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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. And if it did affect numbers going to Phuket, no problem the rescue cave will be a winner and the kids aren't even out of that yet.


    I really would like to see these greedy Hisos's go without income for one day, I think the result would be like in the movies when a Vampire is killed you know they shriek, squeal and squirm as their bodies convulse and then break down into dust.


    Well that's a little abstract I admit, the reality would be more like getting the RTP to arrest someone, probably a foreigner. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, neeray said:

    I personally think "Lucky 13" will be sufficiently happy just to be home with their families and friends and if they choose, watch the game on TV.

    Besides, Putin is more concerned about how he can best manipulate trump to his advantage at the upcoming summit. He won't be fussing about happiness for a bunch of kids.

    Yeah, let them relax at home with friends and family don't turn them into media darlings, the fame is a great hazard to the young kids.

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