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Posts posted by Liquorice

  1. Chris, while I sympathise with your predicament, you appear to take a very lethargic approach to the information other members have already given you. Are you taking any notice at all.

    Why should Immigration notify you about a 7 day extension. You are a foreigner in a foreign Country and it is for you to educate yourself about the rules, not for Immigration to hold your hand. They probably deal with numerous problems every day that are of the foreigners own making. I'm sure they probably view many of us as stupid ignorant foreigners and get tired of trying to help some because they don't listen.

    Re your last post,

    1.You are not on a Visa, you are on an extension of stay

    2. After 14th you are on overstay.

    3. A 7 day extension would be issued to allow you to cross the border and get the Non Imm O Visa that so many have advised you to do. If CM allowed a 7 day extension, during which time you received the letter and they subsequently allowed the extension to proceed, then that is entirely at their discretion and you'll be a fortunate man.

    If you want to avoid any further complications you need to cross the border, obtain Non Imm O Visas, then make a fresh extension application within the last 30 days of that Visa. Up to you, or pay an overstay and HOPE that CM will do the extension when your letter arrives.

  2. If you register at a Government hospital (only passport required) you can that get consultations, treatment and medication for the same cost as Thais. 20 baht. Not saying it's right, but it works for now.

    Know one expat who goes 3 times a week for physio and pain killers for a shoulder injury.

    Each visit he is charged 20baht for an hour of physio and medication.

    I have only used it once. 20baht for consultation and medication.

  3. I can only comment on our own personal experience with private Thai hospitals and coincidentally that was today.

    My wife woke up this morning and found blood in her urine on her first toilet call. We promptly visited Bangkok Hospital in PHS and the service was efficient, friendly and affordable.

    In and out of the hospital within forty-five minutes and all for 1300 baht, which included consultation and antibiotics. No requirement to fall back on our travel insurance for such a reasonable amount.

    If we want to talk about expensive private treatment in the UK then we can talk all day. Thailand comes no where near.

    I am privately covered by my employer in the UK and no way could I afford it without their generosity.

    The UK offers the International Health Service so no requirement for anyone to pay except for prescriptions which most are subsidized due to benefit claiming. The same health service is not available in Thailand so people are forced to private hospitols such as BKK. Your 1,300 is a light payment, many others are forced to pay hundreds of thousands for a short stay.

    I'm sure it was an oversight PP, but the UK offers a National not International Health Service

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Whilst I accept that you can do a conversion in Bangkok to a Non O Visa for the purpose of retirement, that Visa expires after 90 days and you must then get an extension of your permission to stay in Thailand based on retirement.


    The non-immigrant visa issued by an immigration office as the preparatory step for a one-year extension of stay must be used, ie expires, on the day it is issued. It is the period of permission to stay granted on the basis of this visa that expires after 90 days and can be extended for one year at a time. An example such visa, its related permission to stay and subsequent extension of stay is here:

    Just to support and emphasize that !

    The visa only lives for the few seconds which the immigration officer takes to slam down that "USED" stamp !

    That is an interesting example as it seems that the "visa" and extension of stay were all granted on the same day.

    I suspect such a "one step" process is no longer available.

    That 'one step' process is still available. My mate did exactly that in Bangkok a few months ago.

    Through his own fault, he left it to late to get a Non Imm O from the UK, so arrived on a Tourist Visa.

    He then moved to his home in Amnat Charoen, completed a TM28 and TM30 which he submitted to Immigration and received a receipt for change of address.

    However when he went to do his first 90 day report they refused. Turned out they weren't happy with the issue of an 'extension' which was issued without meeting the requirements of having funds in a Thai bank for 2 months. They told him to go back to Bangkok to do his reports, but they would be happy to renew his extension next year.

    He crosses the border to Lao every 90 days to reset his stay until his next extension.

    Not a good experience.

  5. Great.. the general cares at least, can't say I ever seen the previous government care about us.

    He must understand that most guys that live here prefer him over the old government (except a vocal minority).

    Of course hospitals rip of foreigners its common knowledge. Part of the reason why i got insurance.

    If he would really care, he would reinstate the "Health Card for Foreigner" which was scrapped last year.

    That scheme still runs for the people who it was aimed at, Lao, Cambodian and Myanmar workers.

