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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Went to a house years ago,householder scared stiff,snake ,probably king cobra by description entered house,big one too was told,put crash hat on visa down,dog pole and I was pissed to get up courage,snake jumped out of low window opening to escape,glad of that escape too

  2. Turkey will never be allowed in

    I bet there is a net outflow of Poles

    Hungary has been a waste of space ever since the Habsburgs

    We will remain in

    Wake me up if someone has something interesting to say

    Think its your alarm clock needs attention.

    Very different now the mood in the UK with the EU,good timing with the asylum issue coming to a head,another million spilling in before the referendum,I'm not holding my breath here but if betting man Id say the UK is out of the EU by a huge majority

  3. Large bat population in and around Khorat and they are the most common carrier of rabies. Not impossible to believe one dropped dead only to be eaten by a soi dog and voilà!

    Good suggestion,but short lived virus,once dead no rabies,probably bit the dog whilst alive,anyway incubation period for human can reach 19 years,,farang dead of other causes long before that

  4. Nothing but madness,two old age pensions running side by side,one getting richer by the triple lock,the other getting poorer by only partial triple locking,plus the govt.obviously looking at the disparity between the two, inviting the earlier and poorer old age pensioner to pay a fortune to upgrade to the later and more generous pension,for even that portion to eventually fall behind by no triple locking

  5. hi... wow... 5 folds in 10 years.. that's alot... crazy infact.. hm... is thailand expecting a property bubble soon? Sorry .... property is really not my strength.. i need a book in property for dummies

    What I mean here is a farming land in a small tambon. Of course if you were to buy the land for building home, it is cheap. Looking at it as a farming land, not at all. 150k for 1600 sqm near to 100 baht per sqm. If you work out how much cabbage you could grow on a sqm and how many season you could do a year, you have to work on that land for more than 10 years just to recoup the land cost.

    They understand about this and they are targeting people like you to buy their land for building home. The land beside our house is going for 700k (4 rai 2 ngan 72 sqw) near to 7500 sqm. So if you want to build a house on this land, the price is attractive. But if you intend to farm it, impossible.

    Note: These lands are SPK.

    Will be interesting to see how the farming folk cope with whats ahead,the govt. washing their hands of rubber and rice growers,even sugar producers,no more subsidies,wide ranging drought forecast too,as well as severe water rationing with what is in the dams

  6. Used to feel so sorry for dogs in final stages of rabies,nothing or nobody should suffer like that Use the pole to catch them ,then into cage for transport back to base, then squeeze to side of cage , knock out drug was given ,when unconscious dragged out and PTS In early stages of rabies problems arose,dog highly agitated,biting anything,use to whack them with pole to keep them away from me,until calm enough to snare

    Govt vets here were giving rabies vaccines for free recently,seems a total waste of time in a rabies free zone,only the owner pets getting it,street dogs not. Where rabies is detected blanket inoculations would occur

  7. Helped out at animal place in India years ago,rabies all over the bloody place,I'm sure I overdosed on rabies vacs,my lips turned blue at one stage,humans,dogs shivering away until death,used to pull them under a tree for shade,let them die there,the dogs I got shut of using ketamine for quick knockdown,then into vein with Nembutal

  8. Just terminology,"benefit" "entitlement"..which ever. Cannot be stopped,adjusted,paid back,or reduced,but maybe suspended until whatever address you wish to add,or proof of life is established,when suspension will be lifted and payments restored and paid back

    The new 2016 pension is quite onerous on pension credits, anyone out of the UK for longer than 4 weeks,gets pension stopped.

    You mean --- ".....gets pension credits stopped.."

    I only correct you to try to prevent a few heart-attacks wink.png

    As I read it,the pension itself is stopped,but that's only people on pension credits,actual OAP for someone not on credits will not be effected

    That is a worry for many -- do we have any other reference to this "stoppage of the basic pension" anywhere else.? I can't find any reference to that. The basic pension has always been an absolute right until you die, only the "extras" can be stopped.

    Its there ,someone has posted the details,it is the guaranteed pension, where not enough NI have been paid,and you are entitled to a minimum £155 or whatever the amount will be in April...its the 4 weeks out of the UK or refined the GB it will be stopped that is not published

  9. very glib! haha!!

    But didn't someone else point out that pensions are now classed as a benefit? As opposed to a "right" -- even though you've pre-paid it,,,

    That is open to interpretation, there is no dispute that some sources refer to it as a benefit. The Pension Service however do use the word 'entitled' and I would say that is from the horses mouth.

    Just terminology,"benefit" "entitlement"..which ever. Cannot be stopped,adjusted,paid back,or reduced,but maybe suspended until whatever address you wish to add,or proof of life is established,when suspension will be lifted and payments restored and paid back

    The new 2016 pension is quite onerous on pension credits, anyone out of the UK for longer than 4 weeks,gets pension stopped.

    You mean --- ".....gets pension credits stopped.."

    I only correct you to try to prevent a few heart-attacks wink.png

    As I read it,the pension itself is stopped,but that's only people on pension credits,actual OAP for someone not on credits will not be effected

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