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Posts posted by Liquorice

  1. What date does your extension expire Chris?

    Have you already applied for the letter from the Embassy. When?

    The only option is to leave Thailand and get another 90 day Non Imm O Visa again for yourself and your wife.

    Basically start the procedure again.

    Just to clarify you are not on a Visa. Your Visa expired a long time ago and then you apply for an extension. It's an extension of your permission to stay in Thailand, not an extension of the Visa.

    The financial requirement is to have 800,000 in a Thai bank account (not accounts) for 2 months for the first extension and 3 months thereafter. Personally, I have a fixed deposit account for my 800,000 giving 2.8% which I leave alone, and a savings account with debit card for my normal expenditures.

  2. Tried to do my 90 days check online a few minute ago. First step with personal information worked. After writing the patchacode, just come back to the same place again, and not to step 2. Am I doing something wrong here ? As far as I can see I followed the form exactly. Any ideas please ?


    Sounds like you didn't complete one of the sections marked with an asterix *

    Look at the top of the page and in red it will tell you didn't complete all the relevant section.

    Happened to me first time I did it. I forgot to check the MR box.

  3. Conservatives have pledged the OAP will rise £1000 a year ,or £20 a week by the end of their term too

    That won't make a scrap of difference to most expats in Thailand.

    Meanwhile back in the UK, the Tories now have a free hand to do as they wish.

    1. 12bn of planned cuts to the welfare system, so the poor, disabled, elderly and disadvantaged will be hit the hardest.

    2. Unemployment should fall....as more are forced into unfair and inadequate contracts...food banks will continue to rise.

    3. Creeping privatisation of our Education and Health system. But don't worry the NHS will remain free...as the death tolls rise.

    4. Cuts will fall heavily on local Councils and Public Services, like the Police, Fire Service and Prisons who are already stretched.

    5. A referendum on Europe and scrapping the Human Rights Act, although we'll keep the good bits like TTIP, which will hand over swathes of our national sovereignty to multi-national corporations. But that’s okay because foreigners are alright as long as they’re big businesses; it’s only the poor ones we don’t like.

    In 5 years I think Labour and UKIP will be back with a bang!

    • Like 1
  4. I would think it depends on your contract and your landlord.

    Unfortunately most contracts will be written in Thai so you only have the landlords word to go on, unless you get it translated.

    In my first rental, I got my full deposit back as soon as I moved and it was inspected.

    This is my second rental and the owner a first time landlord. My contract is very basic, printed of the internet and doesn't go into details of repair or improvements. Most Thais rent 'as is', so if you find repairs are needed or want to make improvements it's pretty much off your own back. I was informed everything was working, but when I took occupancy I found every tap leaked, the western toilet didn't flush and the shower worked periodically according to the water pressure.

    I replaced the taps, but kept the old one's. Repaired the toilet and fitted a water tank and pump which the landlord paid half the cost.

    Told him 18,000 baht, but I did the work myself for 12,000 baht.

    I also did other improvements and decorating but for my own comforts.

    If I leave, I'll refit the cheap taps and remove the expensive taps I purchased. Even then I'll be leaving the house in a better condition than when I moved in. I won't have any problems getting my deposit back because the agreement was 2 months deposit up front, and give two months rent free notice if I leave.

  5. Thanks nzexpat.

    The question was on behalf of a friend who has a Thai wife of 6 years, who I've finally convinced to apply for an extension based on marriage. He's lived the last 6 years getting Multi entry Non Imm O's from Lao.

    Another friend has used the same Embassy Income letter for the last 4 years to get his marriage extensions at Immigration, but they have been married for almost 50 years and lived in Thailand for the last 26 years, so he is well known to Immigration.

    With Immigration now applying the rules more stringently, I think he'll have to get an updated letter this year. smile.png

    With regard to your friend that has been using the same income letter for 4 years: seems to be working for him, don't need to fix what isn't broken. smile.png

    He seems to have a good relationship with the immigration officers at his office. I would try using the same income letter again next year, but I would go 30 days before the end of my permission to stay. If it's accepted, then great. If they ask for an updated embassy income letter, then I would go get one, and have almost 30 days to complete that process and re-apply for the extension. Embassy letters are expensive and possibly inconvenient to get. It seems the immigration officers dealing with your friend have decided to treat him favorably. I don't see the reason to rock the boat.

