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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. very glib! haha!!

    But didn't someone else point out that pensions are now classed as a benefit? As opposed to a "right" -- even though you've pre-paid it,,,

    That is open to interpretation, there is no dispute that some sources refer to it as a benefit. The Pension Service however do use the word 'entitled' and I would say that is from the horses mouth.

    Just terminology,"benefit" "entitlement"..which ever. Cannot be stopped,adjusted,paid back,or reduced,but maybe suspended until whatever address you wish to add,or proof of life is established,when suspension will be lifted and payments restored and paid back

    The new 2016 pension is quite onerous on pension credits, anyone out of the UK for longer than 4 weeks,gets pension stopped.

  2. Does anyone actually have experience bringing in a street dog or cat, I imagine a big fuss or severe trauma for the creature.

    They can go crazy if they wake up too soon after surgery. From direct experience with the return journey, I recommend either attaching a leash, or binding their legs.

    Peeba,sorry thought you meant adopt.......

    Hyku, just the opposite,they are drugged,takes a few hours before they become aware,slowly wake up,just want to sleep for couple of hours

    I always ask the vet to give more anesthetic to keep the dog asleep until I can get them back home,or back to street corner where they live,balancing act,dog unconscious laying over lap on bike,other steering the bike,have done hundreds over the years,getting the stitches out after 5 days is the problem,usually leave them in,let the dog eventually chew them out if unfriendly

    Tie the snout shut with whatever,or buy one of the muzzles,about 100 baht,stops them biting

  3. . Buut the guys that are genuinely non-resident, the ones who are truly affected by the frozen pension scenario are pretty quiet about it for the most part and accept that the rules are what they are, they don't like it if they're honest but they don't complain, what's that picture all about I ask myself.

    ...but you have never been quite about anything,its eaten into you like a bad germ,jealousy that's what it all about. All the rubbish published "1234 " "its in there somewhere"year after year pathetic attempts to get people in the same pit as yourself "met at the airport" "Jail," "court" rubbish baloney

  4. If they do take away the tax allowances nothing we Expats can do about it other than return to the UK. I for one would not go as even doubling my current tax bill would still make it cheaper to live in Thailand

    If you think tax allowances will ever be taken away from ex-pats you will be thinking there are fairies at the bottom of the garden...another load of tripe

  5. This thread is well past its sell-by date. No useful information, just a bunch of old women moaning.

    Go along with this 100%,same doom and gloom merchants pouring forth,same-same crap ,Thread been in being 4 to 5 years ,same rubbish,another 4 to 5 years ahead too,same rubbish.

    What basically inspires the doom and gloomsters is jealousy,not the overall picture of frozen pensions.

    Basically there are a few ways to be "caught out" you tell them, private pension provider has your address here or informant,..but the the penalties are minuscule...its guidance ,not law being frozen,never be prosecuted and if ,a big IF caught out you have been here a few weeks

    You will never be caught out by passport,different dept,do not share information,plus OAP cannot be claimed back,any other benefit can credits for instance ie present passport Australian issue,that of course means I'm in Aussie (I think not)

    • Like 1
  6. The common maintenance fees for my 2 bedroom Centric condo will be $88.75 a month in USA dollars at 35.5 Baht to the dollar. The 1 bedroom fees are around $40 to $47 a month, depending on sqm. Not really that 'eye watering', Loppy.

    Yeah right pigs are flying you believe anything told,anything to make a sale...remember...and you will be paying for the vast amount of empty ones too

    Isn't it normal for the developer to pay for any unsold condos, certainly is in my condo. Whether they pay or not is another matter.

    Yes it is another matter,its pay up or rot

  7. I had a chronic sinus infection; however,BPH almost convinced me that I needed 200,000 Baht emergency surgery. They told me that my tissues would rot if I did not go under the knife. My BS alarm started ringing, so I got a second opinion from Chiang Mai Ram. They diagnosed correctly, prescribed 30 days of antibiotics, and charged me 7000B for cat scan and 2 specialist consultations.

    You should have stuck to BPH,got to spend your money on something before you die

    vive la difference! wink.png

  8. The common maintenance fees for my 2 bedroom Centric condo will be $88.75 a month in USA dollars at 35.5 Baht to the dollar. The 1 bedroom fees are around $40 to $47 a month, depending on sqm. Not really that 'eye watering', Loppy.

    Hey Centric fanboy, are you charged in USD or THB? Why don't you quote in GBP, that would make it even less impressive, but 88.75$ is 3155 Baht .

    As for the quality of Centric, did you notice that the entrance door and some furniture in the reception of building A already have the veneer peeling off?

    I haven't been any further than that, but if it is peeling off after a few months already I can imagine how it gonna look at the end of this year, and I can imagine how the rest of the construction is quality wise.

    This is true,lived not far from this project during construction and yes it ..........not allowed to comment I understand rules on libel /slander etc.even if true , so all I can do is leave a blank space...

    ...blank space finished.