    Because of some poorly worded guidelines that was misinterpreted by many hospitals it was wrongly offered to ALL foreigners.

    When the error was discovered the hospitals then refused to reoffer it other than for those it was meant for.

  6. It isnt always the hospitals that are ripping you off. A fw years ago in the UK a doctor gave a prescription for some medicine to a patient. The paient went to the nearest pharmacist and handed the prescription over. The pharmicist looked at it and told the customer "If i give you what is on here it will cost you £45. If you look over on thee second row of shelves you can get the same and I will charge £2.75, it is upto you". The customer obviously went and picked the items off the shelf and paid the couple of pounds. Because the pharmicist had not charged the customer the prive for the prescription he was taken to court and heavily fined.

    Moral is, sometimes it is others imposing a price not always the hospital or doctor

    This story is nonsense and could not possibly have happened,here is why: 90% of UK Prescriptions are free! All Prescriptions have a maximum fixed price, for the coming April 2015 the maximum price has gone up to £8.20. So the ones that pay for their prescriptions,will only ever pay a maximum of £8.20! which is also the maximum a Pharmacist can charge in the UK!

    The charge is £8.20 per item. So if a prescription has 3 items the cost would be £24.60.

    Sometimes the items will be cheaper to buy of the shelf, in that case the pharmacist will usually notify you of that fact.

    Only people over 60 or on benefits are exempt from paying for prescriptions so your figure of 90% free is way off target.

    You can sometimes reduce what you pay be talking with your GP.

    I used to get Nicorette gum. 2 x boxes of 140 pieces for a fortnights supply. 2 x items at prescription costs.

    After speaking with my GP he changed the prescription to a months supply of 480 pieces (one item) so I only paid one charge.

  7. Whilst I accept that you can do a conversion in Bangkok to a Non O Visa for the purpose of retirement, that Visa expires after 90 days and you must then get an extension of your permission to stay in Thailand based on retirement.


    The non-immigrant visa issued by an immigration office as the preparatory step for a one-year extension of stay must be used, ie expires, on the day it is issued. It is the period of permission to stay granted on the basis of this visa that expires after 90 days and can be extended for one year at a time. An example such visa, its related permission to stay and subsequent extension of stay is here:

    Thanks for that clarification Maestro and the examples.

  8. Apropos my failed retirement extension.

    I now discovered that I have a 90 day report to file by 18th May. The retirement extension expires on 14th May. Application won't succeed until maybe as late as 26 May. I wont bore you with the details now.

    Am I able to file a 90 day report irrespective of the dates above?

    If that is the case Chiang Mai made a mistake with your report date.

    Once your extension expires you no longer have permission to stay in Thailand to do the report.

    It should have been dated to the expiry date of your extension, but don't worry about that.

    You need to follow the advice given by nzexpat. Only a Non Imm O can be used to get an extension.

    Visa exempts or Tourist Visas are no good.

    Go to Lao before the 14th and get Non Imm O Visas. On re-entry to Thailand you have permission to stay for 90 days.

    Within the last 30 days of that Visa expiring go to Immigration and apply for new extensions just as you have before.

    Leaving it until after the 14th will only mean you will incur overstay fines and you'll still have to go to Lao to get another Visa.

    • Like 1
  9. Godders, you completely missed the point.

    Article 23. Elimination of Double taxation

    1 and a) are referring to income from within Thailand which ARE subject to Thai taxation.

    Other incomes and Pensions which are subject to UK taxation are exempt from Taxation in Thailand.

    Read the full document to understand more.

    My UK remuneration is deposited in a Thai Bank account. I only pay tax on the interest accumulated in that account, which is classified as a profit or income made within Thailand. Because it falls below the personal allowance threshold for Thai taxation, I can reclaim that tax back each year.

    As part of the reclamation I have to submit a form from the bank which details my pension deposits, total interest paid and tax paid on the interest.

    The tax office confirms my UK income is not subject to Thai tax because it has already been taxed in the UK.

    It's only the interest I earn from that account which is classified as income from within Thailand

    • Like 1
  10. Last year I purchased a new Honda Click 125cc.

    As part of the deal they included 12 months comprehensive insurance.

    Now 12 months old, I've just re-taxed and got the compulsory government Insurance.

