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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. I just did a transfer Nationwide UK to BKK at tonight's close of market in Thailand. 52.325 baht =£1.

    That will transfer overnight so I'm guaranteed that rate. I'm happy with that.

    £15 transfer fee and 200 baht exchange fee.

    Azimo's spread looks as though its 0.7,with a £1 transfer fee and no exchange fee,2 day timing.Their rates look better too at time of transaction

    That card of yours is another £10 a month too. Why not take your passport into Thai bank and save 180 baht fee?

  2. Conservatives are the best thing that has happened to the UK in a long time,benefits being slashed across the board,for the migrants (have seen them described as rats in human form) are in for a rough ride

    Cameron has already stated he is mindful of the frozen pension issue,see where that leads. The party are going to be in power forever when the boundary commission issues are settled and MPs reduced to 300

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  3. NY closing times,fx s usually finish at 5am Thai time. I never change money Friday late,or early Monday mornings

    Interesting. I just pulled up Visa USA at 7:54PM, 12 May US East Coast Daylight Savings time (6:54AM, 13 May Thai time), and it had already rolled to 13 May, Historically, as Pib has pointed out (and which I have also historically observed), it shouldn't have rolled until 4 hours, 6 minutes later. But, has this changed, akin to the above quote? Or, do the Visa established daily FX rates flex during unusually volatile FX activitity...? (Visa EU had also rolled to 13 May). Just when exactly did these Visa FX daily rates roll?

    Not that it has any real practical application, at least for me -- my ATM pulls will still be in the afternoon, after I wake up. But, per Loppy, I'm curious enough to soon log on to Visa at 5AM Thai time to see whether the daily rates have rolled on the Visa USA (and EU) sites.

    And, while Visa had rolled to 13 May, MasterCard was still on 11 May. They historically have lagged about 12 hours behind Visa -- has this lag even further increased?

    Did notice a slightly later fx fix last couple of weeks,but usually 5 am Sat morn.

    Just looked at rates obtainable from Nationwide card 51.67, Azimo 51.99, but that flex plus card I think costs £10 a month does it not,still for a £1 per transaction Ill stick with Azimo. May look at flex plus card next time in UK

  4. What struck me was the time spent by Nicola S on the campaign trail. I get that she is the leader of the SNP, but, unlike the other leaders, she was not standing for election.

    Her proper 'job' is as First Minister for Scotland. A position for which she is handsomely rewarded - a salary in excess of that of Cameron as PM.

    So, can I take it that she was on unpaid leave from her position as FM? Yeah, right!!

    Of course, some might say that keeping a certain Alex Salmon out of the firing line was a master stroke from the SNP. His toxic impact on potential voters in Scotland, as well as possible influence on mainstream UK parties that may have been considering an alignment with SNP, must have been a consideration. However, the plan to unleash him at Westminster is still on course, albeit with a vastly reduced impact level due to the likely Tory majority. He will obviously not show it, but he will be raging about the poor Labour performance that has stolen his thunder!!

    Very short term thinking. Labour were basically unelectable....a party in chaos and unable to run the UK.

    As the third biggest party in the Commons the Scottish voice will be heard much more in Parliament....we also have a PM who is still nursing his bloody nose over the independence vote.

    My prediction is nothing will change much in Scotland...and the chaos will continue south of the border.

    A decent result bearing in mind just what a shambles England now is.

    The only spanner in the works may be a vote to leave the EU....but it will be the English who decide this.....Scotland will vote to stay.

    Who gives a monkeys what scotland wants,give the English a vote on it and scotland would be got rid of like s.hit off a shovel.

    5 million being taken note of by 55 million?,more like a fart in the wind

  5. Excellent result for England excellent, who gives a toss for Scotland? only the Scots ,just shut the door on them,that Barnett formula finished ,more money for the English Con Majority too way to go

  6. Think its at the bottom of the south Atlantic

    Is this about the 1982 Falklands War?

    Sorry to "torpedo" what I think is supposed to be a joke, but the Argentinian cruiser (of which I believe you speak) was named "General Belgrano".

    Are you confusing it with the aircraft carrier "Veinticinco de Mayo" (Twentyfifth of May), which was named after Argentinas May Revolution in 1810 and ended its life as scrap in India?

    I'm pretty sure that I've seen a bar in Patts with an Argentinian flag on it, and I think they'll be celebrating on the 25th, so perhaps you could pop along on the day and join their party?

    You could repeat your brilliant quip.

    They'll love it.

    as this is totally off topic you should find a mod will remove it .............. as they do mine !

    Shiver me Timbers, no no no

    It all comes flooding back sinkingly though.

    Here we have an epic non- battle,and yes I was wrong the sub could not get under the keel of the aircraft carrier if memories allow,too shallow a'water,fact is it was virtually sailing on dry land,saved itself from a fish.

    But wait I was thinking of the battle of Sharnshitenhousen or something like any Kercher has been twitted of my overtures so there

  7. The adjective "tropical" doesn't give much of a clue in these parts, "arctic" for instance would narrow down the options considerably. But a situation described as " it had a pool which was supported on one side by concrete stilts that bedded into a river" is rare, could ring a bell somewhere. Hope you find your paradise.

    Thanks for the replies, but no. all I remember taking a hike with the bike,getting a bit fed up at the distance and there it was left hand side as I whizzed through from Krabi or Phuket.

    Grand entrance,nicely laid out gardens,cafe to the left with a hill backing onto it at left of the park.

    yes the only thing that would ring a bell,outside pool nice one ,but one side was supported with concrete supports that went into a small river at the bottom

  8. Years ago I visited a park about an hour or so out of town,just cannot remember its name. I do remember it boasted a swimming pool with one side supported with concrete legs which bedded into a river

    Really nice park. Posted this in Phuket section also

  9. Years ago I rented a bike,an hour or so riding it came across a tropical park Mostly all I can remember is it had a pool which was supported on one side by concrete stilts that bedded into a river,also had large hill at rear of it that could be climbed. Nice place

    Forget if it was phuket or Krabi I rented the bike ,would like to find the place again tho

    Advice kindly received

  10. Any pictures that you can share?

    Sorry, I took only a couple and they were of the crowd leaving through the pass.

    The MC requested that no flash pics be taken, which of course didn't stop the more ignorant in the crowd from doing so, and I couldn't get anywhere near the cenotaph even 15 minutes after the service to grab a few.

    I've had an email from the centre manager and he said the crowd as estimated at 3285 which sounds like a very accurate 'estimate' to me, or maybe there was an electronic counting device?? I presume that included the crowd watching the big screen in the carpark in front of the museum, and they were teeming down the boardwalk as those who were in the pass at the actual service were teeming up the boardwalk.

    The disappointing thing from my point of view is that about half of the only seating was reserved for 'dignitaries', most of whom were military, including Thai, and their wives/gf's.

    Many times I have stood over one particular grave there in Kanchanaburi,a 20 year old Royal Engineer,died 1943,20 years later that could have been me 20 years old and in the Royal Engineers.

    It really pisses me off these bloody "dignitaries"who the <deleted> they think they are? the army is nothing but a waste of time with those sort of bastards running the show. My army best friend committed suicide because of it all,friends shot down by the IRA,I could kick those <deleted> up the arse and spit on every one of the <deleted>,that is why I never attend.

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