    Thank you

    Edited,not Centrics though

  9. The common maintenance fees for my 2 bedroom Centric condo will be $88.75 a month in USA dollars at 35.5 Baht to the dollar. The 1 bedroom fees are around $40 to $47 a month, depending on sqm. Not really that 'eye watering', Loppy.

    Yeah right pigs are flying you believe anything told,anything to make a sale...remember...and you will be paying for the vast amount of empty ones too

  10. I also own condos at Centric Sea and can confirm what newnative says about the electricity and water, we have just been given notice that we have to pay for water this month and maybe electricity next month. Have had a free ride since October 1st. The electrical meters and water meter were all installed before we moved in. Was originally told they would be free for a month so have not complained.

    It is a good location for me and has first class common facilities and security.

    I have no intention to sell in the near future and think that eventually they will sell the remaining condos.

    There are plans to build a large shopping centre next to it which will only enhance it's advantages when it is completed.

    There will be no free rides here,that's for sure. It will be included eventually into a common maintenance fee,including floor lighting,outside security lighting, security and whatever they want to charge you for elevator/pool filtration maintenance etc,and my betting it will be an eye watering amount. the only reason probably is that there are so few purchases at present that the burden will fall on very few

  11. There is a lot more to buying than location,location,location and price ,price ,price and that is timing timing timing ,my estimation is you could not have bought at a more particular bad time more than most have seen a price slide last few years and that momentum is bound to pick up speed as this year and next particularly come into being

    Bad choice buying at Centric Sea,as stated Newnative you haven't a clue,you will undoubtedly be punished on this purchase

    Just an edit,Newnative you mention Northshore as an example,yes 10 months or so one resident there sold for a loss of almost three quarters of a million as he wanted out and moved to Portugal

  12. Thank you, bkk6060. Finally someone with a scrap of common sense! Of course there is no electric! Duh! What developer in their right mind would provide FREE electric to residents with no electric meters? Good lord, if they did that what's to stop the residents from asking for a free sky lounge? Or a free air-conditioned gym? Or, heaven forbid, a free swimming pool on the roof, of all things? That's a slippery slope no developer would want to go down. For those of you unaware, Rule 13 of the Developer's Guild clearly states that 'No electricity, free or otherwise, shall be provided to residents who have not yet received their electric meters.' I don't think it can be much clearer than that, can it? Those few, feeble lights you see on at night to give Loppy and you something to count are provided by the brave, yes, brave! souls who nightly light candles and risk horrible disfigurement or worse by accidental fire. (Millennials, google 'candle'.) I, myself, am furiously pedaling on a contraption that generates just enough electricity to allow me to use my laptop to send out this message. But, rejoice. I'm told the electric meters will be installed sometime next month and I think you will see a few more lights on--I have a sneaking suspicion there have been more than just a few candle-less residents huddling in the dark.

    Are you from Oklahoma by any chance Newnative?

  13. Everything else being equal (condo size, condition, etc.) price, price, price only trumps location, location, location when you don't have location, location, location.

    Surprised those teeth of yours have not sunk into another aspiring disaster ,that 30 floor something that long planned project Pattaya Posh ,by the bus sheds ...a bigger disaster than Centric,frame fitting comes to an abrupt end,no surprise there,no lights on,no electric,seems to have ground to a complete halt

    Location ,location,location,seems as price,price ,price have all ended in the swill bin

  14. Hi Mal, I would think you would need a MRI scan as X-rays do not show up how bad the knees are, I speak from experience of having two knee replacements on the left knee, and for myself I wish I had never had it done as been a nightmare for me, but having said that i know people who have had surgery which as been successful, good luck

    I wouldn't let anyone in Thailand cut into me.

    You gotta have it done, go back to the UK.

    These guys here are butchers.

    I have this impression too,not just the cutting either,that's why I like the other place ,they flit from there to the UK at regular intervals,puts the fear of God into me at the sheer thought of an op here

  15. According to posts here most expats have their money in stocks and not property. Good luck with that biggrin.png

    double whammy then for property owners no money to buy cannot give the things away
    Location location location.. Will always be in demand.

    Sounds like you're doing you're Arse in stocks? my advice is set your stops now. Better to drop 30% now than watch it dwindle to worthless bits of paper

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    Ha Ha at zero flogged all my stuff months ago,but for sure now going to lose out on buying junk here

    Fact is Im buying again,stocks that is,you can keep your junk

  16. According to posts here most expats have their money in stocks and not property. Good luck with that biggrin.png

    double whammy then for property owners no money to buy cannot give the things away
    Location location location.. Will always be in demand.

    Sounds like you're doing you're Arse in stocks? my advice is set your stops now. Better to drop 30% now than watch it dwindle to worthless bits of paper

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    Ha Ha at zero flogged all my stuff months ago,but for sure now going to lose out on buying junk here

  17. I see reading from the previous posts that the Depth Perception Test is not mentioned as part of the test, only color and reaction are listed as being required. Does anyone have any further confirmation that the Depth Perception Test is no longer required.

    I can confirm the depth perception test is not required,

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