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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Trip was not wasted even though Green Light prostate surgery awaited.. advised red light...colonoscopy 600baht,down the throat 1200 baht,heart echocardography tested..800 baht (3 years ago LVID borderline,this time 64%,just what is borderline?) pages of blood testing half hour with thyroid doc,underactive thyroid,x rays,23 skin blemishes blasted 600 baht,before/after bladder test urology doc , I sure do need that op advised live another 50 years,not bad for 89 year old sat the week out then downing beer at third of Thai prices 7 thousand via KL

    good week anyway got loads of veterinary meds fraction of prices here

  2. Since this happened in Vancouver - were the China Eastern Airlines reps the Chinese from China, or locals from Vancouver? It's possible that the locals were just really stupid, or just trying to be too smart for themselves, which happens a lot whenever there's a Canada vs US spat smile.png

    In any case Expedia must return the money if they promised, but that might be difficult if you don't have it in writing.

    Another option you may consider is that the Airline rep was indeed being an idiot by not letting you board the plane - if they said it was just the matter of some code - how is that the customer's problem? In which case it's not clear if Expedia should be responsible for the stupidity of the Airline's representative, or some of their internal issues. I think you should press and escalate this issue to both the China Eastern Airlines and the Expedia Headquarters. Just find and send an email to the CEO of both China Eastern and Expedia, and put as many people in CC as possible on both sides, the CFOs, Operational managers, regional operational managers and so on - explain what happened and threaten to go to the press with this... My guess is that if you prepare for this carefully, your problem will be resolved in a matter of a few hours. The problem is often that the CEO and all the upper management are not even aware of this issue, and all the subordinate managers are sending you for a run-around and only interested to keep a lid on this problem hoping that you will just go away, none of them want to be held accountable for the problem which they obviously created for you. I strongly suggest you escalate this issue directly to the CEO of both companies, otherwise you'll just keep wasting your time and put as many subordinates in CC as possible when you do this - make sure they all have something to talk about during one of their usual morning meetings smile.png

    China Eastern are FOUL ,never get anywhere writing,take them to court,did just that,court date looming,they settled..look on their Facebook page,that is the ones they do not erase

  3. It is "frozen" from the time one leaves the UK to live in a country where increases are not paid.

    Some people run the risk of not informing the DWP of their departure.

    Unfortunately this is the Green Eyed Monster in a hole,everybody else should be in that hole too. Public Advisory Notices abound,just likened to this one above, "At Risk",never answered. The risk is a frozen pension if informing,or at best ,a frozen pension,likened to a turkey voting for Christmas

    Now I would suggest a mentally challenged, incompetent, deranged agile minded individual would follow the path of the above.

    All the "liked" posts from contributors are in that hole,and as that hole widens,even more Public Advisory Notices flourish,state of panic erupts around 5 April

    Terminology suggests there is no set days out of the UK ,only for tax purposes,and as long as a UK address is maintained,paid for or not all is kosher Panama style

    I would like to agree but unfortunately I am one of those mentally challenged individuals. In short I have no idea what you are going on about in that post.


    Did write something else,but ill leave it with your description


    • Like 1
  4. It is "frozen" from the time one leaves the UK to live in a country where increases are not paid.

    Some people run the risk of not informing the DWP of their departure.

    Unfortunately this is the Green Eyed Monster in a hole,everybody else should be in that hole too. Public Advisory Notices abound,just likened to this one above, "At Risk",never answered. The risk is a frozen pension if informing,or at best ,a frozen pension,likened to a turkey voting for Christmas

    Now I would suggest a mentally challenged, incompetent, deranged agile minded individual would follow the path of the above.

    All the "liked" posts from contributors are in that hole,and as that hole widens,even more Public Advisory Notices flourish,state of panic erupts around 5 April

    Terminology suggests there is no set days out of the UK ,only for tax purposes,and as long as a UK address is maintained,paid for or not all is kosher Panama style

    • Like 2
  5. Hopefully you'll consult a doctor and consider medical solutions before deciding something new must be better and you need to differentiate BPH from prostate cancer when considering the approach to treatment.

    I started on Flomax a couple of months ago (in Thailand sold as Harnal OCAS once a day tablets). Almost immediate improvement and after the first month a big improvement. The only negative side effect I experienced was some fatigue the first week. No other problems. Now can sleep through the night with no visits to the loo or, at most, one visit if I consumed too much coffee and tea late at night.

