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Posts posted by Liquorice

  1. Chiang Mai Immigration couldn't answer the question of why I can't get beyond the first page for the 90 day reports for both Hubby and me. They acted surprised that I get a message telling me to go to my local immigration office. They said file the report like always and maybe next time it will work. Three people looked at the data input pages I printed out showing my attempts to input the two reports, effectively bringing the processing of 90-day reports in CM to a standstill for about 10 minutes. I asked them to go into "the system" to see if Immigration's records agreed with the what I was trying to input, but no one would do this. All they did was to confirm that I input the data correctly from the passports. Duh.

    The answer was to try again in 90 days. I guess they hope that somehow everything will magically heal itself.

    I must admit, until I came with my question, the were humming along in their processing of 90 day reports. Impressive to have three people working that desk.

    I got my 90-day report approved via online, but my hubby's was rejected. We went to the immigration office, but we also got the same answer (try again next time). I did however notice one thing. As some Europeans have their names spelled with ü or ä and etc., and those letters won't be stored in the database, the full names people keyed in may not be recognized. I found out that my hubbý's middle name is not printed on the Receipt of Notification for 90-day report. Thus, I wonder perhaps his online report was rejected because I input his middle name the system couldn't identify. Therefore, a word of advice to those who try to report online: check the name shown on the previous receipt. Whatever it appears on the receipt should be the official name that's stored in the database. In other words, some names may be recorded without middle names (like my hubby's), and when one tries to fill out ALL info the system can't recognize, it could be a problem. Of course I still have to wait 80-day before I could confirm my theory.

    Rejected. Your mean it was 'pending' then' rejected', or you couldn't get past the first page?

  2. hello,
    the immigration service Hua Hin could not answer me about the blocking of the first page.
    It must be said that there were a lot of people this morning at 8:45, and exceptionally I put 1H, watch in hand, between my arrival and my departure, as usual, for the 90 days is 6 minutes and for renewal of OA visa is 1/2 hour.
    Yesterday, Hua Hin was under heavy thunderstorms and some streets were flooded.
    This explains the many demands today.
    I now have 3 months for all releases.
    Good w e. burp.gif

    You can't renew an 0-A Visa.

    You can get another one when the old when expires.......but not from Immigration!

    Don't you mean renew your 'extension of stay' at Immigration.

  3. Could I ask a moderator to open a pinned, closed thread compiling a list Immigration Offices where online report applications are being approved, using this and other similar threads.

    Thank you

    Good idea, but it should be open to allow members to add Immigration offices where they get approved reports.

    Mods have got enough to do already and their not clairvoyant. It's up to the members to post current updates.

  4. 3x 7/11s in my town, so it's not as far out in the sticks as I sometimes imply smile.png

    But I think I'd have a lot more success doing my reports online rather than at 7/11 lol

    Anywho, back on topic smile.png I'll hopefully applying for my WP next month, which should help get me back upto date with any new processes etc

    Good luck Sly, Amnat along with many other offices aren't yet operational for online reporting.

    Firstly they said April, then May, now July. I don't think they know, so until you get it confirmed carry on with the mail reporting thumbsup.gif

  5. Yep I'm starting back on the 1st, so will be applying for my waiver etc soon once I get my new contract (Am a little concerned they might try to modify the terms at the last minute, but will see what happens).

    So I'll be visiting the DoL myself soon too.

    And when I was previously on a B extension, I'd always extend my WP first (And the DoL would put a note in the back that I needed to fax them a copy of my extended visa).

    The 1st is a national holiday?

  6. I think why too high considering what you can rent for. Example, my current address is 40sqm and 5 million to buy but only 19,000 to rent. That's 22 years + pay back. Huge risk .....

    Location, location, location.

    My house has a floor area of 120sqm, large gardens front and rear, patio, car porch. 6,000 rent a month. Cost to build now 3 million

    • Like 1
  7. I filled out the first page correctly -- even knew my flight number and everything. My 90 day report is due April 27, so I'm within "The window". So, why am I getting a message that tells me to contact the Immigration office? It's good to know others are successful in Chiang Mai, but it seems I'm doing everything properly with their system.

    Hi Nancy, It's because the details you are entering on the form aren't matching with the details on Immigrations database.

    This problem is well documented on the same subject in the main forum.

    Most likely a typo error at some point when your information was entered on their database, name, DOB, Passport number or date of extension.

    You'll need to visit Immigration and get any errors corrected on their database, thereafter you shouldn't have any problems.

    Edit: Just seen your post in the other topic Nancy, and 'No' online reporting is not a April fool joke, and 'Yes' there are reports of applications being approved at Chiang Mai and several other offices, although not all offices are active as yet.

    Thanks for the helpful post. I'll try to enter my information again and do a Print Screen so I can take it with me to CM Immigration to compare with what they have in their database.

    Also, I'll try to do Hubby's 90 day report on-line today. His is due at the same time. I wasn't even going to try to do it, but now I know I should, so I can get his details corrected at Immigration if they're wrong. Who knows -- he may be in their system OK and I won't have any problems!