    (In defense of the immigration officers, if your friend's income is derived from pensions then they are justified in accepting the out-of-date income letter because once started pensions seldom go down (isn't that true?) and the only thing that would affect his income in that case is the exchange rate.)

    By his own admission, he needs to get a new letter.

    After 4 years of being folded, crumpled, stained and stuffed in a drawer it's looking the worse for wear now.

    I doubt Immigration would accept it this year and so does he. biggrin.png

    In the past favouritism may have been extended to certain expats because of longstanding relationships with the same Immigration officers, but I think those days are coming to an end, as Immigration has to be more accountable for it's actions these days.

    • Like 1
  6. Much easier to get that extension as a retired person than as a married supporting Thai wife.


    I agree it's easier, but the basic UK state pension doesn't even amount to the financial requirements needed for a marriage extension without additional payments or a private/company pension on top. Not everyone wants to keep their funds in a Thai bank as well.

    It's an individuals choice how they manage their funds.

    Personally, I'm on a retirement extension with the 800,000k in a Fixed Savings account, but then, that's my choice.

  7. Thanks nzexpat.

    The question was on behalf of a friend who has a Thai wife of 6 years, who I've finally convinced to apply for an extension based on marriage. He's lived the last 6 years getting Multi entry Non Imm O's from Lao.

    Another friend has used the same Embassy Income letter for the last 4 years to get his marriage extensions at Immigration, but they have been married for almost 50 years and lived in Thailand for the last 26 years, so he is well known to Immigration.

    With Immigration now applying the rules more stringently, I think he'll have to get an updated letter this year. smile.png

  8. Where does this (Tory Govt) leave the consortium?

    No consortium anymore. The Tories got the required 326 seats for overall majority.

    Shares already gone up and the £ is up to 51.370 baht.

    Good time to do a transfer.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    As I understand it Immigration will only renew an extension up to the valid date of an expiring passport.

    I am a UK citizen and we can renew our passports at any time and have 9 months of time left on an expiring passport transferred to a new passport.

    My question is, in the case I have a passport with say 15 months left before expiry, so get a full 12 month extension, but then 6 months later renew my passport, would I be able to use both passports to travel (new passport and old with extension) or would I have to transfer the extension to the new passport first.

    Once you have the new PP just take it along with the old PP to Immigration where all relevant detail will be transferred to the new passport

    Thanks NZE, but maybe I didn't explain the situation enough.

    I plan to renew my passport whilst on a trip to the UK.

    Would I be able to re - enter using the new passport and the expired passport with the current extension.

    Only if the old passport contains a valid visa or re-entry permit.

    An "extension " will not allow entry into Thailand

    Old passport with extension and re-entry permit + new passport would allow re-entry, then get the extension transferred at Immigration......Yes?

    • Like 1
  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    As I understand it Immigration will only renew an extension up to the valid date of an expiring passport.

    I am a UK citizen and we can renew our passports at any time and have 9 months of time left on an expiring passport transferred to a new passport.

    My question is, in the case I have a passport with say 15 months left before expiry, so get a full 12 month extension, but then 6 months later renew my passport, would I be able to use both passports to travel (new passport and old with extension) or would I have to transfer the extension to the new passport first.

    Once you have the new PP just take it along with the old PP to Immigration where all relevant detail will be transferred to the new passport

    Thanks NZE, but maybe I didn't explain the situation enough.

    I plan to renew my passport whilst on a trip to the UK.

    Would I be able to re - enter using the new passport and the expired passport with the current extension.

  11. Each individual Immigration office has it's own database recording the details of foreigners registered in their catchment are.

    i.e. For Amnat Charoen the catchment area is Roi Et, Yasothon, Amnat Charoen. It's regional office is Korat.

    The new online reporting system is a new centralised system based in Bangkok. Subsequently all information from individual offices has been copied, or is still being copied to the new database.

    All online applications are received at the Bangkok database, checked and given 'pending' status'.

    Pending status reports are then sent to the main regional office, then forwarded to the individual offices of that region.

    In my case, my online report is submitted at Bangkok, sent to Korat who forward it to Amnat Charoen, who then 'approve' or 'reject' my application.

    The problem many are facing is because of the technical issues and problems associated with the new database at Bangkok.

    The million dollar question is why it works for some and not for others, that's the current problem they are trying to resolve.

    The problems don't end there though.