    Prostate artery embolization appears to be a safe and effective alternative to more traditional treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia, according to two new studies.

    "Although it's not going to replace surgery, it'll have a definite role," Bhaskar Somani, MD, from University Hospital in Southampton, United Kingdom, toldMedscape Medical News.

    It might be a stop-gap measure, especially for young men, until they need surgery. "The results are very good and very promising," said Dr Somani before he presented results from his team's study here at the European Association of Urology 30th Annual Congress.

    "Prostate artery embolization is a feasible and minimally invasive technique," said Giorgio Ivan Russo, MD, from the University of Catania in Italy, who presented his team's study of the procedure.

    However, the procedure is associated with persistent symptoms at 1 year and "should be performed in very select patients," Dr Russo added.


    For every negative notice pulled off the net ,could put another 10 (at least)in opposite direction The "persistent symptoms" were actually non-events in the scheme of things. I'm not taking drugs for this problem,taken them and a total waste of time.

    Looks as a 30% reduction in prostate size is achieved in most circumstances,which is ideal

    • Like 1
  6. There are farangs going to Delhi for this op ,about £900,but down to Chennai,which basically is a medical city alongside the actual city,it is being done for around £350,just been over to have prostate done starting at £175 ,cancelled it for this one,when Ill do it? maybe in few months time

  7. Cannot see much of a difference,one at £119 the other £155. If contracted out,pay less of a stamp then the £155 goes all the way down to £119,but you walk away with probably a lot higher second pension too,something like the old one £119,but then SSP was added,but that in turn is now reduced by CPI increases ,not triple locked

  8. Putting to sleep is a good term,effects the sleeping part of the brain then stops the heartbeat. Soi dog,well I looked after him, caught distemper,blood out of the nostrils,vomit all over the place,smelt to high heaven too weak to move,decided his time had come,shaved the leg,dug the hole,but held on to following morning,dog no worse on the day,but got better,glad I held out,dog still there,feed it still

  9. Unfortunately, India has a very high rate of hospital acquired infections according to an article in India Medical Times. A bit of Googling confirms this.

    With an elective surgery such as knee replacement, hospital acquired infections are a big risk factor and a hospitals infection rate should factor into a prospective patients decision.

    As far as surgery goes I have experience replacing a torn ACL and a partially torn PCL in my right knee.

    I've had my surgery done back in the states by the Dr. of the New York Giants.

    I have been in contact with Dr. Ongart Preuttiphat - a close friend of mine who has just completed his training in America and is now one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Thailand.

    It's not cheap at a private hospital, but if you have the right insurance good for you, but for those who need any surgeries in Thailand having the right insurance is very important.

    Hope all goes well!


    Hardly a need for insurance if you jet off for two hours to a place that is medical tourists number 1 India. Not in the market (yet) for TKR ,swimming was my bag when young,but had op there on knee /leg some 5 years ago when quoted in Thailand at $20000 ,had it done and dusted for $700

    Heres one ad ,probably cheaper hospitals doing them,one doing them for £800 but you have to choose and buy the knee joint separately

    "The cost of Single Knee Replacement in India 6500 USD in a Single Deluxe Room at GNH Hospitals, Gurgaon, India using FDA approved Zimmer / Stryker Implants

    The Cost of Bilateral (Both) Knee Replacement in India is 10000 USD in a Single Deluxe Room at GNH Hospital, Gurgaon, India using FDA approved Zimmer / Stryker Implants"


    The reason I mention this is to suggest that those choosing to undergo elective surgery in Thailand consider the potential risks of contacting a serious HAI

    There does not appear to be any nationally coordinated data relating to HAI's and I doubt many hospitals (public or private) would be willing provide detail of their infection rates(assuming the data is routinely collected)

    Infection rates (as is well proven in the West) do not come down until the problem is publicly acknowledged , specific infection control measures are adopted by all and the results(outcomes) subject to continual monitoring."

    Called "loosing face"

    Looking at a patient right now,recent Hernia private Pattaya hospital,had op readmitted for two weeks,possibly again for guess what..hospital acquired infection and he has to pay for their acquired infection

    Google it

    Be a mug to have surgery in Thailand,least India admit it,Thailand never,seems a crippling effect,life in their hands? never

  10. As far as surgery goes I have experience replacing a torn ACL and a partially torn PCL in my right knee.

    I've had my surgery done back in the states by the Dr. of the New York Giants.