    Nancy, I'm not sure if your local to your Imm office, but personally I would take along some document proof of your details, such as passport and proof of address.

    I doubt they'll change any details without seeing some form of proof.

    When you do get past the first stage of successfully submitting the application, your status will change to 'pending, and you are given a unique reference number.

    To check you status thereafter, you either log in using the URN, OR your name, DOB and nationality, so those 3 parts of personal information seem to be the criteria for the applications.

    As of yet, I haven't seen anyone who got the 'contact your Immigration office' message, actually report back on the forum as to what the problem was once they visited Immigration. Hope you can report back Nancy, once you resolve the problem.

    Good luck.

  8. has this has been asked or discussed before,surely if you can do your report online,what is the difference doing it by fax on a tm47 form

    easy for us guys who are not computer literate.

    I think if they had considered faxing in a TM47 a viable option they would of done it long ago. How many people have a fax machine these days.

    If you can do a post on this forum you can do the online reporting. It is not that hard.

    Plus how do you get the receipt?

    fax back to you,this way they can cross check your tellephone no.for those that have a fax machine it will take a lot less time than what most are experiancing trying by online.for me i cannot get past the login to immigration page.

    i have sent fax's a dam sight more important than this pantomine.

    as for not that hard doing it online there must be a hell of a lot of dumb nuts like myself.

    Not sure what part of the procedure your having a problem with meatboy, but please read the kindly detailed procedure post by Tywais


  9. Just to follow up, I finally got a response for the application that did complete upon my return from Songkran - Rejected! No idea why, so I guess I'm headed to Immigration to try to sort it out. Would be nice if they might let us know WHY we were rejected, but step by step I guess.

    I'll take a wild guess it's because they need further documentation of some kind.

    Some members are reporting they are being asked for documents never asked for before, such as copies of landlords ID and Tabian Ban, or a TM30 form.

    I think Immigration offices are now cross checking the information details you supply, with details held on their database and the hard copies of documents held in your file.

    If you live a distance from your Imm office, it might save you time if you ring them first, and then at least you can go prepared to sort out the problem.

  10. I filled out the first page correctly -- even knew my flight number and everything. My 90 day report is due April 27, so I'm within "The window". So, why am I getting a message that tells me to contact the Immigration office? It's good to know others are successful in Chiang Mai, but it seems I'm doing everything properly with their system.

    Hi Nancy, It's because the details you are entering on the form aren't matching with the details on Immigrations database.

    This problem is well documented on the same subject in the main forum.

    Most likely a typo error at some point when your information was entered on their database, name, DOB, Passport number or date of extension.

    You'll need to visit Immigration and get any errors corrected on their database, thereafter you shouldn't have any problems.

    Edit: Just seen your post in the other topic Nancy, and 'No' online reporting is not a April fool joke, and 'Yes' there are reports of applications being approved at Chiang Mai and several other offices, although not all offices are active as yet.

  11. Gallingly, at the office they only stamped me up to Jun 3rd which is the expiry date of my extension to stay (retirement ). Guess it is a new policy.

    That's standard practice in my experience. A 90 day report cannot exceed the expiry date of your extension, only up to the expiry date of an extension.

    When you get your next extension, it will also count as a 90 day report and thereafter you report every 90 days.

    • Like 1
  12. I see nowhere that it states it is was going to be available nationwide.

    I am sure that the people that have been able to the report online are very happy that immigration made the formal announcement.

    As far somebody trying and only getting the pending notice and then being late doing the report it would be their own fault for not reading and/or not following the info that you say you accept in order to try doing an application.

    Joe, I just done it for AmnatChareon. So I suspect it is available nationwide.

    You got approved and printed of your receipt?

  13. It may not say you have to do your report in person if not approved but their are several hints at it Plus I think a bit of common since would tell you that you need to your report in person. It does state the following.

    "Check your Application Status Online - Within 7 days after your application is submitted, you can check your application status via

    The statement about where you can do your report is a general term not for online reporting.

    Joe, I totally agree that common sense should prevail............however!

    I fail to see how you can defend the Immigrations information when the link I have to select is titled 'notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days via Internet to which the information therein states 'Offices accepting notifications'.........Immigration offices throughout the Country.

    It's misleading in the least and I'm sure a lot of TV members would agree with my sentiments.

    Some of us have to make round trips of 200 -250kms and don't own a car. By the time one realises that their 'pending' application isn't going to get 'approved' because their Immigration office isn't yet 'online', it's to late to make a report by mail, (which one may have previously done), so they are faced with now wasting a day and incurring extra costs to make a report that they were led to believe was possible from April 1st.

    Not TV's fault and I don't know how the report was released, but it is inaccurate, as many have discovered.

    I did my report in person, so it's no skin of my nose, but I feel sorry for the poor sod that's going to realise to late that he's going to have to attend in person, waste a day and cost him 600 - 1,000 baht in fuel costs.

