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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. I've been told they use rat meat inside the pies here, customers cannot tell the difference.

    They probably told you that you had to pay sinsot...................... did you believe that one as well ?

    It is the porky pie thread I suppose biggrin.png

    Could couple this with the other thread Indian food.

    Indian restaurants in northern England,not exactly accused but dozens if not 100s of cats heads found close to these restaurants,just wonder if the bodies found there way into whatever dish they cooked up

    Lived in India years ago ,would never eat anything unless vegetarian

  2. There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

    You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

    Yes some big time scammers has passed through the Pattaya ex- pats club through the years. That wood planting scheme,followed by the plotters brother a year or so later,think he got short shift by members of the audience then,the list could be the whos who of scammers in Patts

    Just keep my hands firmly in my pockets when I have been there,and not feeling the family jewels

  3. The newsletters of both English language expat clubs arrive in my email inbox a few days before the meeting. The newsletters are packed iwth useful information and some info about the weekly discussion. I go when the speaker interests me and to socialize. No idea why anyone needs to complain when the attendance is optional as is the fee (at The Amari club). This is exactly what we do need more of, helpful people.

    Yes the Amari is mainly for US citizens,optional fee as well I understand

    Not a member of the Flat Earth society yet.

  4. Membership probably will still be way up there,as it is life time,,but members attending are fewer and fewer getting almost invisible. The guest speakers are basically just trying to flog stuff off,the diet club always features,probably the best is key visa on his bi-monthly spiel,but the rest...forget it,

    Really good one a few weeks ago,..Mrs Boonkreelertusty or whatever her name was swanned in with two uniformed assistants to announce the following week she would be guest speaker announcing a miraculous cure not only to halt the aging process but breath life into the long dead,deaf and dumb dozen or so in the audience,now this was groundbreaking stuff noted only by the one member fully awake,the rest in a dead slumber driven there by solid and sheer boredom....sorry to say Mrs B for all her potential sales went pear shaped,hopefully never to appear again

    It just goes on and on,the only appearance I now put in are to see just how embarrassing to the club officials the the non-attending members can or cannot make it worthwhile carrying on

    Save 100 baht and stay in bed a bit longer

  5. As for the foreigner attempting to fix a ceiling light and using one screw, the other two probably fell out. There is hardly anything to drill into,the cement/concrete mix will be the thinnest and poorest that could be got away with,just decays rapidly and powders away

    Not affected by extreme wet and dampness here,so will last a bit ;longer,but sea air will be working away on the reinforcing rods for sure,crumbling away ,5 years ,perhaps a little more on the new builds will see the bulldozers at work

  6. It will work on ticks,not fleas. Market stall Soi (sp) bercow top end.

    Its Ivermectin can get it in liquid form,do not give to pups.

    Frequent wash with Tescos tick shampoo is good, so is Baytacil

    are they there every day or only on Tuesday and Friday market days?

    Tues,Fridays By the plants /animals section

  7. It will work on ticks,not fleas. Market stall Soi (sp) bercow top end.

    Its Ivermectin can get it in liquid form,do not give to pups.

    Frequent wash with Tescos tick shampoo is good, so is Baytacil

  8. This ;leads to other questions then,not just keithsatathomes statement. What if the holder of a frozen pension returned not just to the UK but anywhere that was not frozen, knowingly or not that he wanted to remain in the unfrozen country permanently,until the frozen pensioner realised (or not) he wanted to remain permanently in his newly found destination then would remain frozen,until the OAP ultimately decided?,

    Again pertaining to defrauding the DWP and subsequently convicted of the alleged crime and conviction,would you please re-fresh me of any instance this has in fact happened, or taken place potentially or not,or indeed is a crime,thanking you. Please if any poster ,not just keithsatathome would like to comment on would be appreciated,and please ,not off your heads ANY you know of,not hot air thank you

    As you state what if a (to you) one of the (potential) criminal class was already a tax payer in the UK,where does this leave a degenerate spending his ill gotten old age pension gain on tarts down Nana Plaza

  9. Jip99, I think that if you returned to the UK for a year telling DWP you intented to stay, and had your pension brought up to the level current at that time as a result, then if you chose to go back to Thailand after that year then you would keep the uprated pension even if you told them you were going back. You would of course lose further increases as at present. It wouldn't be worth doing for a few quid a month increase, but there must be a cutoff point where it does become financially viable even allowing for the cost of living in the UK for that year.

    I think the DWP rules are that if you return to the UK, whilst in receipt of a frozen pension, you are immediately uprated to receive the current UK pension. Should you then later (1/2/3 years or whatever) return to a "frozen pension" country, I believe your pension would be reduced to that which you initially received, and not re-frozen at the level currently being received..

    Not so. You have to have a certain stay of residency (6months ?) then you are entitled to your state pension at the new rate; but when you leave it is again frozen at that new rate.

