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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. Ultimately, the changes will be driven by their major markets any failure by these countries in pushing the agenda of sustainability in fishing practices and an ending of the Human Rights abuses will see the continued drawn out response we are witnessing. The Thai government appears to want to change the culture, but time and time again they refuse to apply the full power of government when faced with the power of vested interests, Much of this power closely connected to or within the government itself. 

    Only strict and ongoing sanctions by other countries will force change. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, lanista said:

    The media peddles garbage.  There is so much serious stuff happening round the world at the minute but what do we get??  Endless stories about irresponsible cave  kids & divers and of course women who have had sex with Trump.

    The media has become a farce.

    I agree, trouble is there feeding us what sells.


    Have look whats on TV these days they call it reality!

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  3. 1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    I am completely against this.


    Personally I don't buy counterfeit goods, not even dvd's, but since when is a duty of American police to enforce trademarks for big corporations free of charge? Where do they get the right to invade another country to represent big corporations. Scary and world police indeed.

    I guess you missed the American military and it's allies messing around in the Middle East for I don't know how long, something to do with looking after oil companies so I am told.

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  4. If I learned one thing from my time in Thailand is as corrupt as it may be, there is not a lot of difference between them and our so called advanced and free countries.

    We in the west have really been duped in the belief of our freedom and our societies are far from free of corruption just that a lot of it has been legalised.

    Our politicians also travel the country handing out cash in marginal seats.

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  5. 1 hour ago, tryasimight said:

    Why? Most of the supermarket seafood in both Oz and Thailand is farmed produce.

    You need to look deeper, the farmed fish and prawns are fed with protien made from the by catch from the vessels of the Thai fleet, no  sizes or species are spared. Theses are also the fleets accused of Human Rights abuses. 

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