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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Will pass the info on, wasnt for me, im as fit as a Malley Bull on heat. Was for a pommie mate whos life time of alcohol abuse has left him unable communicate effectively.

    Liver transplant ,heart,heart and lung,kidney starting at 20,000 baht worlds best

    Worlds Best??????? From the country where 80% of the population still use the streets as their toilet.

    Sure do,but the other 20% is pristine

  2. Will pass the info on, wasnt for me, im as fit as a Malley Bull on heat. Was for a pommie mate whos life time of alcohol abuse has left him unable communicate effectively.

    Liver transplant ,heart,heart and lung,kidney starting at 20,000 baht worlds best

  3. I had a quote from BKK Pattaya hospital for the Hernia OP for 160.000 THB.

    The Phyathai Siracha Hospital quoted me 8x.000 THB for the same.

    No idea about the by-pass OP.

    The 160,000 baht will easily turn into over 400,000 baht,room,food,nursing surgeons extra fees etc etc etc . Neighbour did just this,nursing hefty bill and regrets it immensely

    Type in "Calcutta hernia" see the choices,Skype them,try for UK/US trained....save a fortune around 20,000 baht ,better equipped,2 hours away best medical care in the world,stay away from Apollo chain,bit likened to the chain here in Thailand.... need visa about $60(3 days) do it on line fantastic experience and choice I'm off for prostate op next week

  4. Old Git is absolutely correct and believe me it doesn't take a lot to convince them especially if you are elderly.

    If you are vulnerable in any way,Age UK, Shelter, CAB and any doctor you register with will give you advice.

    One council I know of tried it on with an old guy who wanted housing. They put him on the housing list as he

    was sleeping on his sons sofa. They said that they weren't convinced that he had given up living in Thailand

    and even said he owned a house until he pointed out the land laws for foreigners. The housing dept banded

    him at D, but he appealed asking who would rent to a 75 year old on a pension, who definitely would be claiming

    HB. No estate agent will touch you neither will an owner, so you're left in a catch22. Most won't entertain HB no

    matter how nice you would keep a place, they don't want to declare income to the revenue bods. After a visit from

    Age UK Advoacy and a very strongly worded letter to the council, his housing needs were increased to Band A

    because of 'multiple housing needs' and he now has a very nice one bedroom flat.

    It's all there and available for you if you are a returning BC, especially if you are elderly and are ill. You just need to have the balls to stand up to these people, regardless what is 'written' and stop taking in daily doses of scare mongering

    from people who probably couldn't go back anyway without being arrested!!

    And don't forget, you an have 10,000 pounds in savings and still claim HB, Council Tax benefit, winter fuel allowance, free prescriptions, free bus pass. If you are in need and want to go back, take Nike's advice 'JUST DO IT'.

    Its nothing but an <deleted> nuisance getting old,comes the day I have to go back,infirm, older than old,or ill, Ill wrap myself in a blanket outside.....thinking here ...Christchurch seems a nice place...council offices one dark night and hope I survive the night,let them do the rest

  5. We can go round and round on this one for ever and nothing will change.

    Most seem to agree that there should be a level of some kind. The discussion seems to be what that level should be and who it should apply to.

    Tony Blair and Gordon Brown opened the floodgates to this country to anybody in the hope that those same people would vote for Labour. Happy to see that it didn’t work too well. Most people saw dramatic changes to their village, towns and cities. We weren't asked if we wanted it but we got it any way.

    You reap what you sow and it was necessary to restore the balance a little. I don't like the system because it discriminates against me but it is marginally better than it was. Merely my opinion but I think this thread has pretty much run its course. Same stuff, said in a slightly different way each time. biggrin.png

    Rubbish The earlier poster complaining his bride cannot access the UK because lack of funds needs to re-adjust his thinking.

    Go back,get a job, McDonalds shift or two there,back to back shifts ,Tesco ,window cleaning,anything,the £18600 will easily be achieved

    No relying on charity,benefits etc,will make you proud and happy

  6. Cameron offered Scotland a bag of additional benefits if it stayed in the UK. At that time UK was in the EU and Scotlan declared it favors EU membership.

    Scots now have a real concern that if the UK leaves the EU, the UK will be unable to deliver on its promises of special benefits to Scotland. Cameron remains silent on that aspect. Essentially, UK will doublecross Scotland from refraining from independence if the UK leaves the EU. A Brexit will drive Scotland to independence. And that threat may cause Brits to vote to stay in the EU.

    Had a nip or three too many I see "brexit vote will drive Scothland to Independence" Ive already voted OUT OUT OUT

  7. It is not about money, more about principle and human rights. It is a basic right that legitimate married couples be entitled to live together as man and wife. The right of access to public funds is a separate issue entirely and should be treated as such.