    I am confused now keithsatathome at whose information is right,you have not returned when asked by a poster as to verify your information. Truly I was about to shower you with praise at what I thought was the definitive answer but now it seems I would like to shower you with something else.

    • Like 1
  10. Federal Benefit Payments

    Claim: Item criticizes various aspects of the Social Security security system.


    Example: [Collected via e-mail, March 2012]


    Have you noticed, your Social Security check is now referred to as a "federal benefit payment"?

    I'll be part of the one percent, to forward this, our government gets away with way too much in all areas of our lives, while they live lavishly on their grossly overpaid incomes! KEEP passing THIS AROUND UNTIL EVERY ONE HAS READ IT.....


    WHERE DID THAT MONEY GO?????????????

    This was sent to me, I am forwarding it because it does touch a nerve in me.

    This is another example of what Rick Perry called "TREASON in high


    Here in South Bend Texas (unfrozen) (POP 181 before flooding ,now 81) indeed all small to medium sized US airports (all 45,000 of them) are now patrolled by UK DWP inspectors (45,000 of them) The more devious UK OAPs use these to escape closer scrutiny at bigger hub airports. South Bend township ordnance dictates erroneous limeys are shot on the spot before hanging

    When overflying Canadian airspace 45.76.87 whatever I become frozen and duly fill in form blah blah blah. I always fly British Airways too,could be classed as British compressed airspace I use (,not air space naturally) so no form blah to fill in.

    Now this is where Kieth Vaz opportunity comes in handy I do not inform for the weekend I am in BKK

  11. Bottled beer in Thailand will use rice for brewing,it just tastes so foul

    In your opinion - it doesn't taste foul to me..

    If it is not to your taste just don't drink it.

    I have adapted to the taste of LEO and will have the occasional Chang.I can drink Singha if pushed but have never taken to Archa. That is MY personal taste and if I could get Angkor regularly, I would drink that..

    But I would certainly take the Thai beers over the gaseous stuff like Heineken anytime. The imported beers have largely disappointed me - especially Guinness - and they do not represent good value.

    Yes must be an acquired taste,guess you could get used to drinking anything actually,even vinegar,balsamic will do for me thanks.

    It just tastes worse and worse,,I bet its brewed then straight out to the bar beer,not left to linger a while to acquire a taste.

    There are instances though it can be classed as a half decent drink,mixing it with a bottle of Sprite,a nice shandy big glass, full of ice cubes., but my apologies to a bottle of Sprite for half destroying its flavour

  12. Heard of a few,nothing like this.

    I just wonder if this friend of yours has a mouth to complain,and a loud one at that

    Firstly the police,tourist if you must,then consumer complaints in Pattaya town hall,then Bangkok Post

  13. Years now have put up with the 50 baht bottles of tasteless dross that passes off as lager,utterly disgusting,but social gatherings dictate that is what is drunk.

    Broke free recently had a Boddingtons (120 Baht a pint) or three,wonderful taste,Guinness too (150 baht) Forget just what I missed ,a truly smooth and satisfying drink.

    Beer itself,be it made from wheat,barley or hops,is wonderful stuff,just forgot how wonderful it was until last night

    The Malaysian produced Guinness,just wonder if there is a difference between the Irish stuff

  14. Two month ago i took a true package in Chiang Mai. 18mb download and a simple tv package. The tv package is free for one year. Downloadspeed is mostly ok. Sometimes it go's to sleep for a while.

    For internet its reasonavle but sometimes irritating.

    Worst of all is their reliability. Sinds a few weeks they send reminders to pay the tv package.

    I already went to their shop at cerntral festival for three times. They know nothing they say! But free tv for one year is not in their package. But dear nong kha, this is really where i signed the contract for. Ok. I will look it up for you and will call you.

    Visit them three times and never calles back.

    I just let it be. Just wasted time. In case they close me off from tv, i let them stuff their whole package, included internet, in a hole where usually only something comes out.

    This "true".

    The beauty of this though is you are paying a month at a time,not entering into 12 month contract. Stuff the TV.

    Nothing in Thailand is any good,just a pile of &lt;deleted&gt; really,least it works sorta

  15. Article few days ago about free e books in UK that ISPs are asked to be banned ONLY UK Bookfi ebookee libgen freebookspot freshwap avaxhome bookre

    All hosted outside the UK Had a quick look impressive Calibres good on magazines too BBCs History magazine, The Economist Workington daily news etc.

  16. What a difference . Was with 3BB 15/1 for ever getting worse and worse ,now True 18/3 and 200 baht cheaper.

    Final day with 3BB,showing speeds of 6down and yet connecting far faster than it has ever done,queer, but had enough with them. Few extra goodies tv,phone etc. but pay month by month instead of yearly contract,best thing Ive ever done in Thailand

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