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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. You appear to be a little confused how the Non Imm O multi entry visa works in practice. Read this previously prepared explanation documents; How- Non Imm O ME Visa. (Thai family-spouse).pdf To answer your questions; 1. 90 day reports are only required from those who have been granted more than 90 consecutive day's permission of stay, for example, those with 1 year extensions of stay. The requirement is basically to confirm our current address. The Non Imm O visa only permits a stay of 90 days, although you can extend each 90 day entry by a further 60 days by visiting your local Immigration office. At that visit you also produce documents confirming your address, so it's akin to submitting a 90-day report. 2. The attached document will explain how it's possible to stay in Thailand for almost 17 months using that type of visa, before having to apply for a new Non Imm O ME visa at a Thai Embassy/Consulate. Each 90 day entry from that visa type can be extended for a further 60 days to visit Thai spouse/family.
  2. The wife is a qualified hairdresser running her own business. You'd be amazed how many Thai women dye their hair regularly, even the young one's.
  3. Hardly. You may Google the question, the same answer appears on many sites, including legal ones. That would be a 'rolling' calendar year. They have enough problems with months falling in the same year. 3 years ago I applied for my annual extension in June, due July, as I always do, only to be informed I was on a month overstay. The IO had to revert to the calendar on his phone before admitting his error.
  4. 5 month validity left on Thai passport, returning to her home Country of Thailand of which she is a national citizen - no issues Last year, I flew back to the UK, transiting through Dubai with a UK passport only valid for 2 more months. No problem whatsoever.
  5. 1,900 BHT for an extension with all the hassle. 1,000 BHT overstay fine at the airport on departure. Do you need to ask your options? To avoid creating a history of overstaying, when calculating your stay and booking return flights, note the day of arrival counts as day 1 of your stay, and 30 days is not always the same as 1 month.
  6. No. I think the sole purpose why Immigration staple the TM47 notification in your passport is as a reminder to you of the next report date, and you don't lose it. Personally I submit online, file the notification in an email file, and make a note on the calendar of the next due report date. Each to their own.
  7. Entering the Kingdom visa exempt via sea and land checkpoints is 2 per calendar year. ***Foreign nationals entering Thailand on the Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme (30 days) may enter Thailand via land border only up to 2 times per calendar year (This limit does not apply to nationals of Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and Singapore). There is no limit on the number of entries by air arrival*** https://vientiane.thaiembassy.org/en/page/do-i-need-a-visa?menu=63bcd53b53c0f0192b3b8ff3
  8. Costa are still the same, 1,900 BHT for an extension of stay application. Re-entry permits are 1,000 BHT for a single entry, 3,800 BHT for a multiple entry. Once you've registered your place of residence with Immigration (TM30) you may have to submit the very first 90 day report in person, but thereafter it can be completed in person, by post or online. I would say that depends on how organised you are. Personally, I have copies of the required documents already prepared well in advance. You can apply for the extension at least 30 days, 45 days at certain offices prior to your existing permission of stay expiring. On the day of application, merely a visit to the bank to obtain a letter and statement, then proceed to the office to submit the application. Processing the application varies dependent on the size of the Immigration office and how many foreigners are applying. CW is a busy office.
  9. From various reports posted on this forum, it would appear to be at the discretion of the individual Immigration official.
  10. It's 2 VE exempt entries via a border in a calendar year, so the effective period starts again in January of each year. Yes, it was the OP's question "Can I still do a 2nd one" that led me to re-read his first line and realise it had been misinterpreted.
  11. If you feel 'marin' is stalking or trolling you, then you need to press on the 3 dots on his post, then press 'report', stating your reason', in order to bring it to a moderator's attention. Mods are volunteers, have a life of their own, and do not read every post.
  12. I take it the OP is not a native English speaker, therefore his grammar is ambiguous and misinterpreted. I think what he meant to say was; "I came in via land border from Laos in mid January, extended, and then so have done one border run already and extended it".
  13. You're allowed 2 VE border entries per calendar year. I'm interpreting the OP's post as he did a border run in mid-January this year, which allowed him a stay of 30 days, which he has extended for a further 30 days (which takes him to mid-March). He's now asking if he can do a 2nd border run this year, to which the answer is yes, he can do a 2nd border run.
  14. You're fortunate that Samut Prakhan aren't checking you met the financial criteria for issuing the previous year's extension (not a visa). But dipping out in Thailand.
  15. No offence taken, but the reason for requesting to see a superior is that your in disagreement with one of his officers. You can agree to disagree politely, but his prerogative if he wants to get angry. It's not a case of proving them wrong, the IO's that you deal with at the front desks are often not well-informed. Over the years I've had my disagreements with IO's and sought an audience with the boss to resolve the issue. Indeed, if I hadn't stood my ground and challenged an IO when I first retired to Thailand and applied for my first extension of stay, I wouldn't be here to this day. Now that IO did get angry, became belligerent, ripped half of my copies and threw them across the desk onto the floor because I insisted of seeing his superior.