    I really feel TV should take the lead and make a statement that not all Immigration offices are as yet 'online' and that members should check with their own Immigration offices first, before submitting an online application, allowing them the time and option to do a mail report as an alternative if required.

  14. Here's the link for the BKK bank that explains the transfers from UK to Thailand.


    Transferring from 3 different Counties could be tricky and expensive.

    If you can afford to do so, try to limit the transfers to annually to keep charges to a minimum.

    I get my pensions transferred directly to my KBank account monthly but out of interest I followed the BKK bank link.

    The fees that BKK Bank charge are £20 per transaction if transferring GBP plus 0.25% per transaction (to a maximum of 200 baht) in Thailand.

    That would cost me £60 a month + 600 THB.

    Doing it the current way it costs me about £3 a transaction in the UK plus it looks like 300 THB for each transaction by KBank.


    2 options of transfer with BKK, same day £20, 3 days £15.

    If your talking about Government Pensions then they have special arrangements for overseas payments with no transaction charges, just a small exchange fee.

    Of course using that method is a dead cert to have your pension frozen.

    For those that want to avoid the pension freeze, alternative methods are required.

  15. Here's the link for the BKK bank that explains the transfers from UK to Thailand.


    Transferring from 3 different Counties could be tricky and expensive.

    If you can afford to do so, try to limit the transfers to annually to keep charges to a minimum.

  16. The government uses a different bank to transfer the pension and if you don't tell them they will buy THB in the UK and transfer that so you will get less pension as the charge for money change in the UK will be paid by you.

    I think you will find that the pension will only be paid in Baht if you have it paid into a Thai bank, I don't think they will send GBP.

    My Civil Service Pension is paid the same way, I did ask that my pension was paid in GBP but I was advised that it's a contractual obligation with the Cabinet Office to purchase the local currency in the UK.

    I'm better off having my Civil Service Pension paid into my IOM bank, even allowing for the £20 transmission fee, my State Pension will also go into my IOM account.

    Hi good morning

    I get a pension from 3 souces ( different countries ) The transmission fees add up, Would it be better to get all paid to a UK bank\

    and draw via atm,what do you think?

    @green job,

    I currently have two pensions paid into the same UK bank. When I'm 65 I'll have 4 pensions all being paid into the same UK bank.

    I have a Bangkok Bank Savings Account in Thailand, with a debit card to allow ATM withdrawals in baht.

    Bangkok bank has a London branch. Once a year I transfer funds from my UK bank to the Bangkok bank in London with no charges from either bank.

    The BKK branch in London then transfer the funds to my Thailand bank account in sterling, for a fixed fee of £15.

    BKK in Thailand then convert the sterling into baht to get the best possible exchange rate and an exchange fee of less than 200 baht.

    Total cost is about £19 for all transfer and exchange fees and I transfer greater than £10,000 per annum.

    Using a UK debit card to make ATM withdrawals in Thailand is expensive over a period of time because of the charges incurred.

    Transfer your pension(s) into one UK bank and open a Thai bank account to do transfers, ensuring the conversion from £ to Baht is made by your Thai bank.

    • Like 2
  17. I see nowhere that it states it is was going to be available nationwide.

    I am sure that the people that have been able to the report online are very happy that immigration made the formal announcement.

    As far somebody trying and only getting the pending notice and then being late doing the report it would be their own fault for not reading and/or not following the info that you say you accept in order to try doing an application.

    As for reading, following and accepting the terms and conditions to make an application, just where does it state that if a 'pending' application isn't approved by your report date you should attend your Immigration office to avoid late reporting?

    In the same terms and conditions that I accept, it also states;

    Offices accepting notification:
    • Immigration offices throughout the country, particularly the provincial Immigration Office responsible for the area of your residence.

    Is that not a clear statement of the service being available Nationwide.

    Joe, I'm the first one to advocate the need to follow the Immigration laws as a foreigner staying in a Country other than my own, and it's the responsibility of any individual alien to make themselves aware of the rules and procedures to follow.............but, let's be honest they screwed up with the timing and misleading information given on this one.

  18. BANGKOK: A spokesperson for Thailand’s Immigration Bureau has confirmed the new online service for 90 day reporting will be effective from April 1st 2015.

    Col. Worawat Amornwiwat confirmed on Thursday that foreign nationals in Thailand will now be able to report their address via the Immigration Bureau’s website, rather than having to attend their local immigration office in person or send the notification by registered mail.

    Col. Worawat said the new service has been introduced as part of Thailand’s integration into the ASEAN Economic Community and will provide more convenience for foreigners staying in Thailand.

    Foreign nationals staying in Thailand can make their 90 day report online by completing the form at http://extranet.immigration.go.th/pibics/online/tm47/TM47Action.do or by visiting the main Immigration Bureau website.

    Not entirely true. Of the 54 Immigration offices, I've only seen a handful of reports of maybe 12 -15 offices currently approving applications.

    No doubt in time all the offices will be included...........the big question is when?

    Another inaccurate statement from Immigration that just wastes a lot of foreigners time, and could even cause a late report and fine.

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