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Posts posted by Liquorice

  1. Asking the counter staff about the new office or the bar code system is indeed pointless, but I don't think it's the same thing as asking them about what you did wrong when inputting your 90-day report on-line that caused you to receive a message that said "contact your local immigration office"

    I think next time, if I receive this message, I will be more assertive, in a polite fashion, of course. I've found that sometimes works. After all, the computer screen said to "contact the local immigration office" that's what I came to do, so if the three fellows who scratched their heads over why my form wasn't accepted don't know what was the problem, who does? I have time. I can wait. Could I please see the person who would know what the problem is? Perhaps someone who would look up my record in their computer?

    After all, what's the worst that could happen? I guess I could sit in the Immigration office waiting all day for someone who doesn't exist.

    I went to Jomtien immigration to do my 90 day report as i was rejected and asked why i was rejected. They have not got a clue or cannot be bothered.

    I asked if they could tell me my flight No as i did not know this so i left it blank they said they did not know this or could not be bothered to look it up for me, they said it is on my boarding card which i don't think anyone keeps after there flight. Final result they told me to phone up the airport to find out.

    I was told that it is on my arrival card underneath the bar code, but when i entered Thailand i did not fill that bit in.So i guess it's my fault.

    I don't know it , they don't know it !!!


    The flight number isn't one of the required fields as far as I remember, but as an aside, your flight number should be written above the entry stamp in your passport.


  2. Because online reporting has to be submitted 15 - 7 days before your report is due.

    That may be why you got the message to visit Immigration.

    The message does not have anything to do with your reporting date or even the office you report to.

    There have been reports of people getting the message within the reporting window at offices that have approved reports.

    It appears to a a problem with a persons record that is in the system.

    So what message do you get Joe if your stupid enough to try an online report 4 days before it's due?

    Neither you or I know why Don Mega got that message.

    Read Nancy L experience. Chiang Mai couldn't find any reason for her receiving the message and why it didn't work.

    As I stated in an earlier post, I think there is also a technical issue to this problem.

    So far not one Immigration office have any clue as to why certain people are refused online and told to report to their office.

    For some it's a god send, for others it's a shambles with no answers.

  3. mine is due on Thursday so just tried the online thingo....

    Tells me to go to my closest immigration place.

    Mine is always done at One Stop, could this be the reason the onlne thingo will not accept my application ?

    If it's due on Thursday, it's to late to do the thingo now.

    You'll have to get the thingymebob down to whatdoyoucallit to do the thingo and that's bobsuruncle.

    • Like 1
  4. Just tried the online at 15 days before expiration, counting the end date to be safe. No luck and get the check with your immigration office message. I quadruple checked every detail based on my passport, previous 90 day reports and receipts, and it is correct. The only thing I found is regarding my arrival date. I entered in 1993, left to get a double entry non-immigrant visa and arrived back in Thailand in 1994. But their pull down calendar for selecting the entry date only goes back to 2005. So back to mail in for me.

    Tywais, you don't have to use the drop-down menu for the arrival date, you know.

    Or we could all take up a collection for you to make a little trip.

    I'd really like for more of us with problems to actually go "check with your immigration office" rather than just copping out and mailing in the report.

    Or perhaps you want to set the record for being the last person in Chiang Mai to still be mailing in your 90 day report after the rest of us are filing on-line. Is that it?

    Just like you're trying to set the record for having the oldest arrival card in your passport.smile.png

    Someone in the other topic showed how to get further down into the dates so could finally select from the menu but same issue. I had already tried manually entering, menu entering, using different dates as my information is a bit complex due to multiple passports since arriving and a re-entry stamp date I tried. As for going in to 'ask', others have tried to no avail and I'm a busy person. Basically they were told to try again or go away. I'm not wasting my time for the same results and this is the 15 days before for applying by e-mail.

    I spent a lot of time on the CM immigration website to try and find any contact information so I could ask but they have nothing. Even their FAQ forum is broken where they have a topic on 90 day reporting but you can't signup. In other words, I haven't been passive about this issue and trying my best to get the information.

    Trust me Nancy, I want to be able to use the system as much as anyone. I spent ages using every combination to get it to work and it didn't. I have 90 days to see more reports here as to results and solutions.

    Have you tried the Immigration Helpline numbers 1111 and 1178.