    Under these absurd regulations the denial of this basic right is not based on any reasoned decision but some all inclusive statement.

    It is a sad state of affairs that so many on this forum are prepared to support the UK government on this abuse of human rights.

    This is a load of rubbish

    Anyone,anyone at all could marry (in fact multiple times) taking any poverty stricken Mick ,Mary, Joe Bloggs, Josephine Bloggs to a place that clearly does not want them.

    Why import poverty into the UK when there is enough of it to be seen,everyone screaming out for more more more when a guaranteed less less less is manifesting itself

    Not got the money? TUFF not enough to live on period,only abuse here is self abuse,you knew the rules of the game,stop complaing,it will never change and fact is it will get far worse

  8. I believe 7by7 to be a very reasonable, helpful and knowledgeable person

    I believe 7by7 to be a very narcissistic person

    Well whatever.

    But if 7x7 thinks taking not just wives,but anyone with no money back to the UK is asking for major problems. The public pot of money is shrinking,more so in a few more days. The "no access to public funds" is just a temporary barrier,thoughts of how to breech it paramount.

    The UK govt. will be making access to the UK by foreign nationals even more difficult,and if BREXIT comes about,which as things stand will happen,watch the departure gates fill

  9. If my experience at Bangkok Pattaya Hosp. holds true at B'Grad, there's the Thai price, the resident expat price and the tourist price.

    Do not know which category this fits in Near neighbour (farang) getting on a bit,well quite a bit, 80 next time around,needed hernia op,got a few quotes,military hospital 200 thousand baht,another BKK Pattaya at 175thousand baht,got one for India at 20 thousand plus cost of gauze,Thai wife did want to go with him to nurse so elected to have the 175k quoted at BKK. At his age he should go home,but nursing home awaits

    Had bill for the BKK hospital after the op,almost twice as much as first estimate well over 400K,asked for itemised bill, turns out surgeon billed him twice at 66 k,but still hefty increase ,plus 1000 a day for new dressings for a month As he said the insurance quotes at his age are enormous

    Yes have a few neighbours,another visiting a friend in BKK Pattaya hospital found he was locked in the room with his friend for three hours,before they allowed his release

  10. I believe that the choice to live together in the UK should be open to all British/foreign families who can support themselves without state aid; you believe it should only be an option for the rich.

    Meaning half of the Indian sub continent,most of Africa,Pakistan Bangladesh will all be joining the bandwagon,no Calais there,straight in,most of them could and can live on half a banana for a month or so

    Chancellor about to make further welfare/public spending cuts,the cupboard is really going to get bare

  11. The expat policies we are discussing would cover care in India too. Worldwide exceopt USA.

    And what on earth do you plan to do if you are not fit to travel?

    If you have a major heart attack or stroke, get hit by a car with serious head injuries...there any number of scenarios in which it would be impossible for you to travel and these are not at all uncommon.

    Sheryl, You think I'm going to pay those insurance rates for a country like India where the very operation itself would be less than half the price of one single insurance premium quoted for Thailand?

    Yes about to go over to get the ticker checked out,Ill wait on the results just have to take my chances Sheryl am covered by medivac

  12. Thanks Sheryl and JP

    From my perspective I think medical insurance here in Thailand is a non-starter. Now for a smoker,yes real value for money,you are almost certainly going to use it,but for a non-smoker not ,and sharing the same insurance platform with a smoker is ludicrous

    " I love smoking,I know its going to kill me,but I'm happy with a cigarette in my hand".

    For a years premiums ,say £3500 with the first £1000 to find,increasing by whatever rate, Thailand again OK

    For medical treatment of say 1 million baht (£20,000) in Thailand the same treatment I could obtain two hours away in India and in the region of £1000-£2000 and of the two camps India (staying away from the medical tourist areas) and Thailand I most definitely know which one Id choose and it ain't Thailand

    Anyway I do not think the majority of doctors here in Thailand are any damned good,you only have to look from past threads ,even this one and having to trawl the length of the entire country to find a decent one seems bewildering, Jet ski operators in white coats these private hospitals are The one who did the op sounded like he is the last survivor of the US 7th cavalry from the battle of Little Big Horn

    Anyway all I would be betting on by purchasing medical insurance here in Thailand is not making that 5am SpiceJet from DM,,all tucked up in hospital bed by 7 30am

    Thanks JP you should know where my address is ,and medivac if it comes to that,is for me ,free

  13. Helpful if you have a close friend in Thailand to transfer money to. I'm constantly looking for inexpensive ways to transfer money, but the best I've found so far is Western Union, only £4.90 per transaction, as opposed to the SWIFT charge when I tried using my bank.

    The process for WU Is convoluted, so I thought SWIFT would be easier and quicker...... it wasn't, and it cost more.

    If anyone knows of a better way I'd be interested to hear!

