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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Is there ANY chance you might have a Google-searchable address? I want to pick up an IDP, too.

    If this is for me I bought one couple of years ago from those shops that do photo copies/stationary for the licencing department,close by the school its across the slip road

  2. Need it chopped or shaved,held off for some time now,but been pricing options. Thailand is out through the window,Penang has many hospitals too,about a third of Thailands prices,but India fits the bill,probably laser,but over 100 gramme apparently may have to cut open


    Anyway I go there for lots more procedures,7 for the price of one Had knee pain now for five months so need MRI,get that done there too Pain started at gym during a session,gave up gym at that point, just got too painful then started swimming 2k in forty minutes,leg felt like it was dropping off ,everything checked over whilst there cancer scans etc.

    Not much point being in Thailand,if sex drive gets extinguished

  3. I think it's Soi 25 in Nakula there is a ladies center where they can learn English or Massage or German or Computer.....and it's free. I have been to it, a Nun friend of mine was showing me around. I really think it's a sort of re-education programme for Ex Bar Girls, but not certain. Maybe not what your looking for but just thought I'd mention it anyway, never know....others might like to know about it. It's really a great place.

    Think its nearer 5 Naklua rd hairdressing typing computer seems good

  4. The HMG attitude to frozen pensions seems to be shared by the Australian Gvt as well from what I have been told by Aussies. Seems like the world politicians club share their ideas on tax (incoming receipts ) and how to avoid paying money out ( expenditure ).

    Are politicians legalized crooks one wonders? What sort of people dream up these ideas?

    Think its 13 weeks then pension starts getting reduced,not for all though

  5. Seems to me all your trying to do is justify in your own mind not talking out insurance, which if your living in a country with no recourse to "free" medical treatment is a very irresponsible thing to do and one hopes you don't end up in an ICU somewhere and your relatives are having to appeal for money to pay the the hospital bill and the money to fly you home, just because you couldn't be bothered to get proper insurance

    As someone who relates having used insurance to pay for medical treatment in Thailand,you may well know the way around the block,and the authorities may well know you. Padding or inflating the bill is common practice,have experienced it and complained (bill reduced 50%) (changing half used oxygen bottles for full ones etc.) just a gang of robbers Medical Mafia of Thailand.

    Come 60 or even 65 impossible to obtain insurance,do not care what is offered after that date,but if ,a big if, will go something like £500 per month capped at max of 1 mil. Some countries insist on medical insurance up to 65 then drop the requirement after that age of 65 because they know its impossible.

    As for that suggestion of "proper insurance" yeah right LOL ps you may get to 65 but then you may not, so no insurance worries

    • Like 1
  6. Faz @ Greenjob.

    I do not know if you have tried this.

    My pension ( Army ) is transferred direct to Thailand from source.

    It costs the massive amount of £ 1.70 per month.

    It might be worth speaking to your providers to see if they provide the same service.

    I did this for 3 years but switched back after I realized that despite living in the electronic era bank holidays at either end can result in delays of up to 6 days before it arrives.

    Did transfer today of £500 when FX was quoting 48.6, got 47.7,cost £1 off my debit card too (free),could do bank to bank but too long,3 to 4 days max into K bank who send SMS as it arrives Azimo. Transferwise was better,took 2 days, but no baht any more

  7. There are international policies which will newly enroll people past age 65. Of course, pre-existing conditions are excluded, at any age.

    OP is making a number of incorrect assumptions, starting with taking the amounts paid by 2 specific individuals in 2 specific cases as indicative of health care costs in Thailand .

    Some private hospitals do have double tiered pricing, but not all, and most government hospitals do not. (However, most Thais do not have to pay anything since there is universal coverage in Thailand).

    It is certainly important to have someone who can advocate on your behalf if you are incapacitated, and not only (or even primarily) for cost reasons.

    But don't make the mistake of assuming that health care costs will not exceed what you can afford. Even in a government hospital, at the "Thai" rate (though as mentioned few Thais would have to pay it), costs can reach millions of baht if you require prolonged ICU care, multiple specialized surgeries etc. All of which cna and do happen, and have happened to many farangs here.

    Hello Sheryl.

    Yes looked at these "international" so called policies,would say not worth the paper they are written on,and as for "per-existing" for a 65 plus I would say you were pretty well excluded for everything.,and those terms,right

    Being a great advocate of medical care a couple of hours south or east of Thailand give me choices far beyond anything here in Thailand.

    Anyway have (free) medical evacuation plan from previous employment to the age I snuff it

    A couple of hours south or east provided they can put you on a plane or transport you of course certain things could happen which could prevent this happening on medical grounds

    Erm no but then look on the bright side broken bones ,spleen whatever If your dying your dying end of

  8. There are international policies which will newly enroll people past age 65. Of course, pre-existing conditions are excluded, at any age.

    OP is making a number of incorrect assumptions, starting with taking the amounts paid by 2 specific individuals in 2 specific cases as indicative of health care costs in Thailand .

    Some private hospitals do have double tiered pricing, but not all, and most government hospitals do not. (However, most Thais do not have to pay anything since there is universal coverage in Thailand).

    It is certainly important to have someone who can advocate on your behalf if you are incapacitated, and not only (or even primarily) for cost reasons.

