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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. No, I read the document checklist, which omits half the required documents and only list documents for ID and financials. Obviously you don't apply based on Thai spouse. If you'd taken the time or made an effort to open the link posted by @BaanOz, you'd see I made a similar comment in that topic, then went on to post a comprehensive list of the required documents.
  2. Do you have evidence of your daughter being overseas? Obviously the timing is bad and in future you need to bear in mind your daughter should theoretically accompany you. Interested to know what the 'document' issue is?
  3. No idea why you replied to my post. I was informing, not asking. The link you posted is for the criteria, (financial requirements) not the document checklist.
  4. The list in that topic from the wall in CM IO is for the initial Non O if you entered TV or VE. It is not for the 1-year permit of stay if you already obtained the Non O previously.
  5. She just needs to let the local Amphoe know she wants to take your surname. They'll issue an official 'certificate of name change' as well as issuing a new ID card and changing her name in any Tabien Baan she's on.
  6. That's for the initial Non O when you've entered VE or TV, not for the 1-year permit of stay.
  7. Universal list: Docs Extension of Stay based on Thai spouse.odt
  8. No, because when the permit of stay is approved and issued, it will be backdated to the expiry date of the previous permit.
  9. The codes given are all International numbers. +66 is the Thai International code to ring if you're outside the Country. +001 doesn't belong to a specific country. Instead, it's part of the international dialling format used to make calls to the United States, Canada, and several other countries in the North American Numbering Plan Inside Thailand, just drop the +66 International code, replacing with a 0 as a local code. Therefore, +662 632 6611 becomes 02 632 6611.
  10. Curiosity, but what visa type did you have whilst working. Non B with extensions of stay + work permit, or Non O based on Thai spouse with a work permit.
  11. @DrJack54 is perfectly correct. Although the Non Imm O is used on entry, your status whilst in Thailand is as a Non Immigrant. After a 60-day extension, you left, later returning as a Tourist on a VE entry. Are they confusing it with not cancelling your work permit when you officially stopped working?
  12. If I were in doubt, and returning before my extension expiry date, I'd submit the application between retuning and the expiry date. You can apply any time up until the expiry date.
  13. Should read; Returning on 8th with an extension dated the 10th, and an under consideration stamp dated 30 days after the 10th.
  14. There is a record in the back of the log book when tax/insurance was paid. To tax/insure, you must pay off any arrears from previous years. Any official unpaid fines for speeding, going through red lights, will also be detailed.
  15. Exactly, that answer the question. If you currently have permission of stay until 22nd May and a same dated re-entry permit, and your returning before that date, both are valid. An under consideration stamp does invalidate your current permission of stay, if it did, then when your further extension application was approved, it would be backdated to the date you submitted that application, which it isn't. It's dated from the expiry date of your previous valid permit of stay date. The IO gave you incorrect information. There are already two reports of returning within the current extension date, whilst having an under consideration stamp. If you have purchased a further re-entry permit, I would be interested to know the to and from dates. I can guarantee on your return you will be stamped in until 22nd May, which is the expiry date of your current extension and re-entry permit.
  16. That would depend on your return date, before or after your current extension expiry date. Your dates suggest you'd be returning after your current permission of stay expires on 1st May.
  17. The under consideration stamp is merely a notice that your submitted application for your next extension is under review. I think someone mention a re-entry permit covering the period of under consideration. That is a very grey area, as if you'd be returning after your current permission of stay date, although you'd have a dated under consideration stamp, your next extension hasn't actually been approved. In that situation, I'd state remain in Thailand from the period your current extension expires until the date your application is approved and extension issued. Returning within the validity period of your current permit of stay is perfectly legit.
  18. Correct. Although your next extension application may be under review, you'll actually be leaving and returning within the period of stay already granted. It may raise a few eyebrows on re-entry, just point to your existing permission of stay and ensure they don't give you a 30 day VE stamp, thinking they are doing you a favour, rather than stamping you in for the 3//4 days permission of stay already granted. It's an unusual situation for entry clearance officers, and they need time to think about it!
  19. Very unprofessional to give you the report date on a post-it note. You mentioned a change of staff, and therein may lie your issue. Rotated staff will continue the practice from their previous office unless instructed differently. 90 day reports and extension renewal dates should be completely separate. When we had a new senior IO, he changed the 90-day report dates to be reset from the extension issue date. You can file online from 14 days before the due date up until the due date. However, the online system is automated, and issues the next report date from the date of approval, not the date it was actually due.
  20. Go to any door and window manufacturer, such as, https://kph.co.th/ If they don't replace broken glass panels, they'll be able to recommend someone who does. Next time the girlfriend throws an ornament at you, don't duck!
  21. Already answered by @DrJack54, but I'll just add, although work is permitted on an extension based on Thai spouse, you still require a work permit to be legal. Current criteria for permits of stay based on retirement. 35-2561 (2019 (changed clause 2.22 of 327-2557 ENG.pdf Current criteria for permits of stay based on Thai spouse/family. 327-2557 (2014) - Criteria for extension ENG.pdf Scroll down to section 2.18
  22. Similar. Some years ago, I submitted my extension application based on Thai spouse 43 days prior to the validity of my extension and received an under consideration stamp dated 30 days after my current extension expiry date (73 days). I was then informed of a family bereavement. I returned to my IO for a re-entry permit and questioned the validity. I was informed, provided I return before my extension expiry date it was valid. Returning on 8th with an extension dated the 8th, and an under consideration stamp dated until the 10th of the following month, it raised a few eyebrows on re-entry. The entry clearance officer called a supervisor, they shrugged their shoulders, and he pointed to my existing extension. They stamped me in for 2 days until 10th.
  23. Let me put it another way. The OP has an extension of stay valid until 8th June and a multi re-entry permit. He intends to take a weekend trip, returning on 4th June. There would be nothing to stop him from applying for his next extension between 4th - 8th June. The under consideration stamp doesn't invalidate a period of stay already granted, in this case until 8th June, it covers the period from 8th June until such date his application is approved.
  24. Your multi re-enter permit is valid until the expiry date of your current extension, that being 8th June. Provided you return prior to that date, and you've indicated returning 4th June, then you're OK. If you weren't returning until after your current extension expires, but within the under consideration period, then you'd require a separate re-entry permit for that under consideration period. It appears from your post that your IO date the 30-day under consideration period from the date of application, whereas my IO always date the 30-day under consideration period 30 days from expiry of the extension.
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