    I have been in contact with Dr. Ongart Preuttiphat - a close friend of mine who has just completed his training in America and is now one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Thailand.

    It's not cheap at a private hospital, but if you have the right insurance good for you, but for those who need any surgeries in Thailand having the right insurance is very important.

    Hope all goes well!


    Hardly a need for insurance if you jet off for two hours to a place that is medical tourists number 1 India. Not in the market (yet) for TKR ,swimming was my bag when young,but had op there on knee /leg some 5 years ago when quoted in Thailand at $20000 ,had it done and dusted for $700

    Heres one ad ,probably cheaper hospitals doing them,one doing them for £800 but you have to choose and buy the knee joint separately

    "The cost of Single Knee Replacement in India 6500 USD in a Single Deluxe Room at GNH Hospitals, Gurgaon, India using FDA approved Zimmer / Stryker Implants

    The Cost of Bilateral (Both) Knee Replacement in India is 10000 USD in a Single Deluxe Room at GNH Hospital, Gurgaon, India using FDA approved Zimmer / Stryker Implants"

  11. Some dogs are prone to ticks,those that are I give a shot of Ivermectin,works for up to 6 weeks before presence of more ticks seen. if dog looks sick ,I give Doxy,the green capsules twice a day for a week

    Doxy,bought loose,its cheap antibiotic

    Why wait 6 weeks and more ticks before dosing again? It only takes 1 tick to kill a dog. Why take the risk? All the instructions I've seen say monthly and that's what I do and all dogs I treat are tick free once the initial dose kicks in. I've also been told (by a breeder) to double the initial dose if a dog is heavily infected. I've done that a few times with no adverse effect.

    Basically these are soi dogs, I only do what absolutely needs doing and IF I can catch it. The products sold in Thailand are basically no damned good or are expensive...Notixs ,basically deet with shampoo,can mix your own I guess here, RIDD amitraz solution,do not know if its available in Thailand,,Id put that up against Ivermectin and would win hands down, ivermectin pills 50 baht for 10 at 10mg Bayticol 50 baht ,here in Thailand close on 900 baht ,at vets that is,... Protektor 100 baht probably Frontline ,never used Frontline or its strength


  12. I put dogs to sleep,vet gives me Nembutal,I do it,but out of confines of him,no stethoscope so have to let legs stiffen up before I bury them.

    These dogs suffer,PTS is way the best,at the moment dog with nasal tumour,on chemo,but if that dog does not pick up Ill do it to him too,seeing it struggle for breath is horrific

  13. .3 per 10 kilo ivermectin injection,regularly inject,used to give more but vet talked me down. anyway the RIDD cure ,looked it up on the net Boots developed it, on Wiki ,marvellous stuff one bath a week,well drenching,and keep a spray bottle with it in,give to paws a quick spray now and again,interferes with the ticks nervous system

  14. Are you sure it's demodectic mange? Over the years I've seen some terrible cases, these cases are often used by the likes of Soi dog on their ads for before and after pics. It is a long job treating it but in time should get better.

    Have you had scrapes sent to a lab or blood tests?

    On your question of euthanasia , I doubt any vet it Thailand would put a dog to sleep if it was only demodectic mange. Who's told you there is no cure?

    Could you post some pics?

    Probably is mange,but if not skin ailment,more likely fungal or bacterial. Buy lowest dosage for both at pharmacy,anti fungal/bacterial...ones cheap,the other not so, crush them,and put in dogs food for a week,a shotgun approach,but works well

  15. I suspect that is the shampoo he refers to

    Ivemectin is a systemic drug that is also used and given lack of response to topical a Vet might suggest it. Again, need to see a really good Vet.

    Far from a shampoo,RIDD a liquid dip concentrate,used by vets,throughout India US too,fact is wherever it can be obtained a powerful medicate,care not to put in mouth or eyes. Look it up on the net


  16. Got 3 myself, would not go the route of finding a home in Thailand,get him re-homed in UK or USA, Soi Dog BKK send so many abroad,but might not help you as not soi dog but could ask,make donation. Vet in Pattaya sympathetic 038373622 does rescue work too,he will do it If the vet will help,get a price off him I will look after your dog until ready to fly Think flight around $400 plus vacs

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