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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Should have added whats good for the dogs is good for Thai wife also,simple Thai wedding then into EU easily,no visa no nothing,whether she stays its up to her,

    "No Visa, no nothing" YES for you there, but for your Thai Gf, wife? Some countries do not make that easy.

    Where you from, by the way?

    Noticed last year a retired Norwegian who has residence in Spain, in Marbella

    and owns Appartement there.

    He took his Cambodian Gf, (38 y. old) with a Spanish Schengen Visa with him - she had been already in EU before, without any problems and left in time, but they still gave her only 42 days.

    He had even a Spanish lawyer involved. whistling.gif

    Yes difficult for GF ,but how much is Thai wedding at amphur peanuts and it means nothing,get divorced just as easy,just gives her a chance to improve her chances actually Im from UK yes I can get her in there too ( the UK) if I wanted,got the means but I do not want to go there

  2. I live in Portugal,, the Algarve, i was born there so i have residency,

    i spend the summer there (rainy season) then i go to Thailand, like

    some people here i'm getting sick of the changing rules on visas so

    the next place to inhabit this year will be the Philippines, i will go to

    an island where a friend has a house so i will try it out.

    As for Portugal, all of the EU uses the euro currency so taking baht

    there to exchange means you will end up with a few sea shells or

    maybe less, where your funds come from is something to consider.

    The rental market,, good luck there, there is a parallel economy

    running in Portugal and the government actually introduced more

    laws yesterday tightening rental accommodation, i own my villa

    and 10 condos that have been rented, out of those 10 rentals i now

    i have 3, as soon as someone leaves i disconnect the utilities and

    lock the place up, the taxes and administration are out of control.

    My opinion, live in Spain and visit Portugal,,, i usually fly from Bangkok

    to AbuDhabi then Lisbon, direct, from there (the airport) go to Orient

    train station (by the underground) then to the Algarve by fast train

    it costs 20 euros and takes 3 hours, further information here,,,




    With you on the visas,however I'm on the £,pretty good at the moment,also looking at buying more than renting and just bout to start a couple of flights to look see. Got 3 dogs in total,and if get settled OK will take 2 more Soi dogs bit later.

    Couple of friends just flown the nest to Lagos Algarve,take some information from them too,but as for Spain cheap as hell,in Alicante region got a few rental villas to consider 350 Euros/month for furnished really nice detached villas ,so may make a move to one of them firstly

    As for others ,yep lost my neighbour of past 7 years last week, another one across the road ,and a drinking chum, and another couple of guys I swam with every day up and left ,gets lonesome.plus I'm storing gear for people supposed to be returning,does not look like they are though, gear going to get dumped

    Been gleaning information steadily off other ex pats site there ,and Spain,but I do not want to live in Spain permanently (can peak the lingo too)

    Train bus or flight from/to Madrid into Algarve (Faro) must be cheaper than flight into Lisbon,now that was expensive route

  3. I have PM the gentleman. Very nice guy. The situation is back to normal.

    They are going to permently relocate to Thailand and are in the process of building a new home and purchasing a very profitable shrimp farm.

    Apparently the death threat are routine and not to be taken seriously.

    Does this mean the motorbike I was planning on purloining is no longer available?

    • Like 1
  4. Yes sick to the back teeth with Thailand ,and especially those on marriage visas with what is happening to them,or about to I should think they are about to top themselves,enough anyway.

    Should have added whats good for the dogs is good for Thai wife also,simple Thai wedding then into EU easily,no visa no nothing,whether she stays its up to her,but again remarkably cheap one way fares with that airline

    Probably rent car one way when I eventually land in (probably Barcelona,flights more frequent there)and about 4 hours drive.

    cheers yes did go look see flight recently,but not done Algarve yet.

  5. Some of these girls have really honed this skill to a science

    That explains the singing,

    But usually Texans are smarter than this,

    Perhaps alcohol is the real culprit

    Good for the OP.

    He was given the facts and acted.


    He had a long soapy,

    Without the soap and with very cold water.

    How did the girl manage a second relationship that leads to another house without the guy not being tipped off?

    Does not take too long for farang to get quite skilful at making promises and getting just what he wants either...I know

  6. Are you seriously comparing a private hospital with a public one?


    Is there any difference..........?

    As no one has answered you for 3 hours I will make an attempt.

    For a start private hospitals are 'for profit' businesses while public hospitals are (usually, partly) Govt funded service hospitals, however if you or I go there we will be charged but at a much lower rate that at a private hospital.

    In regard to the hospital on this topic, it positions itself at the top end of private hospitals and attempts to provide a service in line with that position with quality staff and all the trimmings and of course charges accordingly.

    They say they have top, if not the top doctors, whether this is true or not is another thing for there are many highly qualified doctors at public hospitals as well, but as with any business they advertise their services so slight embellishment may be expected.

    Most Thai's cant afford to use private hospitals which means that public hospitals are far more crowded and anyone who goes there waits their turn, no priority service except for accident cases where life is in danger.

    All will have come a long way(in miles) to be here,that does not mean you have to be treated here,if there is an option go back to home country ,especially Europe.

