs that have been x-rayed for the disease and found to be suitable for breeding. This is also one of the reasons you should get your dogs from a well recognised registered breeder, as they will make sure the parents temperament and genetics is worth breeding from, so you have the best chance of not having a dog with problems.

    I have done a search and it does seem to be common practise to pull their tails to separate them. There is however one site I found that agrees with you. If you are interested I have some of the links below.



    your guinea pig theory is total nonsense very much like your theories about dogs which explains why your dog likes scrapping.Just remember 2 things that most inadequate dog like doing.

    Giving them varying instructions to sit, stand, rollover, leave - They won't have a clue what you're talking about. Dogs haven't evolved to include one to one conversations in their deck of cards. They don't understand things the same way as a human does, they do not display human behaviours.

    Avoiding the fight is infinitely better than pulling tails but the alternative isn't so macho. I really do despair.

  5. I have a friend who has sold his Thai restaurant in the UK (He is married to a very very tasty Thai girl. By trade he is a graphic designer and is hoping to get a foothold in the market, probably near Songkhla. Nice guy but no spring chicken. He did some work for me a few months ago and it was excellent, And he has some real good ideas but will they roll with the Thai insularity. I think he has a fair chance as he is fluent Chinese, Thai and English. Good luck to him. At a guess he won't encounter as many problems as a farang would starting a business.

  6. Not wanting to cause offence but why did you feel the need to tell us your girl had graduated and is from a middle class family?


    Good luck to you both but having lived with a farang girl years and years ago who was a company director I certainly didn't tell my friends and didn't really communicate with her. She was obsessed with her social standing. 


    I don't know you nor do I wish to criticise you but why add those two little details. Was it to elevate yourself above the guys here who have met bargirls or even ladyboys as their life partner.

    • Like 1
  7. A lot of your questions relate to the reason farangs have to jump through hoops when applying for various visas. It's their Thailand and they will run it how they want. The last thing they want is farangs interfering in that and that is why we are very much restricted in some of the things we would like to do. My take on it is to let them get on with it. I'm a guest in their country and will abide by their rules and laws and no matter what I do or say they aren't going to change anything. For me the advantages vastly outweigh the disadvantages. That's why, for me, it's the place I always want to be.

    I agree... It is their country and they can do as they like. Their choices however does not make much sense...


    Its not like their economy is booming right now...

    Very much like the whole of southern Europe, Dubai, the US and most of the Asian economies. The present junta is a regular cyclical thing and generally the economy picks up as the military measures come into place. Thai coup d'etat's are different from any other country. They are well rehearsed. The baht will strengthen and if my calculations are true since the junta took over the baht has dropped about 14-16% - not really a country on its knees. Contrary to what some think that Thailand exists purely on barfines and farangs drinking is just totally wrong. Of course there are differences to how farangs do things but the Thai's do it their way and I think they probably have every right to do that.

  8. I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

    There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

    You make it sound as if Thailand owes you a living. It doesn't. And don't make it sound as if you're doing or wanting to do Thailand any favors. You're only in it for yourself. You are not what Thailand considers "valuable foreign investment." But as you say, you have other options. Take it. When you are gone, it will be as if you were never here. Same as the OP. Why people try to overstate their self-importance is beyond me. You mean as much to Thailand as you did to your home country...which is why you left in the first place.

    This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

    The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.



    How do guys get on the oil rigs anyway?

    I've changed my degree from engineering to computing and IT.

    Spoke to one lad last night who is now on the HSE path and said he paid £7000 for courses. That's do able if the work is there but I'm hearing more and more that locals are used on oil rigs.

    I am a bit pissed off an old dead uncle of mine who worked on the rigs donkeys years ago didn't get all us young lads in the family on that path.

    I really don't fancy teaching. My sister and a lot if close friends are teachers in the uk and I just don't think its for me.

    Currently hoping to be fluent in french in a year or so too to help me get expat jobs etc. Spanish is next.

    It's not easy.

    A lot of seniour positions are held by western expats. That will not change anytime soon. You do get purges now and again to "nationalise" a company taking out expats. But you can garuntee with in two years we are back. Usually now (I'm lead to believe) the insurance companies require western expats to run the rigs at management level.

    To get in 90% of the time it's knowing someone. That someone doesn't have to be someone high up. All you need is someone to vouch for you
    Cheers Franky always good to get info from the horses mouth rather than hearsay.

    I've got all the offshore safety quals but no quals to actually do anything when I get there.

    What are the entry level jobs and what quals do I need? I've heard some stories of 'drill pigs' (not my terminology) taking home £750 a day tax free?


    Unlikely, maybe a pusher. The only way you'll get offshore is if you know someone in the drilling game. If you have an engineering degree then you might get a job as a trainee with an operator. 


    When you say safety quals, what do you mean? If it's the BOSIET, MIST, medical etc then everybody has to have them. 


    Franky, Angola are now dragging their feet over expat  visa's.



    My first choice was the health and safety route. A few friends are already on that path internationally but its £7k for initial courses alone.

    Where as with the open university I have a fully funded degree but I need to choose which one in the next few weeks and I am worried I might make the wrong choice.

    Stressed about this.

    You have done the basic research and already know what jobs you can't do in Thailand right? Regardless of your qualifications and experience right? If yes, then read on.
    You have the option of paying for courses that may get you pretty rapid and comparatively well paid work in the oil patch ANYWHERE.
    Once in the oil patch anywhere, there's a good chance of a decent rotation that allows you to take regular breaks in Thailand.

    You seriously think he'll get a job "anywhere" on the patch rapidly?

    I think you're very mistakes considering most of the world use locals or cheap Asian labour for HSE bods


    Don't you mean really shite HSE bods in drilling Franky?

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