    If you need assistance in using the online service, you can call the Immigration Services Hotline at 1178 or 1111

    A lot are having this problem Tywais. Some answers from someone would be helpful.

    Don't TV have some connections in Immigration.

  5. If you can't raise kids at an age where you can enjoy all the activities with them as a Father, why the hell would you want to start when your old enough to be a Grandfather. Your kids will really look forward to School Sports Days when Mum and Grandfather come to watch. Do you have any idea of the ridicule your children will be subjected to as they grow up. Kids can be really cruel to each other.

    Just wondering what activities you think I can't enjoy with my kids (I'm 60)?

    This morning hiked 17Km in the mountains, with an altitude gain of 1Km, just under 4 hours for the return trip.

    Last week went downhill mountain biking twice, 12Km, then 60Km. Normally I stick to cross country, usually around 40Km/day

    As for school ridicule,

    in Thailand entirely normal for kids to be brought up by their grandparents, many don't have parents at all.

    in the UK, nobody even thinks about other people's parents age. House and car maybe, age no

    Everyone is either bullied or a bully, that's how life is. Hair colour, skin colour, etc. the'll find an excuse if you let them.

    So this morning you made a 3 year old kid hike 17km in just under 4 hours.

    Last week he went downhill mountain biking twice, 12km and then 60km.

    But normally he just does the 40km Cross Country mountain biking with you everyday.

    Is your real identity Jor-El?


    Was the question to difficult for you?

    Please enlighten the other members just how these shared activities are possible.

    Let's turn the clocks forward. Your son is now 13 and you are 70.

    Now I can see your son doing a 17km hike at an average speed of 2.6mph to make it in 4 hours.

    Now I can see him downhill mountain biking twice a week for 12km then 60km.

    Yes, I see him doing the 40km Cross Country Mountain bike ride every other day to.

    But...........where are you?

  6. Just did mine, using Safari with the IE function enabled. No problem (knock on wood) and took just minutes.

    Now to see if I get an accepatnce....

    Hey Sheryl

    Information I read here was that Safari didn't need any extra.

    When you say IE function enabled what do you mean?

    Is it a preference?

    To be clear using Safari (or IE or Firefox with knobs on) I could get the form up and fill it in but got the little pop up saying come see us.

    It's in the "Develop" menu under "User Agent".

    From what others have said, if you get the "come see us" message it either means there was some problem locating your record OR the immigration office in question doesn't yet accept online reporting.

    Mind, I'm still in "pending" status myself....

    Sheryl, you can still get a 'pending' status even when your Immigration office isn't yet actively accepting the reports.

    That's how you find out your office isn't functional because your application just remains as 'pending'

    The 'come see us' could be because of a data problem, but the more I read, I think there is also a technical issue causing the problems.

    Nancy L in Chiang Mai had the message to contact Immigration, but when she did, and took the printout of the information she entered they couldn't find any reason or discrepancy in what they already had and she submitted.

    They couldn't or wouldn't though, check the main centralised database.

  7. If you can't raise kids at an age where you can enjoy all the activities with them as a Father, why the hell would you want to start when your old enough to be a Grandfather. Your kids will really look forward to School Sports Days when Mum and Grandfather come to watch. Do you have any idea of the ridicule your children will be subjected to as they grow up. Kids can be really cruel to each other.

    Just wondering what activities you think I can't enjoy with my kids (I'm 60)?

    This morning hiked 17Km in the mountains, with an altitude gain of 1Km, just under 4 hours for the return trip.

    Last week went downhill mountain biking twice, 12Km, then 60Km. Normally I stick to cross country, usually around 40Km/day

    As for school ridicule,

    in Thailand entirely normal for kids to be brought up by their grandparents, many don't have parents at all.

    in the UK, nobody even thinks about other people's parents age. House and car maybe, age no

    Everyone is either bullied or a bully, that's how life is. Hair colour, skin colour, etc. the'll find an excuse if you let them.

    So this morning you made a 3 year old kid hike 17km in just under 4 hours.

    Last week he went downhill mountain biking twice, 12km and then 60km.

    But normally he just does the 40km Cross Country mountain biking with you everyday.

    Is your real identity Jor-El?

  8. I'd guess a lot of these older men having children with much younger wives are trying to relive their lost youth.

    They must have failed in their younger lives to hold down a relationship with their wives and children.

