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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. I have strong faith in God and I am a Christian.

    I wasn't always a Christian or brought up that way with it forced down my neck. During school I became an Athiest and couldn't possibly understand why religion exsisted.

    My quote was:

    "Religion is a crutch for weak people"

    But then during college I just changed and that is an experience I can not explain with words it is something one must experience to feel the way I did, an amazing uplift.

    Some people are shocked when I tell them I am a Christian and expect me to be a person who goes to Church every Sunday and can quote the Bible word for word. They also expect a lot of things but I believe you don't need those things to be a Christian. I believe all you need is faith deep down :o

    It is a daily struggle really because keping faith always is. I'm surrounded by people that don't believe and judge me for being who I am. Sometimes my faith will be weak but I will always believe.

  2. Aaaww bwess him!

    He didn't know thats why he was asking, at least he asked guys! It probably saved you many posts about him stuggling in a bar in Thailand  :D

    Ice, is it only you or somebody else is using your account?

    It's too much for a 17 yrs old girl, can't belive it.

    BTW, what does the management of this site have to say about an underage attending the web site that could be categorized as, at least, "parental guidance"?

    I am really seventeen.

    And the minimum age to join is thirteen so it isn't underage is it? :o

  3. I do 50 situps every morning and every night.

    And now and then I'll do some running. It's such a great exercise mentally and psychically because I find it really does clear your mind as well as being a good exercise.

    The first day I started kick boxing in the UK my instructor told me if I couldn't run a few miles then I would be useless so thats when I started running!  :D

    Sit ups are really bad for your lower back. Try crunches and you get a real good burn without any lower back stress. :o

    Thanks for the advice :D

  4. I do 50 situps every morning and every night.

    And now and then I'll do some running. It's such a great exercise mentally and psychically because I find it really does clear your mind as well as being a good exercise.

    The first day I started kick boxing in the UK my instructor told me if I couldn't run a few miles then I would be useless so thats when I started running! :o

  5. Like Thaibebop just said when I post I will obviously be in different moods and as some of you would of noticed I'm not this mean ice queen all the time on the board or in my time away from ThaiVisa.

    My posts are my opinions, thoughts and feelings. And in some topics I do have some fun with members.

    Some members that talk to me on MSN or whom I exchange a few PM's with get to know me a little better than most but everything I post is actually me and not a fake character. I have a lot of opinions and I just tend to share them on here whilst having fun, thats it really.

    Just don't be fooled by my handle.


  6. This is terrible.

    I've noticed something too, I don't know if it is just me though...

    I tend to see many males with cameras around Pattaya recording girls that don't seem to know they are being filmed. They could just be tourists having some fun and meaning no harm but you never know, do you?

    On one of my birthdays in Pattaya some man filmed the whole lot that I'd never seen before in my life. I assumed it was a friend of someone that was at my party. When I asked around it turned out no one knew the guy!


    I don’t believe much film shot in and around the bars in Pattaya is

    taken back to any country to show the family and family friends!!!!

    Thats not to say its all bad, its just not that sort of town is it !!!! :D

    I didn't say just the bars though. Infact I didn't mention the bars at all in my post. I don't really like the way Pattaya is always associated with only the bars.

    I've seen males film in shopping malls also, just the other week me and a friend was filmed whilst in a mall, it really isn't right. It is tourist behaviour to want some memories of their holidays but going around intentionaly filming females without their consent is a little perverted to me.

    This behaviour just stands out to me as I am a female but has anyone else seen it?

  7. This is terrible.

    I've noticed something too, I don't know if it is just me though...

    I tend to see many males with cameras around Pattaya recording girls that don't seem to know they are being filmed. They could just be tourists having some fun and meaning no harm but you never know, do you?

    On one of my birthdays in Pattaya some man filmed the whole lot that I'd never seen before in my life. I assumed it was a friend of someone that was at my party. When I asked around it turned out no one knew the guy!


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