    Firstly just what exactly does the government insurance cover?

    Secondly can anyone advise on comprehensive policies. Where, who, price.

  11. Regardless of what some of these websites state, a Visa is obtained from an external Embassy or Consulate of the Country you with to enter.

    The proof of the pudding is under your nose in your passport.

    You have an original document obtained from another Country which will clearly state: Type of Visa.

    That Visa has an expiry date, thereafter it is USED (Finished, of no further use).

    When you apply for an extension at Thailand's Immigration they will stamp or write USED across your Visa.

    You are not applying to extend the Visa. You are applying to 'extend the permission to stay in Thailand' that the now USED Visa originally gave you.

    Look at your extension stamp. It is a 'permit', not a Visa.

    Quote: *********** Immigration Office extension of stay permitted up to............

    Further down:

    -To keep your stay permit, re-entry permit must be made before leaving Thailand.

    - Notification of Residence must be made every 90 days.

    Fair enough. I am on a non Immigrant visa based on retirement that I acquire in Thailand, not from abroad, and you are on a permit. Good luck to all who sail in her.

    Whilst I accept that you can do a conversion in Bangkok to a Non O Visa for the purpose of retirement, that Visa expires after 90 days and you must then get an extension of your permission to stay in Thailand based on retirement.

    Perhaps a scan of the document (omitting your personal details) you say you have would be proof. (or not).

    • Like 1
  12. When I first came to retire in Thailand, after only 7 days here I came down with severe abdominal pains and diarrhoea.

    After 5 days of taking medication to no effect, I went to a local clinic where the GP advised I go immediately to a hospital.

    Not even knowing which hospitals were private or government, I went to the nearest.

    First question at reception "Do you have any money".

    It was a private hospital. Only when I answered yes to the first question did they ask my name, age, and the problem.

  13. I think it's also wise to note that banks here operate province by province, not nationally.

    Replacements cards, passbooks, withdrawals, payments etc requested at banks outside of the province of your own branch, will quite often incur a charge of some kind. Always check the terms and conditions before you complain.

    If you move to a different province, you should also change your account to a branch within that province to avoid extra charges.

    I think that is what may have happened in the OP's case, he applied for a new card at a branch in a different province to where his account is held.

  14. Under Thai Tax Laws only income received in Thailand from employment Overseas is taxable.

    Pensions from overseas are not employment related and are not subject to taxation

    Any income you make here should be taxed (above the thresholds) including interest payments from investments, as it is treated as receiving an income from Thailand.

    If the interest is below the thresholds for tax allowances then this can be reclaimed.

    I am automatically taxed on the interest I receive from my Fixed Bank Account, but because it is below the tax allowance, each year I can reclaim the full amount.

    Pensions from overseas are not employment related and are not subject to taxation

    I repeat, all UK pensions income remitted to Thailand is taxable here because pensions were specifically excluded from the double taxation agreements made between the two countries. Check it out.


    Article 23 Elimination of Double Taxation

    (1) In the case of the United Kingdom and subject to the provisions of the law of the United Kingdom regarding the allowance as a credit against United Kingdom tax of tax payable in a territory outside the United Kingdom (which shall not affect the general principle hereof):

    (a) Thai tax payable under the laws of Thailand and in accordance with this Convention, whether directly or by deduction, on profits, income or chargeable gains from sources within Thailand (excluding, in the case of a dividend, tax payable in respect of the profits out of which the dividend is paid) shall be allowed as a credit against any United Kingdom tax computed by reference to the same profits, income or chargeable gains by reference to which the Thai tax is computed.


  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    According to his post, OP is living in Thailand for (min) 10 years on retirement extensions, so his Non-Imm O is long expired.

    I also think that leaving Thailand before the actual retirement extension expires (thus not being bothered with overstays and possible fines and stamps), getting a new Visa abroad and then re-apply for the retirement extension with the new Visa might be a solution?

    That is what everybody would have to do if they leave Thailand with or without re-entry permit and their extension expires while they are abroad. But not sure if that option (travel out to get a new Visa) is suitable for the OP

    Have no idea what you are on about? An annual visa extension based on retirement is a category Non Immigrant O visa as is an annual visa for married to a Thai spouse.

    Realy ?

    Best you produce the evidence for stating that garbage !