    An ego trip and a last ditch effort to make amends for past failings?

    You guessed wrong,

    I was replacing what my former wife stole from me.

    As for failed relationships, managed 30 years with the previous wife, guessing that's longer than you managed.

    12 Years. Divorced the wife and raised 4 kids aged 3-11.

    Engaged twice, one killed in a car crash, the other died of a brain tumour.

    Enough said!

    Had a vasectomy at 36.

    If you can't raise kids at an age where you can enjoy all the activities with them as a Father, why the hell would you want to start when your old enough to be a Grandfather. Your kids will really look forward to School Sports Days when Mum and Grandfather come to watch. Do you have any idea of the ridicule your children will be subjected to as they grow up. Kids can be really cruel to each other.

    I think the object of the OP's post was to look at it from the view of the kid and what he/she might be subjected too.

    As a kid from a single parent family I well remember the fights and scraps I went through at school.

    Later as a single parent, I also remember dragging kids and their parents into the school to give them a verbal drubbing and I was only in my 30's then!

    God only knows what kids will be subjected to when Dad turns out to be an OAP.

  9. Height of stupidity and greed: a document you need to transfer ownership of a vehicle, and which should be free and readily available takes three or more weeks, and requires a payment several times the actual postage, for which no change is given. And the lone woman in charge of this service at Chaeng Wattana is an unconscionable witch, with a 'b'.

    Pay at the Embassy, or wait...Thai bureaucrats do love their petty little scams.

    (Interesting to note that it's now 200 baht. Last time I tried it, 2011, it was 100 baht)

    Even corruption is subject to inflation. blink.png

  10. I'd guess a lot of these older men having children with much younger wives are trying to relive their lost youth.

    They must have failed in their younger lives to hold down a relationship with their wives and children.

    An ego trip and a last ditch effort to make amends for past failings?

    Other than thinking about yourselves, do you ever give any thought to the life of the child your bringing into this life.

    Chances are, life without a Father to watch them grow into adults, get married, and have grandchildren with a Grandfather to look up to.

    You think money will solve the kids problems...............your so narrow minded.

    The life expectancy is around 80 for western men. At 70 most need some kind of care for themselves.

    Having a child should mean giving a life of commitment and support to a child.

    At 55 or above, do you really think you can give that commitment and support, or does it just make you feel more of a man to know the little head still functions.

  11. Section 37 Para 5 of the Immigration Act reads;

    If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than 90 days, such alien must notify the competent official at the Immigration division, in writing, concerning his place of stay, as soon as possible upon expiration of ninety days.

    The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is an Immigration office, the alien may notify a competent official of that office.

    In making notification under this Section, the alien may make notification in person or send a letter of notification to the competent official, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Director General.

    I would say submit a TM30 (one off) and submit a TM28. At least you'll get a receipt as proof of address reporting.

    It sounds like you're mixing up the requirements for the 90 report which is done on the TM.47(or it was until the recent use of computer record keeping & internet reporting) and the different requirements for the TM.28 and TM.30

    No, I originally stated maybe a TM47, but after thought edited my post to a TM28.

    The OP is on a multi entry Non O, so is never in Thailand beyond 90 days. He should never have to complete a TM 47

    His problem was for not reporting his address after returning to Thailand.

    She then appears half an hour later and tells me that i haven't reported my whereabouts since I entered the country, nearly 3 months so there will be a fine and shows me a picture of me entering Thailand that the border guys take.

    I couldn't believe what I was hearing, so I got the "English speaking helper" to help the girl explain, and yes, I owe immigration 800B for failing to tell them of my whereabouts.

    Immigration are being pedantic in my opinion, but a TM28 is the only other form available to report an address and get a receipt.

    Other than the above section I quoted of the Immigration Act and your quite correct it is really about 90 day reporting, but I fail to see any other part of the Act that would apply.

    • Like 1
  12. Section 37 Para 5 of the Immigration Act reads;

    If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than 90 days, such alien must notify the competent official at the Immigration division, in writing, concerning his place of stay, as soon as possible upon expiration of ninety days.

    The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is an Immigration office, the alien may notify a competent official of that office.

    In making notification under this Section, the alien may make notification in person or send a letter of notification to the competent official, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Director General.

    I would say submit a TM30 (one off) and submit a TM28. At least you'll get a receipt as proof of address reporting.