    But don't make the mistake of assuming that health care costs will not exceed what you can afford. Even in a government hospital, at the "Thai" rate (though as mentioned few Thais would have to pay it), costs can reach millions of baht if you require prolonged ICU care, multiple specialized surgeries etc. All of which cna and do happen, and have happened to many farangs here.

    Hello Sheryl.

    Yes looked at these "international" so called policies,would say not worth the paper they are written on,and as for "per-existing" for a 65 plus I would say you were pretty well excluded for everything.,and those terms,right

    Being a great advocate of medical care a couple of hours south or east of Thailand give me choices far beyond anything here in Thailand.

    Anyway have (free) medical evacuation plan from previous employment to the age I snuff it

  9. The government uses a different bank to transfer the pension and if you don't tell them they will buy THB in the UK and transfer that so you will get less pension as the charge for money change in the UK will be paid by you.

    I think you will find that the pension will only be paid in Baht if you have it paid into a Thai bank, I don't think they will send GBP.

    My Civil Service Pension is paid the same way, I did ask that my pension was paid in GBP but I was advised that it's a contractual obligation with the Cabinet Office to purchase the local currency in the UK.

    I'm better off having my Civil Service Pension paid into my IOM bank, even allowing for the £20 transmission fee, my State Pension will also go into my IOM account.

    Hi good morning

    I get a pension from 3 souces ( different countries ) The transmission fees add up, Would it be better to get all paid to a UK bank\

    and draw via atm,what do you think?

    @green job,

    I currently have two pensions paid into the same UK bank. When I'm 65 I'll have 4 pensions all being paid into the same UK bank.

    I have a Bangkok Bank Savings Account in Thailand, with a debit card to allow ATM withdrawals in baht.

    Bangkok bank has a London branch. Once a year I transfer funds from my UK bank to the Bangkok bank in London with no charges from either bank.

    The BKK branch in London then transfer the funds to my Thailand bank account in sterling, for a fixed fee of £15.

    BKK in Thailand then convert the sterling into baht to get the best possible exchange rate and an exchange fee of less than 200 baht.

    Total cost is about £19 for all transfer and exchange fees and I transfer greater than £10,000 per annum.

    Using a UK debit card to make ATM withdrawals in Thailand is expensive over a period of time because of the charges incurred.

    Transfer your pension(s) into one UK bank and open a Thai bank account to do transfers, ensuring the conversion from £ to Baht is made by your Thai bank.

    I use Azimo £1 transfer 2% spread Did use Transfer wise but they stopped dealing in Baht ,no spread with them £7 max for £1000

  10. No insurance after 65. Go down to Malaysia/India after stabilisation

    Where you get this urban myth from ? There are companies who are sponsors on TV who will get you medical insurance, big difference between not bring able to get it and not wanting to pay for it

    Although not thsiland, my parents are in their 80,s and still have medical insurance

    Try it after 65 its not worth having, pays a fortune delivers a little

    You said no insurance after 65, now your back peddling and saying something else, make your mind up rolleyes.gif

    I said try it no new business after 65

  11. No insurance after 65. Go down to Malaysia/India after stabilisation

    Where you get this urban myth from ? There are companies who are sponsors on TV who will get you medical insurance, big difference between not bring able to get it and not wanting to pay for it

    Although not thsiland, my parents are in their 80,s and still have medical insurance

    Try it after 65 its not worth having, pays a fortune delivers a little

  12. The more I look into this the more interesting it gets. If work 16 hours, pay £200 a week childcare and have £250 rent to pay I would be entitled to £740 a week. Unreal.

    Correct - and the rest of us will keep paying tax to support you.

    Yeah is unreal until you try it out,no chance ,should have kept your zipper up or the girl her legs together. Sick of people like you

  13. Well many tourists come here with the attitude of "I am on vacation and spending money so I can do whatever I like." They hand out leaflets to the Chinese on how to behave in Thailand during Songkran... Perhaps it's well past time to hand them out to farang tourists as well.

    And to their own people

    "their own people" are at their own homeland. and you are a guest (I guess).

    do you understand the difference?

    As foreigners, being guests in this country we should behave and abide by the laws, just as Thai people should.

    However, the way some of them behave (maybe more than some) and their blatant disregard for the law and authority beggars belief.

    The Thai people should take a good hard look at themselves and the way they act in their own country before complaining about the poor behavior of a few guests.

    Not a day goes by in Thailand where I don't see someone breaking the law.

    Thailand needs to concentrate on cleaning up its own mess, not worrying about a few wayward guests and how they might tarnish its image or reputation.

    "Their own people" could certainly benefit from a leaflet showing them how to treat their guests. Especially those that interact with them i.e. Taxi, van and bus drivers, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, jet ski operators, beach chair vendors, in fact anyone in the guest related service industry and let's not forget the immigration officers and RTP.

    Maybe they could run a public awareness campaign on tv outlining the does and donts concerning guests.

    But if they did that then they should also run campaigns on road safety, public safety, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, gambling and the list goes on.

    But given that I have never seen a public awareness campaign of any form on tv (which in itself is appalling) I highly doubt it.


    They should be thrashed I tell you thrashed

    any woman involved I would like to give them the "once over" though

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