    There are other options too ,try Malaysia or India ,excellent medical care and truly affordable. Other ex past web sites operate in these two countries too,seek advice from them,just a couple of hours away the first option 3 hours the next if you think you are going to be shafted by Thailand medical mafia

  7. ... the buses virtually tip over with the enthused gushing and observation of white man,poring and pouring one side to the other... Do not give a hoot if first trip,last trip or whatever,the only trip I am planning on is getting the hell out of it,you can keep it,this part of the world. ...

    Pictures or it never, ever happened.

    Nah... it never happened anyway.

    Must give you a warm fuzzy feeling knowing there's a door somewhere waiting for your ars3e.

    Even better when I know what I'm leaving behind oops!

  8. Make it all one way,no right turns

    Is the Chinese probably Koreans,few Indian buses,bumper to bumper down Naklua road,loads of 'em.It becomes spot the white man drinking and eating down that road loads of em gawking,camera shots galore at white man,all pouring one side of the bus to the other when white man is spotted.

    Cattle trucks easily springs to mind cattle trucks,feel like giving them the finger but turning your back on them achieves .

    If that lot make for a tourist town god help it

    For a 'white man' living in Southeast Asia, you've got some serious issues around race, particularly when each of the nationalities you've just named have large cities that are a hell of a lot closer than anything in the UK, US or Australia/NZ. We talk about the Thais being xenophobic and openly racist to their neighbours - might be time to take a glance in your mirror. Take a look at the cultures which have shaped Thailand and it doesnt take long to realise that the Chinese and Indians have been a major influence for centuries. Do you really care if a few people on a bus turn their heads to look at you ? For many of them, it could well be their first trip to Thailand - I'm guessing you did some rubbernecking the first time you got off the plane.

    Grow up and accept that the world - particularly this part of the world - doesnt revolve around you.

    Mr Worldwide commenting yet again,but then loads of comments come springing forth!

    "Few people" rubbernecking "few" never experienced it,never sat there Naklua bars restaurants,the buses virtually tip over with the enthused gushing and observation of white man,poring and pouring one side to the other.

    Do not give a hoot if first trip,last trip or whatever,the only trip I am planning on is getting the hell out of it,you can keep it,this part of the world. Yes I admit after New Zealand the nearest public loo must feel like an adventure and a half,get sat on it and hoping its not muslimised.

    But in the meantime they get the finger

  9. I don't know if this OP is genuine or not, but my perception is that there are thousands of men, in Thailand and elsewhere, in a similar situation, and thousands in this moment are believing that " true love " can be bought.

    Personally i believe that " true love " doesn't exist, and if it exists, i don't think you can buy it.

    At the moment, the cure for the " my girl is different " syndrome, is still very expensive whistling.gif

    yes plenty of farang idiots,"true love" do not make me laff,i think more of my dog than Thai girlfriend (and she knows it)

    still one born every second,so it seems,sorry when it comes down to Thai wife kicking you out you must be a real catch

    It gets wearisome reading crap related to this guys tale of woe, compulsory reading though,makes me feel better as I am not and never will be in his destitute state

  10. Your wife hasnt changed at all.

    Her true colours were on display from the very start, for some reason known only to you, you either chose to ingnore the warning signals and red flags or were so blinded by love you couldnt see them.

    This is true. Lets see 65,your child 3 not many options left. Social services in UK will be involved for sure if you have no other family,child up for adoption pretty rapidly.


    Agree with Transam, if you have a 3yo at 65, every chance you can make it to 85 in the UK.

    You'll get extra money in Child benefit and child tax credit, help with housing.

    Social services should be very supportive.

    You could well see the boy through university.


    I have a 3yo too (I'm 60), Thai mum is bonkers (as usual) but manageable, mainly because I refuse to go anywhere near her village or grasping relatives.

    Yeah right! how old was momma and papa when they died 130 140

  11. Your wife hasnt changed at all.

    Her true colours were on display from the very start, for some reason known only to you, you either chose to ingnore the warning signals and red flags or were so blinded by love you couldnt see them.

    This is true. Lets see 65,your child 3 not many options left. Social services in UK will be involved for sure if you have no other family,child up for adoption pretty rapidly.


    Cannot be much in the way of social services up there in Issan then

  12. Your wife hasnt changed at all.

    Her true colours were on display from the very start, for some reason known only to you, you either chose to ingnore the warning signals and red flags or were so blinded by love you couldnt see them.

    This is true. Lets see 65,your child 3 not many options left. Social services in UK will be involved for sure if you have no other family,child up for adoption pretty rapidly. Sorry for the kid,he too will realise a rock and a hard place really do exist.

    Thai women are the tops at convincing words/statements for sure For me I reach for the vomit bag as soon as anything good natured or reassuring pours forth.

    Yes I should not be here,nor you,but am making desperate strides to get out of this hell hole ,difficult yes and I have only 3 dogs to take

    • Like 2
  13. I wonder what would happen if the husband and son did try to return home to the UK. If the son is traveling on a UK passport I don't think immigration can stop the father returning home with his son even if the mother does not want him to go. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    problem is leaving the child here and that child in time will be fit for absolutely nothing,(Thai style he could be OK) Just a useless motorcycle taxi or something like

    anyway you are of an age that you will be long dead before your son reaches maturity

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