    • Like 1
  13. I'm 62, have a 3 year old. Very happy with lots of money. Been married 5 years and my wife is now 26. Much support in our family. My child will be taken care of very well. You don't need to be concerned.

    You can never know about the feeling, reasons, or love of life until you can walk in the shoes that carry this joy. Hopefully you can learn something by reading these comments and better understand how important it is to open your mind a little bit more.

    I bet she's happy, you've got lots of money.

    Your child will be taken very good care of......and so will the family hahahaha.

    I lost my Father when I was 11 years old. We were left financially secure and I had support.............but none of that made up for losing my Father. I didn't care about the money, I didn't care about the support...........I just wanted my Father.......nothing else.

    Having children after a certain age is just a selfish act, because children want their Fathers as they grow up, not their money.

  14. Rejected. Your mean it was 'pending' then' rejected', or you couldn't get past the first page?

    I couldn't get past the first page.

    @liana. You can still confirm your theory without waiting 80 days. The application is only submitted at stage 4.

    My next report is due in July, but I can still complete the first stage (page 1) and move onto stage 2.

    @Faz Just tried it. Though I still couldn't pass the first page, it seemed to be for a different reason (not fill in flight number or suffix or something else) because I didn't see the screen (visit your local immigration office). I don't want to play with the system now in order not to be on the black list, so I didn't try again. My hubby got his new receipt 2-day ago, so I'll wait for 80-day, just to be on the safe side.

    You can't be blacklisted for trying. smile.png

    I completed mine and was in 'pending' status, but a couple of days later had a ride out to Immigration with a mate who had to do his marriage extension. I cancelled the application online.

    You can't cock anything up because the information is on their system and you don't have access to that.

    Good luck.

    I mean the original subject: report online 90 days.
    This was not possible for me, so I went to the immigration service.
    As for OA visa that is irrelevant in this post, mine expires in early June, I will go, as usual immigration service of my city, with all the papers for an extension.
    Well, it's not complicated.

    Sirocco, I was only trying to advise you that you are not extending your old O-A Visa when you go to Immigration.

    Your O-A Visa had an expiry date and if you look in your passport it most probably has a red 'Used' stamp across it.

    You are extending your permission to stay in Thailand............not the O-A Visa.

    Using the wrong term as for what you hold in your Visa causes confusion and can create the wrong answers.

    An O-A Visa is multi entry, come and go as you please.

    With an extension of stay based on retirement or marriage you need a re-entry permit to come and go. Proof of funds are required.

    Sorry the online 90 day report didn't work for you. Better luck next time.

  16. @I got my 90-day report approved via online, but my hubby's was rejected. We went to the immigration office, but we also got the same answer (try again next time). I did however notice one thing. As some Europeans have their names spelled with ü or ä and etc., and those letters won't be stored in the database, the full names people keyed in may not be recognized. I found out that my hubbý's middle name is not printed on the Receipt of Notification for 90-day report. Thus, I wonder perhaps his online report was rejected because I input his middle name the system couldn't identify. Therefore, a word of advice to those who try to report online: check the name shown on the previous receipt. Whatever it appears on the receipt should be the official name that's stored in the database. In other words, some names may be recorded without middle names (like my hubby's), and when one tries to fill out ALL info the system can't recognize, it could be a problem. Of course I still have to wait 80-day before I could confirm my theory.

    Rejected. Your mean it was 'pending' then' rejected', or you couldn't get past the first page?

    I couldn't get past the first page.

    @liana. You can still confirm your theory without waiting 80 days. The application is only submitted at stage 4.

    My next report is due in July, but I can still complete the first stage (page 1) and move onto stage 2.

  17. Ok,

    I am 64 wife 34 child 2 yeahrs. Married 4 yeahrs and happy.

    I retired 30 Yeahrs ago , i have the time to spend 24 houers with my Wife and child, great live.

    My first Marrige last only 5 Yeahrs , my doughter is 44, i never had time to look after her ,because of work.

    Still see here every yeahr.

    There ar many fathers in this world , what have Children but do not have time for them.if your healthy why not.

    If you like alkohol, and bars, dont bother ,kids are not for you.

    There are many fathers in this world , what have Children but do not have time for them.

    Well it's a damn good job the Mothers have time then!

    What a sad and pathetic excuse.

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