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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. Yep, he's clearly confusing the requirements for an extension based on retirement with those based on Thai spouse. Two clearly different sets of requirements.
  2. No. When using the 400K funds in the bank, method for extensions based on Thai spouse, the only requirement is to have 400K in a Thai bank account for 2 months prior to the date of application. Although it's recommended to keep those 400K funds in the bank until the extension is granted, you can then immediately withdraw the 400K. There is no requirement to keep funds in the bank throughout the year, as with retirement extensions. When switching to the income method, only 12 x 40K monthly overseas transfers are required for subsequent extensions, or an Embassy Income letter.
  3. Issuing and changing type of visa: https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/issuing-and-changing-type-of-visa/ Not exactly sure if this fits your criteria. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022C1_01.pdf
  4. I'd speak to your IO fist and explain the situation and your options. Correct, your current extension of stay expires on the date of divorce. The re-entry permit also becomes invalid as that relates to the extension. Worst case scenario, you could apply for a 30-day extension, which will be refused, but you'll be granted 7 days to leave the Country. Apply for the Non B visa out of Country.
  5. According to their websites, they don't offer the METV, only the TV.
  6. I have the same TM30 receipt from moving to my current address 9 years ago. 3 years ago, the IO mentioned it was 'old', but no requirement to complete a new one, he'd just update it on the system.
  7. Yes, 12 x 40K monthly overseas transfers into a Thai bank account, if you're a UK, US or AU national, otherwise an Embassy Income letter.
  8. O-A is purely applied for on the basis of retirement, not marriage.
  9. I'd agree, it's the abuse of systems by 'foreigners' generally that bring about changes. There's a bigger picture to all the problems Thailand as a whole is facing, not just Immigration. I could name a couple, but it would be off topic. Some of these problems are self inflicted by the Thai government in there greed for more visitors and more revenue. They'd save, thousands, millions if they cut out the corruption chains.
  10. Not sure you know where your nose is, you don't appear to know anything. What 'nothings' Trans? You constantly evade direct questions with quips. Time to sit up, smell the coffee beans and start taking notice of Immigration issues. These financial requirement changes obviously affect you.
  11. I'm with you now, that was in a previous discussion and yes, that was correct. There only option was to apply for an extension based on retirement, which of course had different financials.
  12. Then Joe could have correct your 'nothing' issues, but perhaps you simply couldn't be bothered.
  13. That didn't answer the question! You love to intervene with your one line quips, without actually offering any information or advice, other than your opinion. As long as your able to stay in Thailand by any means you don't care about anyone else.
  14. Joe often quoted Immigration regulations. He couldn't be responsibile for the 'rogue' requirement at certain offices though.
  15. What kind of 'nothings'. I've been on extensions of stay based on Thai spouse for 9 years and never had any personal issues.
  16. I'd refrain from using the term MENO. You were previosuly warned about this. If I can write Non Imm O ME, which is the excepted abbreviated term for the visa type, then I'm sure you can.
  17. No it isn't Trans. The Non Imm O ME based on Thai spouse was always on the basis of visiting and staying with Thai spouse/family, for short periods of stay. I'm well aware of the difference beetween a visa and an extension which is a permit of stay. I'm not looking down my nose at anyone. Simply stating the facts as they are.
  18. Actually, a member recently posted a screen shot of the e-visa application site, applying in the UK for the Non Imm O visa based on Thai spouse. At the bottom of the screen was a caveat stating the Non Imm O ME was avilable under certain circumstances, to contact the Embassy, or words to that effect. It was at the bottom of the first page where you enter personal information and the Embassy selection. You'd have to log in and start the process to find it again. The bigger issue and problem as I read it, and I personally know of 3 expats that have done this for years to stay in Thailand. Having been married and then divorced from a Thai spouse, if you still retain an original marriage certificate and copies of the ex spouses Tabien Baan and Thai ID card, that was all the Embassies requested to issue the Non Imm O ME. Rather than impose financial requirements of 400K THB or equivalent for these visa types, they could have simply added the requirement of either a KR2/22 (as Immigration request for 1 year extensions). If your still genuinely married, then the wife could easily obtain an updated KR2/22, scan and email for your submission. That small detail would elimate those who were no longer genuinely married from the process, leaving only the genuine married folk able to apply. I don't think or rationalise like a Thai though! 😉
  19. Ah! You are or were an oil worker and you have my sympathies, as the Non Imm O ME is ideal for there shift rotas. However many oilworkers abused the VE entry system, rather than obtaining the appropriate visa. I advised some of the oilworkers to apply for the Non Imm O ME visa during their 4 wekkly vists to visit the wife. I don't consider a 2 day trip once a year, or even longer a PITA for the benifits. Depends how you enter Thailan whether your staus is Tourist or Non Immigrant from Immigrations point of view. In either case you are permitted to extend your stay for 60 days to visit Thai wife. The Non Imm O ME visas from HCMC and Savannahket have been abused by foreigners living full time in Thailand, rather than for the purpose of visiting Thai spouse/family as intended.
  20. I think it's very much a situation where the Thai government have instructed the MFA to instruct Savannahket to make the changes.
  21. Many years ago, I used to wear short pants, but were in the here and now position. That's because you were ling permanently where you applied, so funds in your home Country were the requirement, and still are. I totally agree that they have tightened the financial requirements, but that's change for you. London in the past didn't stipulate a financial requirement for the Non Imm O ME visa. For the Non Imm O based on retirement a DWP pension statement was suffient, now it's £10,000. There are reasons why requirements are changing. Savannahket and HCMC were always the exception to the rule, because they are adjoing Countries to Thailand. It would have been ridiculous to request funds be in a Vietnamese or Lao bank account, but as the Non Imm O ME can actually allow you to stay in Thailand for almost 17 months before applying for a new visa, it doesn't seem unreasonable to request those funds be in a Thai bank account. Not much use in a UK account if funds are required on the day in an emergency situation. There is a bigger picture to these changes.
  22. Why would anyone living and working abroad want to marry a Thai and obtain the Non Imm O ME visa. Your attempting to making every excuse in the book, because you don't agree with the financial requirements. It's there Country, there laws, there requirements. You can argue with the MFA or Immigration requirements as much as you want, but it is what it is.
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