  16. There is absolutely nothing that states in law you are required to carry a TM30 receipt notification in your passport. It's placed there as a convenience to Immigration so they don't waste time looking it up on the system. It may be common practice, but certainly not the law.
  17. A 1-year extension of stay is not a visa, it's a permit. Hence, the stamp will state ''permitted to stay until'' (date). 7. Please note that the period of visa validity is different from the period of stay. Visa validity is the period during which a visa can be used to enter Thailand. In general, the validity of a visa is 3 months, but in some cases, visas may be issued to be valid for 6 months, 1 year or 3 years. The validity of a visa is granted with discretion by the Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate-General and is displayed on the visa sticker. 8. On the other hand, the period of stay is granted by an immigration officer upon arrival at the port of entry and in accordance with the type of visa. For example, the period of stay for a transit visa is not exceeding 30 days, for a tourist visa is not exceeding 60 days and for a non-immigrant visa is not exceeding 90 days from the arrival date. The period of stay granted by the immigration officer is displayed on the arrival stamp. Travellers who wish to stay longer than such period may apply for extension of stay at offices of the Immigration Bureau. https://www.mfa.go.th/en/page/general-information?menu=5e1ff6d057b01e00a6391dc5
  18. AS @DrJack54 mentioned, take special note of clause 2.2. 2.2 After a householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager already made a notification according to 2.1, then the alien goes to occasionally stay somewhere else and return to stay at the original place within the notified period of stay tahat has not yet ended, such householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager is not required to make a notification again. The alien mentioned in paragraph 1 shall include any alien receiving a multiply entry visa who departs the Kingdom and returns within the validity of visa and any alien permitted to re-enter into the Kingdom with a valid re-entry permit.
  19. Show them their own issued regulation amending section 38 of the Immigration Act. TM30 reporting regulation (Eng).pdf TM30 reportingregulation(Thai).pdf
  20. Sounds as though you entered VE (without a visa) and was granted a stay of 30 days, which can be extended for a further 30 days for tourism purposes. To apply for a 1-year extension of stay, you must firstly have Non Immigrant status, not Tourist. You could have applied for a Non Imm O visa from the Thai Embassy, London, prior to entry. For just such situations, Immigration offer a procedure to change your status to Non Immigrant without leaving the Country. The procedure is here: VE-TV to Non O Retirement.pdf Depending on which office you apply at and having at least 15-21 days permission of stay left, you could apply for the Non Imm this week. Alternatively, you could apply for a 30-day extension to grant you more time to apply for the Non Imm. Once your Non Imm is granted, you'll be granted a further stay of 90 days. Within the last 30 days of that 90 days, you may apply for the 1-year extension of stay based on retirement. The above information is subject to meeting the financial requirements.
  21. Some basics. To apply for a 1-year extension of stay based on retirement, there are a few requirements to be met. Firstly, you must have a Non Immigrant status (Non Imm O), not tourist status, which you currently have. Secondly, you'll need to transfer the equivalent of 800K THB funds from overseas and deposit in a Thai bank account, your sole name, so you'll need to open a Thai Savings account. Immigration offer a procedure to change your status when you entered as a tourist, to Non Immigrant to save going out of Country to obtain a Non Imm O visa. The procedure is here; VE-TV to Non O Retirement.pdf Probably easier to enter from S Korea visa exempt, which will grant a stay of 30 days and can be extended for a further 30 days, then follow the above procedure to obtain Non O. When the Non O is granted you'll be granted a further stay of 90 days. Within the last 30 days of that 90 days, you may apply for the 1-year extension of stay based on retirement.
  22. No, it's recurring thread due to foreign tenants unable to accept they are just as responsible as the owner or landlord to file the TM30. Section 38 and section 4 of the Immigration Act make it abundantly clear who can be deemed responsible to file a TM30. A lawyer has already brought the TM30 to question and as a result Immigration issued new regulations in 2020 easing and amending the requirements of section 38 of the Immigration Act when it was and wasn't necessary to file a TM30.
  23. Your point being what exactly? You're quoting a personal opinion from a commercial website with the only factual reference to section 37 of the Immigration Act, which is now defunct due to new Immigration TM30 regulations published in 2020. That sort of pre-dates that article prior to 2020 and is out of date with the information. If as you surmise it's the landlord's responsibility, why does the TM30 online registration site allow foreigners to register as a tenant/possessor of the residence.
  24. And what part of the responsibility also being the 'possessor, tenant, or in any other capacity whatsoever' did you fail to understand.
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