    I would say 4.90 a good deal don't see why it is such a complicated way.

    When you say transfer I would guess it depends on the amount and easy in my case by going into a Thai main branch bank with my UK debit card I get 500 pounds which is a maximum daily limit withdrawal.

    A charge by Siam bank is 180 bath and my UK bank charges % on a scale up the 500 pounds to a maximum of 5 pounds, so say 9 pound charges.

    Did you read the post above yours? The charge is not £4.90.

    As to your second paragraph, I don't quite understand it. Are you suggesting that 'Siam bank' charge you 180 baht to withdraw over the counter?

    In addition to that, you really need to get some decent plastic. One that doesn't charge you for usage in Thailand. Your current card seems bad.

    Yellow bank ,with passport and debit card free,but usual buy/sell rates

    Yes Halifax do seem to be good £9.50 transfer and spot on rates plus £125 for changing plus its part of Lloyd's

  14. Its not good for anything that could be described as pre-planned and a choice of destinations for medical assistance is chosen Looks like a one trick pony too,at 69 most things are wearing out,why put a plaster on one thing when the whole lot needs a bandage?

    What on earth does that mean?

    There is a TV member who just had surgery for lung cancer plus repair of an aortic aneurysm paid for under this policy, a 3 million baht hospital bill. He didn't expect to need either. It happens.

    He had time Sheryl to decide on where he wanted surgery,for reasons of the insurance he chose here,personally I would have caught the first 'plane back to the UK,had it done there,whether a better experience would have been expected,but there is accountability there,here just get on with it, if it goes pear shaped,so what

    3 million is one hell of a figure,best hospital Penang a third to half,yes India at least one seventh,back 'ome free its just these damned Thailand medical bills,like Topsy they just grow and grow, I do not want to be part of it

    That assumes you will be accepted byt the national health in UK. It's not that straightforward. And what does it matter to you if the bill was 3 million or 23 million - the insurance paid it.....

    The NHS will accept returning expat in these circumstances.

    Taking out medical insurance at this age 69 ,70 etc is (to me) a waste of time,the "one trick pony" . Frightened of ever using the insurance for anything minor,broken bones etc for the case of increased premiums or even cancelled insurance,just awaiting the Big One,that more than probability will never occur,and even if it did,the incident that put you in harms way will be goodbye Thailand,there is no way you will be jumping out of bed the next week and carrying on as before

    Planning,is wanted,medivac will not be on any insurance policy quoted here,there are other areas close by that for one tenth,twentieth even that superior treatment is offered over Thailands

  15. Its not good for anything that could be described as pre-planned and a choice of destinations for medical assistance is chosen Looks like a one trick pony too,at 69 most things are wearing out,why put a plaster on one thing when the whole lot needs a bandage?

    What on earth does that mean?

    There is a TV member who just had surgery for lung cancer plus repair of an aortic aneurysm paid for under this policy, a 3 million baht hospital bill. He didn't expect to need either. It happens.

    He had time Sheryl to decide on where he wanted surgery,for reasons of the insurance he chose here,personally I would have caught the first 'plane back to the UK,had it done there,whether a better experience would have been expected,but there is accountability there,here just get on with it, if it goes pear shaped,so what

    3 million is one hell of a figure,best hospital Penang a third to half,yes India at least one seventh,back 'ome free its just these damned Thailand medical bills,like Topsy they just grow and grow, I do not want to be part of it

    That assumes you will be accepted byt the national health in UK. It's not that straightforward. And what does it matter to you if the bill was 3 million or 23 million - the insurance paid it.....

    This guy in particular,after paying his 3 million do you honestly believe he will be in any fit state to continue post op as of pre op days in Thailand,its just a stop gap. Sad to say his days are finished in Thailand,the medical insurance quote will see to that ,plus whatever ailments occurring, the long term strategy just a waste of time the operation in Thailand.

    Got me thinking though of my existence here,not that I wasn't already

  16. Its not good for anything that could be described as pre-planned and a choice of destinations for medical assistance is chosen Looks like a one trick pony too,at 69 most things are wearing out,why put a plaster on one thing when the whole lot needs a bandage?

    What on earth does that mean?

    There is a TV member who just had surgery for lung cancer plus repair of an aortic aneurysm paid for under this policy, a 3 million baht hospital bill. He didn't expect to need either. It happens.

    He had time Sheryl to decide on where he wanted surgery,for reasons of the insurance he chose here,personally I would have caught the first 'plane back to the UK,had it done there,whether a better experience would have been expected,but there is accountability there,here just get on with it, if it goes pear shaped,so what

    3 million is one hell of a figure,best hospital Penang a third to half,yes India at least one seventh,back 'ome free its just these damned Thailand medical bills,like Topsy they just grow and grow, I do not want to be part of it

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