    Amnat had over 30 pending applications on their system, (that was 8th of last month) they were visible, but the system wouldn't allow them access to approve them. Since the new system started on April 1st, Amnat approved 1 application then the system 'froze'. I'm guessing other offices have the same problem.

    Until Immigration can get the system running as it is supposed to, I think it's to early to speculate on applications not being accepted because of typo errors etc, although I am sure those kind of errors will follow when we have a fully operational system.

    Basically the new system is broke and needs fixing!

    Any foreign IT designers or programmers out there with a WP gigglem.gif

    • Like 2
  12. As I understand it Immigration will only renew an extension up to the valid date of an expiring passport.

    I am a UK citizen and we can renew our passports at any time and have 9 months of time left on an expiring passport transferred to a new passport.

    My question is, in the case I have a passport with say 15 months left before expiry, so get a full 12 month extension, but then 6 months later renew my passport, would I be able to use both passports to travel (new passport and old with extension) or would I have to transfer the extension to the new passport first.

  13. Since this online service started in Bangkok, is there a window of time around the 90 day report date one might normally expect a pending status to switch to approved? If I recall the postal service had everyone wait 30 days after the date to get the reply by post before one needed to follow up in person at immigration if it failed. What about the online service?

    Most pending reports have been approved within 24/48 hours according to members reports.

    If something has failed with the system, the only option is to attend in person. The rule for that is 15 days before and 7 days after.

    I'd ring CW first though.

    Thanks for the 24/48 hours report. I didn't have any idea how long it should take.

    In my case it took 15 days. I just got approved at about 6pm tonight when I checked online. At 5pm I was still pending since 22-Apr. I never contacted them about it - just waited. They didn't email me either,

    Is this a record I wonder?

    The guidance notes actually state:

    • This processing time begins when the Immigration has received your completed application form within 7 working days

    With 2 weekends and a 3 day holiday period from the time you submitted your application (22nd April) means you still got the pending status within the guidance timeframe given.............not a record, but hey another successful online report concluded.

    Congratulations DB.

  14. 100% agree with you that DB has a valid and logical argument.

    Unfortunately logic and validitity don't always feature in an argument with an Immigration Officer.

    If the Officer in front of you decides that you need to pay a fine then you won't be getting a 90 day receipt until the fine is paid.

    Any dispute will be won by the person with the biggest clout, so don't start anything that you can't win.

    Might as well apply by post or in person which is what you would do normally anyway.

    Yep, that's the other side of the coin.

    Problem is posting now becomes an invalid option due to the time frames for reporting.

    The only option left is to go in person and that's a real bummer if it's a 4/5 hour round trip that could have been avoided if it weren't for an error beyond your control.

  15. Since this online service started in Bangkok, is there a window of time around the 90 day report date one might normally expect a pending status to switch to approved? If I recall the postal service had everyone wait 30 days after the date to get the reply by post before one needed to follow up in person at immigration if it failed. What about the online service?

    Most pending reports have been approved within 24/48 hours according to members reports.

    If something has failed with the system, the only option is to attend in person. The rule for that is 15 days before and 7 days after.

    I'd ring CW first though.

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    How long does CW take to approve using online method normally? Does it get approved on due date or what is window of approval before/after due date?

    I submitted 15 days before date 22-Apr, date due is today 06-May and still pending. How long can this pending go on for? I have the PDF document with the Transaction reference number (TRN)/barcode for this PENDING item, so presume it can run for some time yet and I won't be subject to a fine?? How long have members here waited beyond due date? Have members been processed and approved before due date?

    Would suggest that for whatever reason the application has not been successful.

    You will now have to make the report in person if a fine is to be avoided.

    Sorry I don't understand. Why would a fine be due if I have a confirmed transaction code from a report made on time? I'm planning on letting their PENDING status run on until I hear more and was just curious how long this takes from others experience of CW.

    I can understand and sympathise with DB's comments

    What if you made a report by registered mail, but for some unknown reason Immigration lost it (has happened)

    You can prove Immigration received and signed for it, but at the end of the day you'll still have to visit Immigration in person with another completed TM47 and pick up your receipt for your next report date.

    I've never known Immigration fine anyone in this situation.

    He's made an electronic report which is in pending status and he has a receipt to confirm that.

    OK, he may have to eventually make his report in person, but why would he be fined for late reporting .

    Is the situation not just the same as the example I gave for mailing, having complied with the procedure and having a receipt of doing so. The problem is beyond his control and lies with Immigration.

    He has a valid argument in my opinion.

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