    I have been here in Thailand for many years and I have an extension of my permission to stay

    My very old "visa " is now as dead and useless as a deceased parrot !

    Why can I find no reference to a "Category Non Immigrant O visa" associated with my most recent "extension of stay" in my passport ?







    Regardless of what some of these websites state, a Visa is obtained from an external Embassy or Consulate of the Country you with to enter.

    The proof of the pudding is under your nose in your passport.

    You have an original document obtained from another Country which will clearly state: Type of Visa.

    That Visa has an expiry date, thereafter it is USED (Finished, of no further use).

    When you apply for an extension at Thailand's Immigration they will stamp or write USED across your Visa.

    You are not applying to extend the Visa. You are applying to 'extend the permission to stay in Thailand' that the now USED Visa originally gave you.

    Look at your extension stamp. It is a 'permit', not a Visa.

    Quote: *********** Immigration Office extension of stay permitted up to............

    Further down:

    -To keep your stay permit, re-entry permit must be made before leaving Thailand.

    - Notification of Residence must be made every 90 days.

    • Like 2
  16. When I got my OA visa and needed a criminal report I went to the city. I had not lived in the city, just worked in it. They gave me a clear report in that there was noting I had done there. So, if you are concerned, just go to a town you hadn't lived and get a report. The embassy just wants a report.

    Your obviously not from the UK.

  17. I intend to apply in the uk.

    I need to apply for a crimminal record check certificate to present to the embassy.

    If your misdemeanor was a long time ago i would not expect it to be on record now so dont worry.there is no such thing as a retirement visa,its just an extention to a 1 year non "o" immigrant visa that you can apply for after the 1 year is up.I think you have to be 65 or over to get this extention(i could be wrong about the age)

    Criminal records for misdemeanours such as the OP reported are wiped from the system after 10 years, so even if he was convicted (which he didn't actually state) then he won't have any criminal record.

    I disagree with your comment "it's just an extension to a one year non o immigrant visa"

    A Visa expires, it is stamped USED. A Non O Imm Visa gives you 'permission to stay' in Thailand for 90 days.

    At the end of that Visa you apply for 'an extension of your permission to stay in Thailand' not an extension of the Visa.

    OP, if you are over 50 you can get a single entry Non Imm O Visa from the Consulate in Liverpool.

    No criminal record or health certificates required.

    Within the last 30 days of that Visa, you apply at an Immigration Office in Thailand for an 'extension of stay based on retirement'.

    You must have 800,000 baht deposited in a Thai bank for 2 months prior to that application OR a letter of Income from the British Embassy showing proof of 800,000 baht income OR you can use a combination of the two different methods. i.e. 400,000 income from a pension or suchlike, and 400,000 deposited in a Thai Bank.

    • Like 1
  18. Under Thai Tax Laws only income received in Thailand from employment Overseas is taxable.

    Pensions from overseas are not employment related and are not subject to taxation

    Any income you make here should be taxed (above the thresholds) including interest payments from investments, as it is treated as receiving an income from Thailand.

    If the interest is below the thresholds for tax allowances then this can be reclaimed.

    I am automatically taxed on the interest I receive from my Fixed Bank Account, but because it is below the tax allowance, each year I can reclaim the full amount.

  19. Thanks nzexpat.

    The question was on behalf of a friend who has a Thai wife of 6 years, who I've finally convinced to apply for an extension based on marriage. He's lived the last 6 years getting Multi entry Non Imm O's from Lao.

    Another friend has used the same Embassy Income letter for the last 4 years to get his marriage extensions at Immigration, but they have been married for almost 50 years and lived in Thailand for the last 26 years, so he is well known to Immigration.

    With Immigration now applying the rules more stringently, I think he'll have to get an updated letter this year. smile.png

    I cannot see how he could of used the same income letter for 4 years. Normally immigration wants the original and then keep it.

    I just got my 8th income affidavit in a row because they keep the original every year.

    It only came to light when I was at his home to help him move a water tank. Over a cup of tea he asked me if I thought he should get a new letter from the Embassy for Immigration as it was a little the worse for wear. The letter was original, dated 2010.

    He used to privately teach English to a Colonel at Bangkok Immigration, so has connections high up.

    Sometimes it's a case of who you know, not what you know.

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